Ch7Lec8Cranial Nerves- Final Review pt.1

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IX, 9 fibers from the glossopharyngeal nerve emerge grom the *medulla*, leave the skull through the *jugular foramen* and run to the *throat*. the other nerves that leave the skull through the jugular foramen are glossopharyngeal vagus spinal root of spinal accessory

Fibers from the glossopharyngeal nerve emerge from the __________, leave the skull through the ______ ______, and run to the __________. What other nerves leave the skull through the jugular foramen?

the oculomotor nerve (III-3) innervates muscles to move the eyeball pupil and upper eye lid eyeball pupil upper eyelid

The Oculomotor Nerve, CN _____, innervates muscles to move the ________, ________, and upper lid.

the *branchial motor* part of the facial nerve innervates facial muscles for expression. the upper face has bilateral innervation and the lower face has contralateral innervation.

The ______ ______ part of the facial nerve innervates facial muscles for expression. The upper face has __________ innervation. And the lower face has _________ innervation.

motor pons

The ________ nuclei of v3 are restricted to the _____.

the trochlear nerve or cn iv 4 innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye trochlear innervates superior oblique muscle

The _________ nerve or CN ___ innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye.

medulla C1 to C5

The accessory (spinal accessory) nerve has two roots; a cranial root emerging from _______ and a spinal root from ______ .

the accessory nerve is primarily a motor nerve. the accessory nerve supplies fibers to the larynx, pharynx, and velum (or soft palate). the accessory nerve also innervates the sternocleido mastoid and trapezius which move the head neck and shoulders L P V- larynx pharynx (dilation of pharynx) velum sternocleidomastoid=SCM trapezius=T

The accessory nerve is primarily a _______ nerve. It supplies fibers to the _______, _______, and _______ _____. It also innervates the ___________ and the __________. They move the head, neck and shoulders.

the branchial motor of the facial nerve fans out over the *stylomastoid foramen* and controls the muscles of facial expression.

The branchial motor of the facial nerve fans out over the ____________ foramen and controls the muscles of ___________ __________.

the trigeminal nerve (V-5) is a branchial or mixed nerve it has three divisions.... V1-opthalmic- major general sensory nerve for the forehead and nasal cavity V2-maxillary- general sensory to cheek, upper lip, nasal cavity and the roof of the pharynx V3-Mandibular- sensory to chin and anterior 2/3 of tongue (- motor function to muscles of mastication and *tensor tympani*) *NO TASTE*

What kind of nerve is the Trigeminal Nerve? What are its functions?

IX- 9- mixed branchial sensory- taste (post. 1/3 of tongue) and general sensations tongue/ pharyngeal *motor-innervates part of the tongue and pharynx and PAROTID salivary gland associated with NA NUCLEUS AMBIGUUS and ISN INFERIOR SALIVATORY NUCLEUS (*stylopharyngeus muscle*- lifts pharynx) StyloPharyngeus--glossystyle* FIBERS EMERGE FROM THE MEDULLA LEAVE THE SKULL THROUGH THE JUGULAR FORAMEN

What kind of nerve is the glossopharyngeal nerve? What is its function?

for the larynx pharynx jaw face branchial motor nuclei are for the larynx, pharynx, jaw, and face L P J F

branchial motor nuclei are for the ________, ________, _______, and ________.

3 types of CN motor nuclei are: visceral (autonomic motor)-A branchial motor-B somatic motor-Sm A-Visc.motor B-branchial motor Sm- somatic motor

What are the three different types of CN Motor Nuclei?

1 olfactory smell

What is CN I

2 optic vision

What is CN II

3 occulomotor

What is CN III

VII- 7 branchial -the major nerve for facial expression

What kind of nerve is the Facial Nerve? What is its function?

alpha and gamma motor neurons AG MN somatic motor nuclei are alpha and gamma motor neurons

somatic motor nuclei are

somatic sensory nuclei are from skin, muscles, and joints SMJ-salla makes jam

somatic sensory nuclei are from

special sensory includes hearing/ equilibrium

special sensory nuclei are for

the spinal accessory nerve (XI- 11) is a motor nerve. the spinal accessory nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles- moves the *head, neck, and shoulders* the accessory nerve leaves the cranium via the jugular foramen the acessory nerve supplies efferent/ motor fibers to the larynx, pharynx, and velum or (soft palate).

the (spinal) accessory nerve is a ________ nerve. the spinal accessory nerve innervates the ______________ and __________ muscles- moves the ________, _________, and________. the accessory nerve leaves the cranium via the _________ __________. the accessory nerve supplies efferent/ motor fibers to the ________, ________, and________ or ( soft palate).

special sensory somatic sensory visceral sensory sensory- SpSsVi

There are three different types of Cranial Nerve Sensory Nuclei, what are they?

all contain multiple components except CN XI, 11 Spinal Accessory the names of the branchial nerves are the : trigeminal-5, facial-7, glossopharyngeal-9, vagus-10 mnemonic:TFGVS twins face glowing vampires soonX

Branchial nerves contain __________ components, except CN _____ or __________. There names are?

2,3,4,6 vision

CN II, III, IV, VI are involved in _________.

4 trochlear inferior colliculus IC

CN IV is the ___________ nerve. It has its nucleus at the ________ _______.

the glossopharyngeal provides motor fibers to the parotid salivary gland and innervates the tongue and pharynx through the stylopharyngeus muscle.

CN IX provides motor fibers to the ________ ________ gland and innervates the ______ and _______ through the ______________ muscle.

the glossopharyngeal afferent/ sensory fibers conduct *taste* and *general sensory* impulses from the *tongue* and *pharynx* through the **nucleus solitarius*.* glosso= tongue pharyngeal= pharynx IX sensory tongue pharynx NS nucleus solitarius

CN IX's sensory/afferent fibers conduct (visceral sensory) _________ and general _________ impulses from the _________ and ________ through the _______ _______.

glossopharyngeal nerve innervates part of the tongue and pharynx; including the *stylopharyngeus* muscle. The stylopharyngeus muscles lifts the pharynx. StyloPharyngeus M

CN IX, the ______________ nerve innervates part of the __________ and __________; including the _____________ muscle. The __________ __________ lifts the pharynx.

CN 6 VI is the abducens nerve. the abducens has its nucleus on the floor of the fourth ventricle.

CN VI is the ___________ nerve. It has its nucleus on the _________ of the ________ ________.

cn VII or facial nerve has five branches. It exits the cranial cavity at the *internal auditory meatus* (IAM) with the auditory nerve (Facial and Auditory sitting in the ear- IAM)

CN VII or ________ nerve has five branches. the facial nerve exit the cranial cavity at the ________ ________ ________.

cn XII the hypoglossal nerve emerges from the medulla and exit the skull via the *hypoglossal canal* (double hypo= hypoglossal hypoglossal canal hypo-genio) hypoglossal innervates both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue hypoglossal contributes to speech and swallowing The genioglossus muscle receives contralateral innervation and others receive bilateral. if the hypoglossal nerve is damaged a pt will not be able to protrude their tongue past the teeth.

CN XII the _________ ______ arises from the _______ and exit the skull via the _________ ________. It innervates both ________ and ________ muscles of the tongue, which contribute to _________ and __________. The __________ muscle receives _________ innervation others receive _________. If the hypoglossal nerve is damaged a pt will not be able to protrude their _______ past the _______.

Trigeminal V

CN ____ or _____ has three sensory nerves and one motor nerve (three branches)

cn III, 3 occulomotor nerve innervates muscles that move the eyeball and a visceral muscle that controls the pupil (contstriction- dilation) of the eye. the oculomotor has its nucleus at the superior colliculus cnIII controls the three parts of the superior, medial, and inferior rectus muscles./ inferior oblique muscle

CN _____ innervates muscles that move the eyeball and a visceral muscle that controls ________ of the eye. oculomotor nerve has its nucleus at the ________ ___________. cn III controls the three parts of the _______, _______, ______, _______ muscles.

general sensory and branchial are same CN's trigeminal, 5 facial, 7 glossopharyngeal, 9 vagus, 10 5 7 9 10 twins face glowing vampires (not *s*oon)

CN's that also have *general sensory* components are

occulomotor, 3 facial, 7 glossopharyngeal, 9 vagus, 10 3 7 9 10 out fade glowing vampires

CN's that also have visceral components are

Some say- marry money -but my brother says big brains -matter more B= both sensory and motor S= sensory M= motor

Clever mnemonic to remember CN's functions.....

Ooh, ooh, ooh to touch and feel very good velvet. Such heaven! O O O T T A F V G V S H

Clever mnemonic to remember CN's names.....

dysfunction of CN 3-III the occulomotor nerve causes *1-droopy eyelid *2-turning down of eye* 3-*dilated pupil*/ loss of pupillary reflex*

Dysfunction in CN III, the ___________ nerve, causes what three things?

6 mil and they can regenerate

How many olfactory receptive neurons do we have?

protrude tongue past teeth

If CN XII or the hypoglossal nerve is damaged what will a patient not be able to do?

yes it has motor and sensory functions

Is the glossopharyngeal nerve a mixed nerve?


Most motor fibers of the __________ _______ are parasympathetic fibers to the heart, lungs, and visceral organs.

head neck X, 10 Vagus Nerve

Most of the cranial nerves serve ______ and ______ structures. Which nerve extends to the abdomen?

the nucleus solitarius or nucleus of the solitary tract is involved with the following cranial nerves (from the bottom up in the brainstem) vagus, glossopharyngeal, facial nerves. (last slide of lecture 9 for visual) (10 9 7) V G F

Nucleus solitarius or Nucleus of the solitary tract is involved with which three CN's?

alpha motor

Oral and facial movements are controlled by _________ motor neurons.

vagus, X-10

Paralysis of what nerve leads to hoarseness and death?

the branchial motor of the facial nerve fans out over the *stylomastoid foramen* and controls the muscles of facial expression. the visceral motor (A) branch of the facial nerve extends to the *lacrimal or tear glands* and is controlled by the superior salivatory nucleus. SSN

The branchial motor of the facial nerve fans out over the ____________ foramen and controls the muscles of ___________ __________. The visceral motor branch of the facial nerve extends to the ________ or _______ glands and is controlled by the ________ _______ nucleus.

five *somatic sensory Ss- crosses interior ear drum and joins trigeminal V3 mandibular -sensation to skin sm. portion of outer ear and mouth -Visceral Sensory Vi- taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue branchial motor (B)- moves muscles of facial expression and stapedius muscle visceral motor (A)- tear/ lacrimal glands @superior salivatory nucleus -submandibular/ sublingual salivary glands SSN* *-NASAL AND PALATINE GLANDS* VERKLEMPT

The facial nerve has _______ branches and is a considered a ________ nerve. it is one of the CN's with four out of six functions. Sensory (towards the back/ dorsal) somatic sensory- SS visceral sensory-Vi Motor (towards the front) Autonomic, Visceral Motor- A Branchial Motor-B

the facial nerve is involved in taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue and also controls the submandibular sublingual salivary glands sub-glands SSN superior salivatory nucleus

The facial nerve is involved in taste, how?

the main sensory nucleus (of the trigeminal nerve) is similar to the spinal posterior column nuclei; it receives information about tactile and proprioceptive sensation (also vibration) the spinal nucleus crosses midline ultimately joining with the spinothalamic tract or STT; it receives information about pain and temperature.- it is also involved in the blink reflex

The main sensory nucleus is similar to the ______ _______ ______ nuclei; it receives information about _______ and __________ sensation ( _______ ) . The spinal nucleus crosses midline ultimately joining with the ________ tract or STT; it receives information about ______ and ______.- it is also involved in the ______ reflex.

spinal accessory nerve

The vagus nerve is the main part of the ________ ______.

extends beyond the head and neck

The vagus nerve is the only CN that does what?

the motor fibers of the vagus are parasympathetic fibers to intrinsic muscles of the larynx. the vagus nerve is also responsible for taste to the epiglottis

The visceral motor (autonomic) fibers of the vagus nerve are _________ fibers to the thorax and abdomen. the branchial motor fibers of the vagus nerve are to the intrinsic __________ of the __________. the vagus nerve also is responsible for _______ to the _________.

NA= nucleus ambiguus ISN=inferior salivatory nucleus are part of the glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve is involved with the motor parts of the nucleus ambiguus (NA)and inferior salivatory nucleus (ISN)

The nucleus ambiguus and inferior salivatory nucleus are involved with the motor part of what CN?

oral (voluntary) pharyngeal (involuntary) esophageal (involuntary) O P E - V I I

The phases of swallowing are......

the special sensory of the facial nerve crosses the ear drum (chorda tympani) joins with (V3) mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve the special sensory of the facial nerve also supplies taste to anterior two thirds of tongue and connects to the submandibular & sublingual salivary glands. the general sensory of the facial nerve is a small component of the geniculate ganglion of the temporal bone, it supplies a sense of touch to the skin of a small portion of *outer ear* and *mouth*

The special sensory of the facial nerve crosses the ______ _____( ____ ______ ) to join ____, the _________ branch of the trigeminal nerve. The special sensory of the facial nerve also supplies taste to the _______ ____ _____ of the tongue and connects to the ___________ & _________ _________ glands. The general sensory of the facial nerve is a small component in the geniculate ganglion of the temporal bone, it supplies a sense of _______ to the skin of a small portion of the ______ ______ and _____.

foramen magnum= FM

The spinal root of the accessory nerve passes into the cranium via the __________ __________.

the trochlear nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle - SOM damate to it causes double vision- DV

The trochlear nerve innervates the _________ ________ muscle. Damage to it causes _________ _______.

midline abducens

What CN moves the eye away from ________ ?

V3 mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve exits from the foramen ovale to the mandibular foramen. FO= foramen ovale

V3 exits from the _______ _______ to the mandibular foramen.

sensory to the anterior 2/3's of the tongue

V3, the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve is general __________ to the anterior _______ of the tongue.

1.mandible 2.lower teeth 3.lower lip *4.part of the cheek 5.part of the external ear* 6. tongue (ant 2/3) EXTERNAL EAR exits cranium via FO foramen ovale to mandibular foramen

V3-mandibular, is also general/somatic sensory (Ss) to five more things....

the oculomotor III CN- innervates 4 out of 6 extrinsic eye muscles ...superior/medial/inferior rectus muscle inferior oblique muscle (Inf.OM) extrinsic eye muscles innervated by cn III are sup/med/inf rectus inferior oblique muscle

What CN innervates 4 out of 6 extrinsic eye muscles?

III-oculomotor nerve superior/ medial/ inferior rectus muscle inferior oblique muscle

What CN innervates 4 out of 6 extrinsic eye muscles? What are the muscles called?

the vagus nerve (X- 10) is a mixed/ branchial nerve Ss- somatic sensory outer ear Vi sensory- epiglottal taste buds Vi sensory- larynx, pharynx, thorax, and abdomen A-parasympathetic (visceral) motor fibers to heart, lungs, and visceral organs (thorax and abdomen) *B-(branchial motor) pharynx and innervates all intrinsic muscles of the larynx through *recurrent laryngeal branch RLB** vagus nerve fibers emerge from the medulla via the jugular foramen

What kind of nerve is the vagus nerve? What is its function? ****this one is correct*** vagus nerve fibers emerge from the ________ via ________ ________.

v1 opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved in sensory to the upper eyelid and conjunctiva, eye blink reflex (corneal reflex), and the top of the nose.

Which CN is involved in sensory to the upper eyelid ( and conjunctiva), eye blink reflex (corneal reflex), and the _____ / _______ of the _______?

olfactory, 1 optic, 2 vestibular (acoustic), 8 O O V

Which CN's are dedicated only to special sensory nerve functions?

I and II olfactory optic nerves do not attach to the brainstem forebrain

Which cranial nerves do not attach to the brainstem, they attach to the ____________.

over the attic is haunted oculomotor trigeminal abducens hypoglossus somitic body out of body

Which cranial nerves have motor components? or are somitic/ somatomotor...

Branchial trigeminal, 5 facial, 7 glossopharyngeal, 9 vagus, 10 (spinal) accessory, 11 5 7 9 10 11 twins face glowing vampires soon

Which cranial nerves nerves are related to or developed from the gill, and what are they called?

superior oblique muscle-SOM

Which muscle does the Trochlear Nerve, CN IV-4, innervate?

which cn's leave the crainium via the jugular foramen? 1.glossopharyngeal IX, 2.vagus X, 3. accessory nerve- (originates from cranium) of the spinal accessory nerve XI 9 10 11 the spinal accessory nerve's spinal root passes upward into the cranium via the foramen magnum.

Which three CN's leave the cranium via the ________ _________. 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ What is the path of the spinal accessory nerve's spinal root?

innervates muscle fibers outside a striated muscle spindle (extrafusal) -can control one muscle or several hundred -supply skeletal muscles *innervation includes oral, facial movement, and articulation* alpha motor neurons innervate extrafusal or outside of a striated muscle spindle, supplies skeletal muscles

alpha motor neuron

part of the trigeminal nerve are the main sensory nucleus, spinal nucleus, motor nucleus.

part of the trigeminal nerve are the _______ ______ nucleus, _______ ______, and the _______ nucleus.

the vagus nerve's somatic sensory (Ss) or sense of touch is to the *outer ear*. the vagus nerve's parasympathetic fibers go to the *heart, lungs, and visceral* organs. the vagus nerve's branchial motor fibers go to *all intrinsic muscles of the larynx*, mainly through the RECURRENT laryngeal branch ----giraffe the cricothyroid muscle is supplied by the *superior laryngeal* nerve taste to epiglottis

the vagus nerve's somatic sensory or sense of touch is to the _______ ______. the vagus nerve's parasympathetic fibers go to the ______, _______, and ________ organs. (thorax and abdomen) the vagus nerves branchial motor fibers go to all ___________ muscles of the _______, mainly through the _______ ______ branch. the cricothyroid muscle is supplied by the _______ _______ nerve.

the vagus nerve's visceral sensory branch receives signals about touch from the larynx, pharynx, thorax, and abdomen. *L P T A- ViSen-Vagus----little parent teacher association* the vagus nerve also receives visceral sensory taste signals from the epiglottis.

the vagus nerve's visceral sensory branch receieves signals about touch from the _______, _______, _______, and _________. the vagus nerve also receives visceral sensory taste signals from the _________.

v2 the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve is sensory to the *cheek, upper lip, upper teeth, *nasal cavity,* and roof of pharynx* v2 exits the *foramen rotundum* through the wall of the *maxillary sinus* to the *inferior orbital foramina*

v2 the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve is sensory to the ________, ______ _____, ______ _____, ______ _____, and _____ of _____. v2 exits the ______ _______ through the wall of the ________ _______ to ________ _______ ________.

preganglionic, autonomic neurons, Pregang Autonom Neurons visceral motor nuclei are preganglionic, autonomic neurons

visceral motor nuclei are

visceral sensory nuclei are from walls of blood *v*essels or digesti*v*e tract organs (with smooth muscles)

visceral sensory nuclei are from

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