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headache sleepiness increased respiratory rate

5-6% body weight loss leads to what symptoms?


Antidiuretic hormone is produced by the pituitary in response to dehydration.


Artichokes contain more potassium per serving than do eggs.

liver damage

Deficiency of choline is associated with ________ .


Degeneration of nerves progressing to paralysis

10 to 20 minutes

Even with an SPF 15 to 30 sunscreen, sufficient vitamin D synthesis can be obtained in as little as ________ of sun exposure.


When iron concentrations become abnormally high, the spleen converts some ferritin into another storage protein called hemosiderin.


Which electrolyte is a cation?


Which food (or food group) contains phytates?


Which food offers the most calcium per serving?


Which food provides the most magnesium per serving?

sunflower seeds

Which food provides the most phosphorous per serving?


Which form of vitamin D is derived from animals in the diet?


The most common cause of goiter is iodine deficiency.


What niacin - deficiency disease produces the symptoms known as the "four Ds?"


Vitamin A participates in the conversion of light energy into nerve impulses at the retina.


Vitamin B12 is easily inactivated by ________

Synthesis of collagen

Vitamin C is involved in the ________

lipids, oxidative, premature, hemolysis, vegetable, least

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, defending _____ and other components of the cells against ____ damage. Deficiencies are rare, but they do occur in ______ infants, the primary symptom being erythrocyte ______ Vitamin E is found predominantly in ______ oils and appears to be one of the toxic of the fat-soluble vitamins.


Vitamin E is widespread in foods.


Vitamin K is essential for the synthesis of ________ and other clotting factors.


Vitamin K plays a critical role in coagulation.


Vitamins C and E both decrease risk of lung cancer.


What vitamin A compounds bind with opsin to form rhodopsin?


____ doses of Vitamin K can reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulant drugs.


capsaicin, found in hot peppers, modulates blood clotting.

Research examining the effects of fruit and vegetable consumption on chronic disease risk has shown ________

decreased risk of lung cancer for fruits but not vegetables


hich food will provide the most vitamin C per serving?

thirst fatigue loss of appetite

1-2% body weight loss leads to what symptoms

dry mouth flushed skin apathy

3-4% body weight loss leads to what symptoms?

dizziness loss of balance collapse

7-10% body weight loss leads to what symptoms?


A 35-year-old man consumed the following folate-containing foods for lunch: a sandwich made with 2 slices of fortified bread (14 μg natural, 48 μg synthetic) and 4 tablespoons peanut butter (47 μg); 1/2 cup carrot sticks (12 μg); an orange (48 μg); and 2 graham crackers (5 μg natural, 8 μg synthetic). What percentage of his RDA for folate did his lunch provide?


A _______ deficiency in Vitamin K is rare.


A person whose RDA for protein is 45 grams consumes 75 grams of protein in a day. How many niacin equivalents does this represent? Niacin equivalents:

blood clotting

A primary role of Vitamin K is _______.

40 year old man: 8.8 c 27 year old female:13.2 c

A sedentary 40-year-old male and a 27-year-old female professional basketball player each expend 2200 kcal per day. Calculate the water recommendation in cups based on energy expenditure for these two individuals.


A slight manganese overload may aggravate a calcium deficiency.


A(n) ________ is the best source of B6 per kcalorie.


Above 40° north latitude (and below 40° south latitude in the southern hemisphere), vitamin D synthesis essentially ceases for the 4 months of winter.

bone fractures

Adequate amounts of Vitamin K protect against ___


Among the best sources of phosphorus are bananas.


An individual who has lost fluids equivalent to 3% to 4% of his or her body weight may experience impaired physical performance.


As much as ________ of the sodium in people's diets comes from salt added to foods by manufacturers.


Beta-carotene serves as a vitamin D precursor.


Blood indicators of beneficial bone activity are apparent ________ weeks after a person quits smoking.


Body odor, liver damage


Calcium: Toxicity Symptoms


Cancers arise when cellular RNA is damaged—sometimes by free-radical attacks.


Cells in the kidneys respond to low blood pressure by releasing an enzyme called ________ .


Chloride is the major anion of the extracellular fluids.


Chloride: Toxicity Symptoms


Chromium is an essential mineral that participates in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.


Coenzyme carries activated carbon dioxide


Coenzyme complex that transfers 1-carbon compounds from metabolic reactions


Coenzymes NAD and NADP that carry hydrogen ions in energy-transfer reactions


Compounds found in foods that combine with nutrients to form complexes that cannot be absorbed with the body


Cortical bone losses typically begin at about what age?


Delirium, exhaustion, and collapse can result when ____ percent of body weight has been lost due to dehydration


Derived from animals in the diet or made in the skin


Derived from plants in the diet


Dietary supplements are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as ________ .


Eat sweet potatoes, not corn, to meet your vitamin A needs.

major minerals

Essential nutrients required in larger quantities

trace minerals

Essential nutrients required in less than 100 mg per day


Excess lead in the blood deranges the structure of red blood cell membranes, making them leaky and fragile.


Flaxseeds are a source of omega-3 fatty acids.


Fluoride acts as a cofactor for many enzymes that facilitate the metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids, and amino acids.


Foods rich in vitamin C seem to protect against certain types of cancers, especially ________ cancer.


Found in the blood, made from calciol in the liver


Heme iron is found only in foods derived from the flesh of animals, such as meats, poultry, and fish.

signals the thyroid gland to secrete calcitonin

High blood calcium ________


Ideally, how much weight would you expect a normal-weight woman to have gained by the 32nd week of pregnancy?


If 3 oz. of liver provides 6,582 μg RAE, what percentage of the RDA for vitamin A does an adult female receive from 1 oz. of liver? RDA:

396.5 μg, 3000 μg.

If a carrot has 7,930 IU of beta-carotene, approximately how many μg RAE does it provide? If a supplement contains 20,000 IU of beta-carotene, approximately how many μg RAE does it provide? Carrot μg RAE: Supplement μg RAE:


In the brain, vitamin D protects against cognitive decline and slows the progression of Parkinson disease.


Infants are born with a sterile intestinal tract and it takes weeks for vitamin K-producing bacteria to become established.


Infants are injected with Vitamin K shortly after birth because they are born with a ____ intestinal tract.


Iron deficiency is also called iron-deficiency anemia.


Iron deficiency is also called iron-deficiency anemia.


Made from calcidiol in the kidneys; also known as active vitamin D


Mental confusion, elevated homocysteine


More than half of the body's magnesium is in the bones.


Most of the trace minerals are toxic at intakes only two and a half to eleven times above the estimated requirements.


Night blindness is one of the first detectable signs of vitamin A deficiency and permits early diagnosis.


Of all the members of the vitamin E family, only ________ is maintained in the body and can meet the body's needs for the vitamin.

acid form

Retinoid acid (o on top with double bond to C, single bond to OH on the side

beef liver

One ounce of ________ provides more than three times the RDA for vitamin A


Only 10% of the body's calcium is in the body fluids


Osteoporosis affects an estimated 52 million people in the United States.


Overconsumption of _______ can lead to calcification of non-skeletal tissues


Overconsumption of_____ can led to calcification of nonskeletal tissues.


Part of coenzyme TPP that assists in energy metabolism


Part of coenzymes FMN and FAD that carry hydrogen ions


Pizza is 40% to 49% water.

muscular weakness

Potassium: Toxicity Symptoms


Primary deficiency of vitamin E is quite common.


Prolonged thiamin deficiency can result in ________ .


Rate at and the extent of nutrient absorption and use

Aldehyde form

Retinal form of vitamin A (H on top, single bond to carbon, double bond to O).


Scaly dermatitis


Selenium deficiency is associated with Keshan disease, a disease of the heart.


Sodium: Toxicity Symptoms


Some minerals, such as calcium, must have carriers to be absorbed and transported.

Vitamin C amounts for

Supports metabolism 30 Saturates tissues 100 UL for adults 2000

tolerable upper intake levels

The Committee on Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) addresses the possibility of adverse effects from high doses of nutrients by establishing ________


The World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend two doses of vitamin A supplements, given 24 hours apart, for all children with ________ .


The acidity of the body's fluids is determined by the concentration of ________ ions.


The average sodium intake in the United States is 3400 milligrams, which exceeds the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for adults.


The chemical reactions of the body's buffer system are controlled primarily by the lungs and kidneys.

erythrocyte hemolysis

The classic sign of vitamin E deficiency is ______

vitamin c & b

The hydrophilic vitamins include ________ .


The production of ________ , a protein that binds calcium in the intestinal cells, slows as a result of a vitamin D deficiency.


The rate at and the extent to which a nutrient is absorbed and used is referred to as its ________ .

vitamins, deficiency, optimal

The______are essential nutrients needed in tiny amounts in the diet both to prevent ____ diseases and to support _____health.


There is no RDA for ____ due to its prevalence in protein foods


There is no RDA for _____ due to its prevalence in protein foods.


Thirst and satiety influence water intake in response to changes sensed by the mouth, hippocampus, and nerves.


Unless the label states otherwise, supplements of calcium carbonate are ________ calcium.


Unlike vitamins, minerals are inorganic elements that always retain their chemical identity.


Water constitutes about 75 percent of an adult's body weight.

compounds found in foods that combine with nutrients to form complexes that cannot be absorbed with the body

What are binders?

essential nutrients required in large quanitities

What are major minerals?

essential nutrients required in less than 100 mg per day

What are trace minerals?

pernicious anemia

What disease is associated with a deficiency of B12?


What disease results from a vitamin C deficiency?

milk and milk products

What foods provide the greatest contributions of riboflavin

retinoic acid

Which vitamin A compounds act like hormones, regulating cell differentiation, growth, and embryonic development?

production of red blood cells falters

With a folate deficiency, the ________ .

isotretinoin, which is made from Vitamin A, is effective against cystic acne

With respect to acne, ________


Without vitamin E, the red blood cells break and spill their contents.


Without vitamin K, ________ cannot bind to the minerals that normally form bones, resulting in low bone density.


Women may lose up to ________ of their bone mass during the 6 to 8 years following menopause.


Worldwide, iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency.


Worldwide, the prevalence of the vitamin K−deficiency disease rickets is extremely high.


Zinc participates in the synthesis, storage, and release of insulin.


though called a vitamin, the active form of vitamin D is actually a hormone.

identify the main roles, deficiency symptoms, and sources for vitamin d

vitamin D can be synthesized in the body with the help of sunlight or obtained from some foods, most notably fortified milk. Vitamin D sends signals to three primary target sites: the GI tract to absorb more calcium phosphorous, the bones to relate more, and the kidneys to retain more. These actions maintain blood calcium concentrations and support bone formation. deficiency causes rickets in childhood and osteomalacia in later life.

Identify the main roles, deficiency symptoms, and food sources for vitamin E

vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, defending lipids and other components of the cells against oxidative damage. Deficiencies are rare, but they do occur in premature infants, the primary symptom being erythrocyte hemolysis. Vitamin E is found predominately in vegetable oils and appears to be one of the leas toxic of the fat-soluble vitamins.

Identify the main roles, deficiency symptoms, and sources for vitamin K.

vitamin K helps with blood clotting, and its deficiency causes hemorrhagic, disease (uncontrolled bleeding). Bacteria in the GI tract can make the vitamins people typically achieve about half of their requirements from bacterial synthesis and half from foods such as green vegetables and vegetable oils. Because people depend on bacterial synthesis for vitamin K, deficiency is most likely in newborn infants and people taking antibiotics.

identify the main roles, deficiency symptoms, and food sources for vitamin A

vitamin a is found in the body in three forms: retinol, retinal, and retinonic acid. Together, they are essential to vision, healthy epithelial tissues, and growth. Vitamin A deficiency is a major health problem worldwide, leading to infections, blindness, and keratinization. Toxicity can also cause problems and is most often associated with supplement abuse. Animal derived foods such as liver and whole or fortified milk provide retinoids, whereas brightly colored plant-derived foods such as spinach, carrots, and pumpkins beta-carotene and other carotenoids. in addition to serving as a persecutor for vitamin A, beta carotene acts as an antioxidant in the body.

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