ch19/1 A&P 2 2018

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blood that is _____ in oxygen from the left side of the heart is pumped into the _________, the largest systemic artery in the body, and then into smaller systemic arteries

High; aorta

which options are part of the cardiac muscle cells?

Myofibrils, T tubules, sarcolemma

place in the correct order the sequence of events resulting in the action potential for cardiac muscle cells.

Na+ ions enter causing depolarization; depolarization causes opening of voltage-gated K+ channels; slow voltage gated-ca2+ channels open causing a Ca2+ induced Ca2+release; plateau occurs; voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close; repolarization occurs returning to the resting membrane potential

the cells of the _______ node are the pacemaker of the heart.


match the artery with the indicator letter in the diagram

a- right coronary b- posterior interventricular artery c- left coronary artery d- circumflex artery e- anterior interventricular artery

match the structures and border of the heart with the letter indicator in the diagram.

a-right border, b- sternal angle, c- sternum, d- left border, e- inferior border

which occurs when adequate perfusion is not met?

accumulation of waste products in tissue cells

an ________ is when more than one artery is providing blood to a given tissue.


which are correctly identified as great vessels?

aorta; superior vena cava; inferior vena cava; pulmonary trunk; pulmonary veins

the two basic types of blood vessels are _____________, which carry blood away from the heart and ___________, which carry blood toward the heart.

arteries/ veins

_____________ systole occurs at the beginning of the cardiac cycle.


Oxygenated blood flows from the left atrium, through the left __________ _______________ when the valve is open, into the left ventricle.

atrioventricular opening

arteries carry blood ________ the heart

away from

atrial reflex is initiated when __________ in the atria walls are stimulated by an increase in venous return.


which valves are closed in the isovolumetric phase of the cardiac cycle?

bicuspid valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary semilunar valve, mitral valve

during the final stage of the cardiac cycle as the atria relax and blood returns to fill the ventricle which valves reopen?

bicuspid, tricuspid

norepinephrine increases heart rate by

binding to the Beta1 receptor, increasing Ca2+ into the node cells

the ______________ions must bind to troponin to allow the cross bridge cycling to begin.


innervation of the heart consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic components, collectively referred to as the _______________ ______________________.

cardiac center

the volume of blood pumped by one ventricle in one minute is define as ________ ____________.

cardiac output

an individual with a weak heart may have limitation exerting themselves because they have little ___________ _________.

cardiac reserve

which of the following options is correctly identified as complications of pericarditis?

cardiac tamponade, heart failure, death

papillary muscles and the ____________ prevent these valve cusps from ________.

chordae tendineae/ everting

atrial contraction causes which to occur?

compresses the opening of the great veins; pushes blood into ventricles

electrical activity is started at the SA node, which causes an action potential to spread through the heart along a specific pathway. this describes the ________ of the heart.

conduction system

the __________ deliver oxygen rich blood to the thick heart wall while the ______ carry the deoxygenated blood away from the heart wall.

coronary arteries; coronary veins

the cardiac veins all drain into the___________, a large vein that lies in the posterior aspect of the coronary sulcus

coronary sinus

identify the three major vessels that empty into the right atrium: _____________,__________, and ______________.

coronary sinus: superior vena cava: inferior cena cava

anterior and inferior interventricular sulci extend inferiorly from the ______ sulcus toward the heart______

coronary/ apex

a large loss of blood would result in a(n) ______________ in the venous retun to the heart


parasympathetic innervation________________ the heart rate.


the fibrous pericardium is attached to both the _______ and the base of the ______ vessels.

diaphragm/ great vessels

a function of the fibrous skeleton is to provide _______ insulation between atria and ventricles


the amount of blood in the ventricles immediately prior to initiation of contraction is called ______ _______ _______.

end diastolic volume

the amount of blood left in the ventricles at the end of the ventricular contraction is called the _________ ________ ______.

end systolic volume

the heart wall consists of three distinctive layers ________ ________ and ________.

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

sarcoplasmic reticulum is more extensive in smooth muscle fibers than in skeletal muscle fibers


which pumps and channels are associated with cardiac node cells?

fast voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, Na+ leak channels, Na+/K+ ATPase, slow voltage-gated Na+ channels

the _______ lies within the anterior interventricular sulcus.

great vein

the ______ cardiac vein runs alongside the ______ interventricular artery.

great/ anterior

the three main components of the cardiovascular system are ______________, blood vessels and the ____________________.

heart, blood vessels, blood

the three main components of the cardiovascular system are ______________ , blood vessels and the ____________.

heart; blood

inotropic agents increase stroke volume by which mechanism?

increasing Ca2+ levels; increasing contractility

the ________ atrium and ventricle are prominent when viewing ghe heart from the posterior view


the heart is composed of which structures

left atrium; right atrium; right ventricle

during the cardiac cycle, blood flows from viens into the atria under ___________ pressure

low pressure

when the flaps of the valves are forced closed during the cardiac cycle, they produce sounds: referred to as _____________ heart sounds.


the trabeculae carneae in the left ventricle are _____ prominent than in the right ventricle


____________ require stimulation to have an action potential but ____________ cells do not

neurons/ nodal

cardiac muscle cells are relatively short, branched cells that usually house _______ central nuclei and numerous mitochondria for__________ supply

one or two/ATP

which are essential to maintain good blood circulation and ample perfusion?

open and unblocked blood vessels, continual pumping action of heart

the pericardium restricts the heart's movements so that it doesn't bounce and move about in the thoracic cavity, and prevents the heart from ___________ blood.

overfilling with

the major forms in an ECG(EKG) are ______wave, _________ complex, and ___________ wave.

p, qrs, t

the two major intervals in an ECG (ekg) tracing are the _______ interval and the ________ interval.


the sinoatrial(sa) node, or the ______________, sets the rate of the hearts contractions by sending action potentials through the specialized conduction fibers to the atria and ventricle.


the ________ __________ is the ability to reach threshold without stimulation

pacemaker potential

the cells of the SA node act as the ________________, the rythmic center that establishes the ____________ for cardiac activity.

pacemaker/ pace

the delivery of blood per unit time per gram of tissue is called _____.


openings of ________ are visible in the left atrium.

pulmonary veins

the cardiovascular system consists of two circulations; the ______ circulation and the _______ circulation

pulmonary. systemic

atrial contraction causes which to occur?

pushes blood into ventricles and compresses the openings of the great veins

muscle impulse conduction along the purkinje fibers is extremely_________, consistent with the large size of the cells, and the impulse spreads immediately throughout the ___________ myocardium

rapid/ ventricular

during atrial contraction the atria are contracting and the ventricles are ____________


the __________ atrium and ventricle are prominent when viewing the heart from the anterior view.


deoxygenated venous blood flows from the _____________ atrium, through the _________ atrioventricular opening when the valve is open, into the _______ ventricle.


put the sequence of events in the correct order to describe the initiation and conduction of an action potential through the heart.

sa node fires action potential; action potential reaches AV node via gap junctions; action potential is delayed at the av node; action potential travels down the bundle branches; action potential travels up the purkinje fibers.

the _____________ or plateaus of the cardiac ECG tracing correspond to the periods when the sarcomeres are shortening.


the common atrium is subdivided into a left and right atrium by and interatrial septum, which consists of two parts: the septum ____________ and the septum ________ that partialy overlap.

septum primum and secundum

the endocardium is composed of a ____________ squamous epithelium, called and endothelium, and a layer of _________ connective tissue.

simple/ areolar

the heartbeat is initiated by the specialized cardiac muscle cells of the __________ which are located int eh posterior wall of the right atrium, adjacent to entrance of the _________.

sinoatrial node; superior vena cava

the single heart tube develops into what 4 structures?

sinus venosus, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium, bulbus cordis

place the potions in the correct order of the opening of ion channels in a cardiac nodal cell from resting membrane potential through an action potential.

slow voltage-gated Na+ channels; fast voltage-gated Ca2+ channels; voltage-gated K+ channels

the resting heart rate for an infant is higher than that of an adult because the smaller heart results in a ______________ stroke volume


cardiac output is determined by _____________ _________________ and heart rate.

stroke volume

the right atrium has openings from ___________

superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, coronary sinus

the right atrium receives blood from the _______ circulation, and the left atrium receives blood from the ________ circulation

systemic; pulmonary

blood enters the right ventricle through__________/

the right atrium

which events occurs during the atrial contraction and ventricular filling phase of the cardiac cycle?

the ventricles have reached their EDV, SA node initiates atrial contraction, blood flow into the atria from the veins is restricted

compared to the right ventricle, the left ventricle requires ___________ walls to generate enough pressure to force the blood into the aorta and then through the entire _______________ circulation.

thicker/ systemic

the myocardium is the _____________ of the three heart wall layers


the heart is located in the ___________ cavity.


define semilunar

three half-moon shaped cusps of dense connective tissue

define right atrioventricular

three triangular-shaped cusps of dense connective tissue

the internal wall surface of each ventricle displays characteristic large, smooth, irregular muscular ridges , called the ______________ ____________.

trabeculae carneae

the right atrioventricular opening is covered by the _____ valve

tricuspid (right atrioventricular)

true of false: afterload is the pressure that the heart must work against to pump blood into the systemic circulations.


true or false: the innervation by autonomic centers in the brainstem does not initiate a heartbeat, but it can increase or decrease the rate of the heartbeat.


what are anatomic features that are significant in the normal function of the heart?

two sets of valves within the heart; great vessels attached to the heart; two sides of the heart

left atrioventricular

two triangular-shaped cusps of dense connective tissue

cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood pumped by the ___________ and is expressed as liters per minute.


the right ________ receives deoxygenated venous blood from the right________.


which are correctly identified as great vessels?

Aorta; inferior vena cava; superior vena cava

beginning on day ______. the primitive heart tube bends and folds upon itself.


the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells is ________________ ms in legnth and helps to protect the heart


the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells is ________ ms in length and helps to protect the heart.

250 ms

in the average normal adult, the heart weighs about _____________ grams

250 to 350

put the sequence of events in the correct order to describe the initiation and conduction of an action potential through the heart.

SA node fires action potential; action potential reaches AV node via gap junctons; action potential is delayed at the AV node; action potential travels down the bundle branches; action potential travels up the purkinje fibers.

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