Chapter 1

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`SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) describe the concept of absolute value?

A record player is valued at around $100. A baseball is valued at around $5.

Theories are beneficial because they help us to see all aspects of society more clearly.


Which description best exemplifies the process of qualitative coding in data analysis?

A researcher labels sections of text and images and classifies them into categories.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which behavior(s) would be considered deviant using the normative approach?

A teenager cuts in line at a grocery store and is reprimanded by other shoppers. A child belches in public and is given judgmental reactions from strangers.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which hypothetical situation(s) would be an example of applied research?

An analyst studies consumer data to determine a target market for a product. A scientist does research to produce a vaccine to combat a recent viral outbreak.

Which question best indicates whether a certain research project is reliable?

Are the results of the research consistent?

The social construction of reality is defined as which of the following?

Belief systems are created by humans and become accepted as reality.

Which statement best characterizes the concept of cultural relativism?

Cultures cannot be ranked as better or worse than others.

A sociologist conducting a study on how low-income, minority teenagers fulfill their role as students is working at the macro level of analysis.


An individualistic perspective is helpful when using the sociological eye or the sociological imagination to solve issues.


Cheryl believes that smoking marijuana is an inherently deviant behavior even though it is becoming socially accepted and legal in some states. Cheryl possesses a relativist perspective on deviant behavior.


Deviance has been considered to be a socially learned behavior throughout all of history.


Durkheim held that deviant behavior is dysfunctional.


Marx theorized that all citizens would be equal and able to fulfill their species being under socialism.


Scott notices that the women in his office tend to contribute fewer ideas than men do during meetings. He concludes that this is because women lack innovation. This is an example of a good generalization.


Serafina is a political elite in an agrarian culture and, as such, has the resources to support and enjoy the arts while most other members of the culture focus on growing food. Serafina can be considered a member of the popular culture.


Sociological skills are most important for social workers and aren't as beneficial in other careers.


Sociologists, unlike psychologists, generally do not do field experiments outside the lab.


Status refers to expectations about how a person should think, feel, and behave.


Symbolic interaction is considered to be a micro-theoretical perspective because it allows sociologists to see the big picture.


The primary purposes of the institutional review board (IRB) are to ensure the topic being researched is of importance and that the research design is logical.


Trini e-mailed surveys to a sample of students at her school to gain insight into the average student's studying habits. The sample of students includes all the girls from her dormitory and a few acquaintances from class. Trini's sample is considered generalizable.


Individuals do not influence the society in which they live, but they are influenced by society

False (Correct! Individuals both shape and are shaped by society. This is the duality that is at the heart of sociology.)

How was Durkheim able to conclude that characteristics of society matter for deviance, including suicide?

He saw some countries had consistently high rates of suicide while others were consistently low.

Which question is most directly related to social order and cohesion?

How do different parts of society work together?

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which elements are required for researchers to satisfy ethical standards in research?

Informed consent is obtained from each participant. The risks of harm to subjects are minimized as much as possible. Subjects are given the ability to withdraw from participation at any time.

Which statement is true about the sociological eye?

It enables people to see what others may not notice.

Why is asking questions the most common form of data collection in the field of sociology?

It gives the best insight into how people think and experience the world.

Which of these would be considered a normative statement?

People should limit how often they use smartphones.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) is/are an example of a good generalization?

People with education tend to have higher incomes than those who are uneducated. Europeans tend to know more languages than Americans.

Which of the following is an example of a socially constructed idea?

Race determines differences in intelligence.

Deviant labeling has contributed to the mass incarceration described in the video. The labeling perspective has its roots in ______.

Symbolic Interactionism

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) best reflects the view of a conflict theorist?

The "haves" oppress the "have nots" in order to maintain their elevated status. Resources and rewards are unevenly distributed among the various groups in society.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which condition(s) must the researcher meet in order to demonstrate causation?

The cause is related to the supposed effect. All other possible explanations for the effect are eliminated. The cause comes before the effect.

Suppose the findings from several sociological studies consistently deviate from the current theoretical explanation of the topic. What should be done?

The current theory should be adjusted.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which situation(s) represent(s) the structural functionalist concept of a manifest function?

The education system teaches and socializes children. Governments create laws and public policy. The health-care industry addresses medical needs.

Which statement best describes the structural functionalist perspective?

The parts of society are interdependent and work together for the good of the whole.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What statement(s) would describe a society in a state of anomie?

The streets are in chaos as citizens riot against police. People look the other way as stores are looted.

______ are groups of theories that have much in common.

Theoretical perspectives

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) can be used to characterize good generalizations?

They are statements backed by evidence. They are made with the understanding that there can be exceptions.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. According to Marx, why did the working proletariat choose not to fight against capitalism?

They labored in alienation separated from their creations. They lived in a state of false consciousness.

A media firm produced a new program called "The Debaters" for the purpose of informing viewers of different points of view. The program led to fierce division among viewers, with some viewers launching hateful attacks and threats at those they disagreed with. This unintended negative consequence can be considered a dysfunction.


A theory can be tested and supported with data many times but still be referred to as a theory.


As a feminist, Maxwell recognizes that men have more access to resources and social power than women do, so he often speaks out against unjust situations. Maxwell's views align with the conflict perspective.


Betty is bringing a bottle of wine to share at her friend's dinner party because she knows it is an appropriate and expected behavior for the situation. This is an example of a social norm.


Carina, a 12-year-old student, is developing a better idea of her identity. She envisions how she appears to others, reacts to feedback others give to her, and integrates these components to develop a sense of self. This exemplifies the looking glass self theory.


Cho can accurately interpret the cues of others and behave appropriately in various situations. Due to these skills, Cho is considered to have high social intelligence.


Conflict theorists study how power differentials arise between the haves and have-nots in society.


Cultural universals mean all human groups do some of the same things, but each group does those things in unique ways.


Culture includes characteristics that make certain groups distinct from others.


Kara works on a team at a marketing firm. During meetings, she notices that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men. Kara determines this behavior to be a form of gender bias. Kara's perception in this situation exemplifies the sociological eye.


Many analysts predict that data science will continue to be a high-demand field in the future.


The development of the word hangry exemplifies the social construction of language.


The norms created within a small group can help construct sets of roles and key aspects of how society operates.


The work of Jane Addams helped to create child labor laws, a juvenile court system, safer conditions for workers, and mandatory schooling for children.


Theoretical perspectives help to determine the questions we ask about social patterns we observe.


Those with high fiscal capital often have better access to money and the things it can buy than those with low fiscal capital.


"Freedom is something to be upheld and cherished by society" could best be described as a ______.


Which of the following statements about deviance is true?

What is considered deviant can include things are not consciously chosen.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which question could best be answered through a sociological study?

What social inequalities are created by environmental racism?

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Suppose a person has exhibited deviant behavior. Which source(s) would be capable of giving a formal sanction for the offense?

a police officer a government agent

Which of the following is an example of material culture?

a sculpture

What is deviance?

an attitude, behavior, or condition that violates cultural norms or laws

Which of the following elements is considered material culture?


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which activity/activities will almost certainly result in biased research?

asking leading questions to guide participants toward a certain answer relying on volunteers that are different in some way than those who wouldn't volunteer

According to Durkheim, the main function of punishment is to ______.

assert our shared values

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of these concepts are main theoretical perspectives in sociology?

conflict theory structural functionalism symbolic interaction

Rodrick belongs to a group that lives "off the grid" because its members believe the government wants to take away all their rights. Which term best describes Rodrick's group?


People who hop over turnstiles at subway stations to avoid paying fare are regularly punished by the police. Some believe this rule is upheld by the wealthy to oppress the poor, a view that aligns with the ______ perspective.


The sociological imagination was originally developed to ______.

describe how individual lives relate to social forces

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which challenges do sociologists help us to better understand and address?

economic inequality sexism environmental racism

What are norms?

expected behavior within particular roles, groups, and organizations

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Having a sociological perspective is beneficial in a democratic society because it ______.

helps people to better understand how society works allows people to notice social patterns which better informs voting decisions gives consumers of media the ability to discern good information from fake news

A person who has the resources to obtain an education and purchase high-quality clothing is said to have ______.

high cultural capital

Durkheim would agree that the prevalence of suicide among teens suggests ______.

high schools create an anomic environment

Dwayne and his family lived on a small plot of land and worked hard every day to grow enough food to survive. Since most of their time was spent farming, Dwayne's family had little time for personal development and hobbies. In which type of society did Dwayne live?


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which idea(s) would a symbolic interactionist be interested in studying?

how people present themselves to others how meaning is constructed and shared within a group how individuals develop a sense of self

Which type of group lacks the stability of place and time?


Which type of society relies on technology to produce goods and food?


The actors of "13 Reasons Why" discuss their experiences with cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an example of a(n) ______.

informal sanction

Which action is violating a folkway?

interrupting someone

Tomas is planning to research how members of different political affiliations develop their beliefs. To gain an in-depth understanding of individuals' thought processes, which form of question asking would you recommend Tomas use?


Sharleen is conducting research on drug abuse among upper-class, suburban individuals. Currently, she is reading past studies to determine which areas of the issue have yet to be explored. On which step of the scientific process is Sharleen?

literature review

Paulo is a full-time student who is struggling to pay for his classes. Which action could he take that would demonstrate a strong sociological imagination?

lobby the government to decrease education costs for everyone

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which elements are used in qualitative analysis?

maps narratives words

According to Émile Durkheim, smaller, preindustrial societies operated with ______ solidarity, because most people did similar types of labor and had similar beliefs.


In Karl Marx's advanced capitalism stage, a person who works in a textile factory would be considered a member of the ______.


The objective of the first large-scale, empirical sociological research conducted in the United States was to ______.

refute racist beliefs about African Americans

Which phrase best describes the process of sampling?

selecting respondents for inclusion in a study

Samuel is a sociologist who believes every society creates norms and values it finds meaningful, but also that different groups of people have access to different rewards. To which perspective do Samuel's beliefs best align?

social constructionism

Social intelligence and cultural capital are components of our ______.

social identity

Which term best describes how socially constructed culture becomes learned and internalized?


Suppose someone justified throwing a cigarette butt on the ground by saying "everybody does it." Which approach to defining deviance does this demonstrate?


Which tool is most applicable to quantitative data analysis?

statistical software

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which example(s) of data collection would be considered participant-observation?

studying the social dynamics of a restaurant while posing as a serving professional playing with students in a classroom while studying how children interact

In a public school, the teachers could be considered ______.


When people commit ______, they are breaking social mores.


Which of the following best describes culture?

the knowledge, beliefs, values, laws, language, customs, and symbols within a society that help meet human needs

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Sociologists follow guidelines to ensure their work is ______.

transparent replicable

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. To adhere to Randall Collins's core commitments of sociology, sociologists should be sure to ______.

use the sociological eye to observe social patterns notice patterns of injustice and take action to challenge those patterns

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