Chap 4 Study guide MIS140

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Another term for impulse noise is: a. Gaussian noise b. spikes c. attenuation d. cross-talk e. intermodulation noise


Optical media is: a. more likely to suffer from noise than electrical media b. has about the same likelihood of suffering from noise as electrical media c. has about the same likelihood of suffering from noise as coaxial cable d. less likely to suffer from noise than electrical media e. more prone to noise than twisted pair media


Stop-and-wait ARQ uses ___________ type of data flow. a. full simplex b. half complex c. full duplex d. half duplex e. full complex


Which of the following is not an error detection method used in the data link layer? a. parity checking b. cyclic redundancy checking c. CRC-32 d. pulse code checking e. odd parity


Which of the following is true about the data link protocol, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)? a. it is not very popular b. it is a bit-oriented protocol c. it uses block check characters for error detection d. newer version permits jumbo frames e. it uses parity bits for error detection


With __________ ARQ, the sender pauses for a response from the receiver to alter each message or packet of data. a. open window b. halt and be recognized (HBR) c. sliding window d. stop and wait e. continuous


____________ refers to bits that have been changed, in error, from 1 to 0, or vice versa, in a data transmission. a. Contracted bits b. Polled bits c. Inverse multiplexed bits d. Flipped bits e. Bit delineation


As part of the five-layer network model used in this textbook, the data link layer sits directly between: a. the physical and the application layers b. the network and the application layers c. the network and transport layers d. the physical and the application layers e. the physical and the network layers


In an odd parity-checking scheme, the parity bit is set to make the total number of ones in the byte (including the parity bit) an even number.


Most computer networks managed by a host mainframe computer use contention media access control.


Only the sender of a data transmission needs to be concerned about the rules or protocols that govern how it communicates with the receiver.


Parity checking can only detect an error when an even number of bits are switched.


Polling is the process of permitting all clients to transmit or receive at any time.


The distance between repeaters or amplifiers on a telephone circuit is determined by the amount of power gained per unit length of the transmission.


The two categories of network errors are: lost data and delimited data.


Transmission efficiency refers to the percentage of bits transmitted without errors.


With contention, a computer does not have to wait before it can transmit. A computer can transmit at anytime.


Cyclical redundancy check is one of the most popular polynomial error-checking schemes.


Ethernet has been refined over the years and is now formally standardized as IEEE802.3ac.


For effective error detection and correction, extra error detection "data" must be included with each message


Forward error correction is commonly used in satellite transmission.


HDLC is very similar to the SDLC synchronous data link protocol.


If a computer transmits a message containing "ABC" and the destination computer receives "abc" as the message, the message is corrupted.


Media access controls refer to the need to control when computers transmit.


One type of forward error correction is the Hamming code.


Overhead bits are used for error checking and marking the start and end of characters and packets.


The data link layer accepts messages from the network layer and controls the hardware that transmits them.


The simplest method for error correction is retransmission.


Token passing is a term that refers to hub polling, in which one computer starts a poll and passes it to the next computer on a multipoint circuit.


Undesirable stray electrical voltage can cause data communication errors.


When the signals from two circuits combine to form a new signal that falls into a frequency band reserved for another signal, this is called intermodulation noise.


When we amplify the signal on an analog circuit, we also amplify any noise that is present on the circuit.


With roll-call polling, a server polls clients in a consecutive, pre-arranged priority list.


ARQ means that: a. a receiver that detects an error in a message simply asks the sender to retransmit the message until it is received without error b. the common carrier Automatically Returns Queries to the subscriber upon receipt of such queries c. a sender is using a data link protocol called Asynchronous Repeating reQuest d. a fiber optic cable meets the American Registered Quality, a certification standard for use in high-quality data communication transmission lines e. a sender is using a parity scheme called Array Resource Quality


Cross-talk: a. occurs when one circuit picks up signals in another b. is always bothersome because it has a high signal strength c. decreases with increased proximity of two wires d. decreases during wet or damp weather e. increases with lower frequency signals


If a signal with a frequency of 500 MHz combines with a another signal of 1500 MHz and they form a new signal of 2000 MHz; this is an example of: a. intermodulation noise b. attenuation c. echo d. white noise e. cross-talk


In a _________ , more than one data bit is changed by the error-causing condition. a. burst error b. data rate shift c. Trellis-coded modulation d. uniform distribution e. amplitude key shift


In communication protocols, _________ are used to convey the user's meaning. a. information bits b. overhead bits c. stop bits d. start bits e. flag bits


Media access control: a. is not very important in point-to-point with full duplex configuration b. is not very important in local area networks c. is not very important in a point-to-point with a half duplex configuration d. is not very important in a multipoint configuration e. does not control when computers transmit


The two sublayers of the data link layer consist of the media access control sublayer and the________ . a. logical link control sublayer b. network control sublayer c. session sublayer d. physical sublayer e. transport sublayer


Using parity, the probability for detecting an error, given that one has occurred, is: a. about 50% for either even or odd parity b. about 70% for even parity and 30% for odd parity c. about 30% for even parity and 70% for odd parity d. about 0% for either even or odd parity e. about 100% for either even or odd parity


Which of the following is true about the data link protocol, PPP? a. it is commonly used in WANs b. it is a bit-oriented protocol c. it uses block check characters for error detection d. it was developed in the 1960s e. it uses parity bits for error detection


Which of the following is way to reduce or eliminate crosstalk on a circuit? a. physically separating the cables from other communication cables b. adding repeaters or amplifiers to a circuit c. reducing the length of the cable d. adding fluorescent lights e. shorting a circuit


Which of the following media is least susceptible to noise? a. fiber optic cable b. coaxial cable c. twisted pair d. unshielded twisted pair e. shielded twisted pair


With __________ ARQ, the sender immediately sends the next message or packet of data. a. continuous b. immediate c. open window d. stop-and-wait e. halt and be recognized (HBR)


With contention: a. computers wait until the circuit is free before they send data b. the server or front end processor works consecutively through a list of clients to determine who should have access to the media c. the front end processor must wait for a response from the polled client or terminal d. one computer starts the poll and passes it to the next computer on the multipoint circuit e. there is never a chance for "collision," or two computers trying to send data at the same time


_____________ is an effective way to prevent impulse noise, cross talk, and intermodulation noise. a. Shielding wires b. Adding fluorescent lights c. Adding repeaters to a circuit d. Adding amplifiers to a circuit e. Shorting a circuit


______________ controls errors by detecting and correcting them at the receiving end without retransmission of the original message. a. Hamming code b. Huffman encoding c. Front end processing d. Wave division multiplexing e. Hub polling


Calculating the actual throughput of a data communication network is: a. not normally required for synchronous networks because they are so fast b. complex because many factors affect throughput c. simple because packet size is the primary factor affecting throughput d. not needed for satellite-based networks e. far less complicated if the system operates on a contention basis


Errors on a network can occur: a. only on dial-up type of circuits b. because of noise on the line c. only on poorly maintained networks d. only due to Gaussian noise e. only due to lightning strikes


In general, controlled approaches: a. work better than contention approaches for small networks that have low usage b. work better than contention approaches for large networks that have high usage c. work better than contention approaches for all sizes of networks d. do not require a host, server, or active monitor to assign media access control e. have many collisions


On digital circuits, we use _________ to reshape the incoming signal and prevent attenuation. a. amplifiers b. repeaters c. multiplexers d. digitizers e. modems


TRIB, an acronym that relates to throughput, stands for: a. Throughput Reduction of Information Barriers b. Transmission Rate of Information Bits c. Throughput Rate of Iso-synchronous Bytes d. Transmission Regulation for Inverse-multiplexing Bands e. Trellis-coded Regulation of Information Bits


When a signal is reflected back to the transmitting equipment, it is called a(n) _________. a. white noise b. echo c. crosstalk d. attenuation e. impulse noise


Which of the following is not a controlled access method of media access control? a. Token passing b. CSMA/CD c. polling d. roll call polling e. hub polling


Which of the following is not a type of synchronous protocol? a. SDLC b. VT100 c. HDLC d. Ethernet e. PPP


With odd parity (assume that the parity bit (in bold) has been placed at the end of each of the following) and a 7-bit ASCII code, which of the following is incorrect? a. 01101011 b. 00011011 c. 00100101 d. 10110110 e. 11111110


________ is the process of sending a signal to a client that gives its permission to transmit or asks it to receive. a. Contention b. Polling c. Pooling d. Carrier sense e. CRC


In ARQ, a NAK: a. is sent by the recipient if the message was received without error b. is sent by the sender at the same time as it sends a data packet c. is sent by the recipient if the message contains an error d. refers to non-asynchronous Kermit technique e. means that the sender should continue with sending the next message


The loss of power a signal suffers as it travels from the transmitting computer to a receiving computer is: a. white noise b. spiking c. attenuation d. intermodulation noise e. echo


The primary source of error in data communications is: a. echoes b. intermodulation noise c. spikes d. attenuation e. cross-talk


The probability of detecting an error, given that one has occurred, using parity checking is about: a. 100% b. 0% c. 50% d. 75% e. 98%


Which of the following is true about the data link protocol, SDLC: a. It is a client-server protocol developed by Compaq in 1996. b. It transmits each character independently of one another and includes start and stop bits for each character sent. c. It uses a special bit pattern called a flag at the beginning and end of every frame (or packet). d. It uses a contention media access control protocol and is used in most LANs today. e. It does not have any error detection capabilities.


Which of the following is true with respect to the data link layer? a. It accepts streams of bits from the application layer. b. It is responsible for encoding the bit-stream as a series of electronic voltages. c. It performs error detection. d. It performs routing functions. e. It organizes data from the physical layer and passes these coherent messages directly to the application layer.


____________ is not a function of a data link protocol. a. Media access control b. Message delineation c. Amplitude shift keying d. Indicating when a message starts and stops e. Error control


_____________ is an effective way to prevent attenuation. a. Shielding wires b. Adding fluorescent lights c. Adding repeaters or amplifiers to a circuit d. Changing multiplexing techniques e. Shorting a circuit


__________can obliterate a group of bits, causing a burst error. a. Cross-talk b. Attenuation c. Impulse noise d. Intermodulation noise e. White noise


Asynchronous transmission: a. is used to transmit each character simultaneously with all other characters b. has a pre-determined, fixed time between sending characters c. is typically used on multipoint half duplex circuits d. uses a continuous series of start bits as an idle signal e. each character is transmitted independently of all other characters


Synchronous transmission: a. cannot be used on multipoint circuits b. is used to send one character at a time c. uses start bits before each character to be sent d. uses stop bits after each character to be sent e. is used to transmit a "frame" or "packet" of data at a time


The familiar background static on radios and telephones is called: a. echoes b. intermodulation noise c. impulse noise d. cross-talk e. white noise


The probability of detecting an error, provided that one has occurred, using cyclic redundancy checking is about: a. 75% b. 0% c. exactly 100% d. 50% e. > 99%


Which of the following is true about roll call polling? a. It can not be modified to increase priority of clients or terminals. b. It does not require a server or host or special device that performs the polling. c. It is also called token passing. d. It is a type of contention approach to media access control. e. It typically involves some waiting because the server has to wait for a response from the polled client or terminal.


_________________ is defined as the total number of information bits divided by the total number of bits in the transmission. a. Asynchronous rate b. Protocol percentage c. Throughput d. Transmission Rate of Information Bits e. Transmission efficiency


Another term for stop-and-wait ARQ is sliding window.


Data transmission errors are typically uniformly distributed in time.


Gaussian noise is a special type of attenuation.


Impulse noise is caused by the thermal agitation of electrons.


Attenuation refers to the loss of signal strength.


Contention is commonly used with Ethernet local area networks.


Controlled access MAC approaches work better in a large network with high usage.


Crosstalk occurs when the signal transmitted on one circuit or channel of a transmission system creates an undesired effect in another circuit or channel.


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