CH. 9

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Which of the following protein sources does not contain all essential amino acids in appreciable quantities? -lentils -eggs -beef -poultry


A high serum level of which of the following substances is protective against heart disease? cholesterol VLDL triglycerides HDL


Excessive intake of which of the following vitamins can lead to liver damage, dizziness, and joint pain? a. A b. D c. E d. K

a. A

Which of the following proteins has an amino acid profile MOST similar to the body's needs? a. soy b. egg c. wheat d. rice

b. egg

An athlete training for a marathon averages around 95 minutes of training a day at 75% of her VO2max. If she weighs 126 pounds (57 kg), what is her minimum recommended daily intake of carbohydrate? a. 85.5 g b. 285 g c. 456 g d. 570 g

c. 456 g

Which of the following BEST describes dietary fat consumption? a. It should be less than 15% of total calories for healthy athletes .b. It should never be higher than 40% of total calories. c. Its restriction can be harmful to health and performance. d. It is not an essential nutrient.

c. Its restriction can be harmful to health and performance.

Which of the following best explains the needs for increased protein intake by athletes? -restriction of calories to lose weight -the quality of protein consumed -increased need for tissue repair -decreased protein oxidation during aerobic exercise

increased need for tissue repair

The following is the most likely contributor to fatigue and poor performance: -low calcium intake -omega-3 fatty acid deficiency -iron deficiency -low protein intake

iron deficiency

Which of the following is characteristic of nervosa?

preoccupation with food

Which of the following is a macronutrient? protein fiber sodium water


The minimum recommended intake of protein for athletes is ______ g/kg of body weight. 1.7 1.0 0.8 1.4


After a 2-hour outdoor training session, an athlete lost 3 pounds (1.4 kg). How much fluid should this athlete consume to return to a more ideal hydration state? 1.5 L (50 oz) 3 L (96 oz) 1.5 cups (355 mL) 3 cups (710 mL)

1.5 L (50 oz.)

During prolonged activity in hot weather, an athlete should consume a sport drink that meets which of the following guidelines? -5-10% carbohydrates -0-5 degrees Celcius -200-300 mEq of sodium per liter -12-15 mEq of potassium per liter

5-10% carbohydrates

Which of the following is defined as "the average daily nutrient requirement adequate for meeting the needs of most healthy people within each life stage and sex"? a. Estimated Average Requirement b. Adequate Intake c. Recommended Dietary Allowance d. Dietary Reference Intake

c. Recommended Dietary Allowance

Which of the following conditions is defined as having diluted blood sodium levels (<130 mmol/L)? a. hypohydration b. hypernatremia c. hyponatremia d. euhydration

c. hyponatremia

A deficiency in which of the following nutrients is the most prevalent nutrition deficiency worldwide and can cause weakness, fatigue, and decreased exercise capacity? a. calcium b. B12 c. protein d. iron

d. iron

Which of the following is a recommendation for lowering undesirably high levels of blood lipids? -replace saturated fatty acids with mono- or polyunsaturated fatty acids -limit saturated fatty acid intake to 30% of total calories -consume a minimum of 500 mg of dietary cholesterol per day -reduce complex carbohydrate intake

replace saturated fatty acids with mono- or polyunsaturated fatty acids

Maintaining adequate glycogen stores -decreases endurance performance -spares the use of protein for energy -improves maximum power -helps athletes gain weight

spares the use of protein for energy

Which of the following has the GREATEST influence on an athlete's dietary carbohydrate requirement?

type, duration, and frequency of exercise

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