Chapter 10 Projectile Motion Review

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A bullet is fired 10 degrees above the horizontal while another bullet is simultaneously dropped from the level of the rifle. Which bullet will hit the ground first?

The dropped one will hit first

A bullet is fired 10 degrees below the horizontal while another bullet is simultaneously dropped from the level of the rifle. Which bullet will hit the ground first?

The one that is fired

Is a satellite coasting at constant speed in a circular orbit accelerating?

Yes, speed may be constant, but direction is changing

An object is dropped and freely falls to the ground with acceleration g. If it is thrown downward at an angle instead, neglecting air drag, the acceleration along its path will be

acceleration is always g (in downward direction)

According to Kepler, the speed of a planet is the fastest when it is

closest to the Sun

According to Kepler, the paths of planets about the SUn are


An Earth satellite in an elliptical orbit travels the slowest when it is

farthest from Earth near the apogee

Why does a dropped ball gain speed?

gravitational force acts on it

Describe the forces acting on a ball as it rolls off the edge of the table

gravitational forces ONLY

The acceleration of a thrown rock at the top of its path is always


The forces at work in an elliptical orbit are due to


When any object is thrown upward, neglecting air resistance, the acceleration along its path is

gravity working downward 10 m/s

Describe how the horizontal component of velocity will change when a projectile thrown up into the air at ANY angle above the horizontal rise, neglecting air drag

horizontal will remain constant

Hang time

is the time your feet are off the ground in a jump

Ideally, a ball is thrown up at an angle and lands downrange, Because of air resistance, the distance reached is


A projectile is launched vertically upward at 10 m/s If air resistance does affect motion, then its speed upon returning to its starting point is

less than 10 m/s

If air resistance is present, then the speed of the ball that is caught will be

less than the speed of the ball as it is thrown up into the air

Speed, Acceleration, and Kinetic Energy is greater for a satellite when it is at the



potential energy is greatest when the satellite is farthest away


potential energy is least when the satellite is closest

1 s

5 m, 10 m/s

A projectile is launched from ground level at 30 degrees above the horizontal and lands downrange. What other projectile angle for the same speed would produce the same down-range distance?

60 degrees

In order for a satellite to have an elliptical orbit it must have a speed

8 km/s higher than 8 km/s

4 s

80 m, 40 m/s

A projectile is launched vertically upward at 10 m/s. If air resistance is negligible, its speed upon returning to its starting point is

If no air resistance than returning speed will equal initial speed= 10 m/s

What happens to KE when the potential energy of a satellite decreases?

It increases

Of the planets in the Solar System,

Mercury moves the fastest because it is the closest to the Sun

Why does a ball rolled along a horizontal surface maintains a constant speed?

No horizontal force acts on it

A bullet fired horizontally over level ground hits the ground in 0.5 second. If it had been fired with twice the speed it would have hit the ground in

0.5 seconds/ Vertically

If a rock that has been thrown horizontally from the top of a cliff landed 20 m from the cliff, how much time did the rock spend in the air?

2 s

2 s

20 m, 20 m/s

A projectile is fired into the air at an angle of 55 above ground level and hits a target downrange. It will also hit the target if fired at an angle of

35 degrees

Two projectiles are fired from ground level at equal speeds but different angles. One is fired at an angle of 35 degrees and the other at 55 degrees. Neglecting air resistance, the projectile to hit the ground first will be the one fired at

35 degrees

If there were no gravity a stone thrown upward at 45 degrees would follow a straight-lin path. But because of gravity, at the end of 3 seconds, the stone is actually

45 m below the straight-line


45 m, 30 m/s

Why do satellites not crash into the Earth?

Because they have sufficient tangential speed

Which will hit the ground first? A ball projected horizontally from a lab table or a ball that is just dropped?

They will be in the air the same amount of time

In the above scenario, which one will travel farther?

They will have the same range.

Two balls are projected horizontally from a lab bench. One travels at 2 m/s, the other at 4 m/s. Which ball will be in the air the longest? Which will hit the ground first?

They will hit the ground at the same time

As soon as a bowling ball rolls off the edge of a table, what happens to its horizontal component of velocity?

remains constant

Which ball hits first? A ball rolls off the edge of a table at the same time another ball drops vertically from the same table

same time they will hit

A projectile that falls freely around the Earth is called a


The Moon would crash into the Earth if it weren't for its

tangential velocities

Air drag will decrease both

the heigh and range of a projectile

How does a person's mass and weight change in space?

the person's weight would be 0 and their masses would be the same

If you jump upward inside a moving airplane, your hang time will be

the same as if you jumped on the ground

When a ball is thrown upward at an angle. Assuming no air resistance, which component of velocity changes with time?

vertical component

Describe how the vertical component of velocity will change when a projectile thrown up into the air at ANY angle above the horizontal rise, neglecting air drag

vertical component will decrease as it reaches the top

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