Chapter 1: Canada's Population Patterns

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What three important factors affect the pattern of rural settlement in a particular area?

1. Nature of the resources - farming: spread out, fishing: clumped, mining: surrounding a certain area; 2. Transportation methods - weird settlement patterns because of "extinct" transportation (eg. sledding, carriages); 3. Role of Government - creates surveys showing which places/lost are open/still exist

survey system

A grid system used to identify and locate parcels of land and roads.

Concentrated Settlement Pattern

A population focused in patches with specific resource industries such as mines or pulp and paper mills.

Dispersed Settlement Pattern

A rural settlement pattern characterized by isolated farms rather than clustered villages.

Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)

An urban area in Canada with a population over 100,000. A CMA is centered around a city and generally extends beyond the borders of the city.

Why are there gaps in continuous ecumene?

Lack of resources/jobs; barrier that gets in the way (eg. large rocks & other such natural annoyances)

Linear Population Pattern

Line of people living along something, settling along a coastline, highway or river (Something Major)

How to answer in a paragraph.

Point (restate question in a statement form) Evidence (reasons from a map, text, real life) Explain (connect reasons to your statement)

Population Density

The average number of people living in a particular place. It is calculated by dividing the population of a place (eg. country, province, city) be the area of the place.

Discontinuous Ecumene

The part of the country where there are significant patches of settlement.

Continuous Ecumene

The part of the country where there is continuous, permanent settlement

Isodemographic Map

The size of the country is based on its population instead of its area.

Aurora Borealis

a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole.

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