chapter 10

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is a branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation among individuals.


Is asserting that a statement or allegation is not true. The same word, and also abnegation German: Verneinung.


Self Concept is an important term for both social psychology and humanism.


The id is the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs and desires.


is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness.


system of psychoanalytic developmental psychology concerned especially with personality.

personality inventory

the attempt to characterize the personality of an individual by objective scoring of replies to a large number of questions concerning his or her own behavior compare minnesota multiphasic personality inventory.

defense mechanisms

to protect oneself from shame, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, conflict, or other unacceptable feelings or thoughts, and including behaviors such as repression, projection, denial, and rationalization.

external locus of control

A person with an internal locus of control believes that he or she can influence events and their outcomes, while someone with an external locus of control blames outside forces for everything.

free association

A practice in psychoanalytic therapy in which a client is asked to freely share thoughts, random words, and anything else that comes to mind

empirically derived test

A test (such as the MMPI) developed by testing a pool of items and then selecting those that discriminate between groups.

projective tests

A test designed to reveal hidden emotions and internal conflicts via a subject's responses to ambiguous stimuli.

internal locus of control

An external locus of control blames outside forces for everything. This concept was brought to light in the 1950's by Julian Rotter.


An unconscious defense mechanism whereby the mind substitutes either a new aim or a new object for goals felt in their original form to be dangerous or unacceptable.

self- esteem

In sociology and psychology, self-esteem reflects a person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.

rorschach inkblot test

In which a subject's interpretations of a series of standard inkblots are analyzed as an indication of personality traits, preoccupations, and conflicts.


Is a concept (in human psychology) that was originated by Sigmund Freud (1905) to denote the persistence of anachronistic sexual traits.


Is the social component of our personality that is represented by our conscience and is based on our ideal of perfection.

collective unconscious

Memories of mental patterns that are shared by members of a single culture or, more broadly, by all human beings; originally proposed by the psychologist Carl Jung to explain psychological traits shared by all people.

thematic apperception test (TAT)

Proponents of the technique assert that subjects' responses, in the narratives they make up about ambiguous pictures of people, reveal their underlying motives, concerns.

spotlight effect

The "spotlight effect" refers to the tendency to think that more people notice something about you than they do.

reciprocal determinism

The theory set forth by psychologist Albert Bandura that a person's behavior both influences and is influenced by personal factors and the social environment.


Theories and definitions of "self" among professional psychologists, but many agree that the "self" consists of a person's conscious and unconscious aspects, their personality, cognitions or thoughts and feelings.

personal control

To as locus of control and personal mastery beliefs, reflect individuals' beliefs regarding the extent to which they are able to control or influence outcomes.

Oedipus complex

a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex; a crucial stage in the normal developmental process.


a systematic structure of theories concerning the relation of conscious and unconscious psychological processes.

psychosexual stages

is a central element of the psychoanalytic sexual drive theory, that human beings, from birth, possess an instinctual libido that develops in five stages


is a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable.


is a defense mechanism leading to the temporary or long-term reversion of the ego to an earlier stage of development rather than handling unacceptable impulses in a more way.

reaction formation

is a kind of psychological defense mechanism in which a person perceives their true feelings or desires to be socially, or in some cases.


is a psychological process whereby the subject assimilates an aspect, property, or attribute of the other and is transformed, wholly or partially, by the model the other provides.

minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)

is a psychological test that assesses personality traits and psychopathology. It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having mental health or other clinical issues.


is a social psychological term that refers to the ways in which people identify themselves and focus their goals


is a social psychological term that relates to the manner in which humans identify themselves and prioritize their goals.

terror-management theory

is a social psychology concept that humans have distress and anxiety related to the awareness of mortality and the inevitability of death.


is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.


is an approach to the study of human personality. Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits.

self-serving bias

is people's tendency to attribute positive events to their own character but attribute negative events to external factors


is the psychological attempt made by an individual to direct one's own desires and impulses toward pleasurable instincts by excluding the desire from one's consciousness and holding or subduing it in the unconscious.

positive psychology

is the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning.

social cognitive perspective

is the view that people learn by watching others. In psychology, it explains personality in terms of how a person thinks about and responds to one's social environment.

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