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According to McClelland, managers who are extremely concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relationships have a high need for _____. A. affiliation B. conscientiousness C. achievement D. competence E. power


The concentration of authority at the top of the managerial hierarchy is known as _____. A. centralization B. entropy C. esprit de corps D. the Hawthorne effect E. the unity of direction


____ are the inner guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that people use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is the right or appropriate way to behave. A. Ethics B. Intuitions C. Laws and regulations D. Norms E. Aesthetics


_____ refers to the ability to act on one's own without direction from a superior. A. Initiative B. Equity C. Order D. Discipline E. Stability


_____ are job-specific skills required to perform a particular type of work or occupation at a high level. A. Organizing skills B. Technical skills C. Conceptual skills D. Human skills E. Intuitive skills


According to the approaches to social responsibility, at the low end of the range is the _____ approach, in which companies and their managers choose not to behave in a socially responsible way. A. obstructionist B. defensive C. reactive D. proactive E. accommodative


In a(n) ________, authority is decentralized to middle and first-line managers to encourage them to take responsibility and act quickly to pursue scarce resources. A. organic structure B. bureaucratic structure C. mechanistic structure D. hierarchical structure E. formal structure


Which of the following defines unity of direction? A. The singleness of purpose that makes possible the creation of one plan of action to guide managers and workers as they use organizational resources B. The concentration of authority at the top of the managerial hierarchy C. The creation of an organizational structure where authority is decentralized D. The power to hold people accountable for their actions E. The justice, impartiality, and fairness to which all organization members are entitled


Norms are defined as _____. A. standards for personal excellence set by people with a high need for achievement B. unwritten codes of conduct considered important by most members of a group C. ever-changing rules that govern the daily activities of organizations D. laws set down by the government that affect the way organizations function E. formalized codes of conduct that govern members of society in all aspects of life


According to McClelland, people who are motivated by challenging tasks and strive to meet personal standards for excellence have a high need for _____. A. solidarity B. achievement C. agreeableness D. power E. affiliation


Formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals are known as _____. A. axioms B. rules C. beliefs D. mores E. norms


Managers who have _____ generally like their work, which they believe has many desirable features or characteristics. A. low levels of organizational commitment B. high levels of job satisfaction C. high levels of introversion D. high levels of negative affectivity E. low levels of extraversion


The managerial task of leading requires managers to: A. develop strategies to produce goods and services more cheaply than any competitor. B. energize and enable employees so everyone understands the part he or she plays in achieving organizational goals. C. find new and innovative ways to produce and provide goods and services. D. decide what organizational goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use resources. E. evaluate how well an organization has achieved its goals.


The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about oneself and the rest of the world is called _____. A. openness to experience B. extraversion C. conscientiousness D. introversion E. organizational commitment


Which of the following rules states that an ethical decision is a decision that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people? A. Retributive justice B. Utilitarian C. Moral rights D. Restorative justice E. Practical


Which of the following statements defines efficiency? A. It is a measure of how easily managers can alter the way they perform their activities to respond to actions of their competitors. B. It is a measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. C. It is a measure of the degree of novelty of innovation in products or production. D. It is a measure of the speed with which a manager responds to an unforeseen event in the organization. E. It is a measure of the appropriateness of the goals that managers have selected for the organization to pursue.


_____ is a measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use available resources to satisfy customers and achieve company goals. A. Core competency B. Organizational performance C. Regression analysis D. Benchmarking E. Turnaround management


_____ refers to an organization's ability to outperform others because it produces desired goods or services more efficiently and effectively than they do. A. Empowerment B. Competitive advantage C. Dissemination D. Turnaround management E. Restructuring


_____ supply a company with its productive resources; as a result, they have a claim on or share in the company. A. Entrepreneurs B. Stakeholders C. Shadow economies D. External recruiting agencies E. Shell corporations


_____ values are a personal conviction about desired modes of conduct or ways of behaving. A. Operational B. Instrumental C. Nominal D. Terminal E. Experiential


According to McClelland, the need for _____ is the extent to which an individual desires to control others. A. agreeableness B. affiliation C. power D. achievement E. conscientiousness


Though Eva is a highly efficient and effective manager, she tends to be less optimistic than her colleagues and avoids social interaction whenever she can. On which of the following does she score high? A. Extraversion B. Agreeableness C. Introversion D. Organizational socialization E. Affiliation


Time-and-motion study involves: A. the formal analysis of how employees spend their time outside the workplace. B. carefully designing the work environment so as to efficiently manage the workforce. C. carefully timing and recording the actions taken to perform a particular task. D. classifying workers into distinct categories based on the average time taken to accomplish a particular task. E. studying the effects of poor lighting on a worker's performance.


Which of the following refers to a specific set of departmental skills, knowledge, and experience that allows an organization to outperform its competitors? A. Entropy B. Economies of scale C. Core competency D. Vertical integration E. Synergy


Which of the following refers to the esteem organizations gain when they behave ethically? A. Prejudice B. Moral scruple C. Reputation D. Strategic value E. Preconception


Which of the following terms refer to the guiding practices and beliefs through which a particular firm views its responsibilities to stakeholders? A. Societal ethics B. Government regulations C. Organizational ethics D. Professional ethics E. Individual ethics


Which of the following terms refer to the standards that determine how people should act in situations when their own self-interest is at stake? A. Governmental ethics B. Occupational ethics C. Individual ethics D. Societal ethics E. Organizational ethics


_____ are standards that govern how members of a profession should conduct themselves. A. Governmental ethics B. Societal ethics C. Occupational ethics D. Individual ethics E. Organizational ethics


_____ refer(s) to unwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and are considered important by most members of a group or organization. A. Initiatives B. Rules C. Norms D. Standard operating procedures E. Norms of engagement


According to Mintzberg, a manager who outlines future organizational goals to employees at company meetings, opens new buildings, or states the company's ethical guidelines, is playing the role of a _____. A. liaison B. spokesperson C. negotiator D. figurehead E. monitor


If a manager chooses inappropriate goals, but makes good use of resources to pursue these goals, it results in: A. low efficiency and low effectiveness. B. high efficiency and high effectiveness. C. low efficiency but high effectiveness. D. high efficiency but low effectiveness. E. no change in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.


The _____ movement advocates that supervisors be behaviorally trained to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity. A. scientific management B. anti-unionization C. organizational justice D. human relations E. anti-globalization


_____ companies and managers stay within the law and abide strictly by legal requirements but make no attempt to exercise social responsibility beyond what the law dictates. A. Accommodative B. Proactive C. Reactive D. Defensive E. Offensive


_____ refer(s) to specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task. A. Agenda B. A mission statement C. Norms D. Standard operating procedures E. Goals


An individual's life long goals or objectives are described by his or her _____ values. A. operational B. experiential C. instrumental D. nominal E. terminal


Managers who are _____ tend to be less inclined toward social interactions and are less optimistic. A. high on affiliation B. low on introversion C. high on agreeableness D. low on negative affectivity E. low on extraversion


The principle of _____ specifies that an employee should receive orders from, and report to, only one superior. A. ethical leadership B. decentralization C. unity of direction D. division of labor E. unity of command


Which of the following skills gives a manager the ability to understand, lead, and control the behavior of other workers? A. Scientific skills B. Conceptual skills C. Qualitative skills D. Technical skills E. Human skills


Which of the following terms refer to the standards that govern how members of a society should deal with one another? A. Professional ethics B. Societal etiquettes C. Organizational ethics D. Individual ethics E. Societal ethics


_____ is the ability to analyze and diagnose a problem situation and distinguish between cause and effect. A. Negotiating skill B. Intuitive skill C. Technical skill D. Human skill E. Conceptual skill


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