Chapter 1.1 and 1.2 Religion Test

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The Bible reveals history from ________ point of view.


The Bible is ________. The most recent books have been written 2000 years ago.



Beyond the limits of ordinary human experiience or knowledge.

The significance of the six- day creation narrative is to tell us God ________ the world according to his ________ ____.

Created, divine plan

Original Sin introduced _____, ___________ and ______ into the world, creating the need for a ____________.

Evil, suffering, death, redeemer


From the Aramaic perishaya, "the separated ones"; a member of an ancient Jewish sect, active during the earthly life of Jesus Christ, distinguished by their strict observance of the traditional, written law and, at times, their self-righteousness.


From the Greek angelos, a translation of the Hebrew malak, meaning "messenger." A spiritual, personal, and immortal creature, possessing intelligence and free will, who glorifies God without ceasing and serves God as protector of and messenger to man.


God's bringing forth the universe and all its inhabitants into being out of nothing. Creation is good but has been corrupted by sin.

It is not possible to overcome personal bias in __________ __________ because every history has to be written from a particular point of view- based on _______ as they are understood by the writer -his own perception and interpretations of those facts.

Historical writings, facts

The Bible is ____________. Scripture does not err because it's Principal Author , God, can neither deceive nor be deceived.


Despite modern people's pretending to write ___________ _______, all our history actually is actually quite _______________.

Objective history, subjective

The concept of the Three Divine Persons In _____ ______ is a Mystery that is impossible to comprehend through reason alone.

One God

The original condition of Adam and Eve was that they lived in __________ and had dominion over it. They were created in a state of original ________ and _________.

Paradise, holiness, justice

To the ancient people, ___________ was what held everything together. Their view of history, culture, politics, and everything else was essentially a religious view.


The Bible is ________ because God is it's Author.


The ________ ________ of Genesis teaches us in his writing that "God created the heavens and the earth". ______ is the First cause and creator of the universe—of everything that exists.

Sacred Author, God


Sacred Scripture; the books that contain the truth of God's Revelation and were composed by human writers inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains forty-six books in the Old Testament and twenty- seven in the New.

To _________ _________ the most important thing about history was what it tells us about __________ relationship with his people.

Sacred authors, God's

We learn about Religious Truth not Scientific Truth. The error of ____________ ___________ is that creationists view The Genesis account of creation as if it conveyed both _________ and _________ truths.

Scientific creationism, religious, scientific

Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command and _________. This disrupted the original harmony of Paradise.


Original Justice

The state enjoyed by our first parents characterized by inner harmony of the human person, harmony between man and woman, and harmony with creation.

The ________ is an instrument of Divine Revelation . It's purpose I to show us the way of salvation by transmitting a religious message that is true - inspired and inerrant.


We talk about the senses of the __________.


We learn about the Bible. There are seventy three books in the _______. Twenty seven in the ____ Testament and forty six in the _____ Testament.

Bible, New, Old

The ______ does not present modern scientific truths and because of this some critics dismiss the religious truths of Genesis. This is called ____________ ___________.

Bible, prescientific ignorance

The meaning of the word "religion" comes from the Latin Religio , meaning __________.


We usually think of God the Father as the _________, God the Son as the _____________ and God the Holy Spirit is The ___________.

Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier

A misunderstanding of these roles can lead to wrong beliefs. The __________ __________ is the common work of the three divine persons; each _________ _________ performs the common work according to his unique personal property. Separating them according to their role can lead to the erroneous belief that not all the Persons cooperTe in every work of the one God.

Divine Economy, Divine Person

Faith elevates reason. The doctrine of the faith, based on ________ ___________ and _________ by the church, can convey truth that cannot be discovered through human reason and research alone.

Divine Revelation, meditated

Another example of ________ __________ ___________ of the Bible would be reading the Creation Narrative and maintaining that God created the world in six days. This may not have been what the sacred author had intended and it seems to contradict what is known from natural science.

False literalistic interpretation


From a Hebrew word meaning "to obstruct or oppose," an evil figure in Scripture who challenges the faith of humans. He is the leader of the fallen angels, or devils.

_________ is Greek for "origin"


For example— Christ said " if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it from you. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the _______ of ________.

Hell, fire

The Bible is _________ meaning that _____ guided the human sacred authors, who were enlightened by God, the _______ ________, to write what he wanted and nothing more.

Inspired, God, Holy Spirit

Three points of the both/and approach to _____________ the creation narrative of Genesis are as follows: - The Bible correctly tells us what we need to know about our ___________. • The ________ does not use scientific language or images. • The way that the _______ of the Bible is transmitted teaches us something.

Interpreting - salvation - Bible - truth

The __________ sense of Scripture is what the author intended to express directly.


There can be no contradiction between the __________ and ______________ senses of the Bible because they belong together.

Literal, spiritual

A ____________ interpretation for example must say that Christ is in favor of self—mutilation which is contrary to the 5 th. Commandment.


By not taking into account genre and context, one can interpret a passage differently from what was intended by the author— this is ____________ of Scripture.

Literalistic interpretation


Literally meaning "being bought back," the act by which Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial Death on the Cross, set us free from the slavery of sin, thus redeeming or "buying us back" from the power of the Devil.

The Bible is ____________ because it uses literary forms to convey its meaning.



Making no mistakes or errors. Scripture is inerrant; that is, it always teaches truth, never falsehood.

What is one religious truth found in the creation narrative that the Church requires Christians to accept?

Matter was created out of nothing by God at the beginning of time, the creation of h7man beings- however humans arose in history- was an act of special creation by God, and Adam and Eve were created without sin.

Even by deciding which facts are important to relate and which ones are not, we are making editorial decisions that effect the ____________ of the writing.


The early Christians view the use of the _________ __________ in the creation narrative as a reference to the Blessed Trinity.

Plural pronoun


The form of the body, this is an individual spiritual substance created directly by God in his image and likeness. The unity of a body and soul form a human person. The soul is immortal-it does not perish when separated from the body at death-and it will be united with a glorified body at the final resurrection.

Old Testament

The forty- six books of the Bible that record the history of Salvation from creation until the time of Christ.

Preternatural gifts

The gifts bestowed on our first parents, which include exemption from concupiscence, sickness, death, and ignorance. These gifts are distinct from the supernatural gifts by which our first parents were adopted as children of God and became partakers of divine nature. Though the preternatural gifts were lost became of Original Sin, Baptism bestows the initial gift of sanctifying grace by which "man becomes an adoptive son of the Father."

The _______/______ approach to interpreting Genesis claims that divine truth comes to us through _________ voices.

Both, and, human

The "Spirit of God " and "Breath of Life " mentioned in the ________ _________ is likely an illusion to the _________ ________, the third Person of the Blessed Trinity.

Creation narrative, Holy Spirit

The Word of God "spoken" by the Father in each command in the ___________ _________ is _________ ________— the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

Creation narrative, Jesus Christ

According to the ___________, human beings are the pinnacle of God's ____________, and the whole world was created to serve them.

Creation narrative, visible creatures

God responded to the disobedience of Adam and Eve by introducing a ______ of __________ to restore the lost friendship.

Plan, redemption

_______ and _______ can not be in real conflict because the things of the world known by reason and the thing of faith reveled by God both derive from _______.

Faith, reason, God

According to Genesis, God created the world for ________ _______.

Human beings

They are the only creatures God made in his own _________ and __________.

Image, likeness

What is the Church's position towards theories of evolution?

The Church does not oppose any research and discussions on evolution as it related to the origin of the human body coming from preexistent material. But, when a statement of evolution appears to conflict with the Bible, the church will indicate the truth Catholics must believe.


The name of the garden in which God placed Adam and Eve.

There are three main spiritual senses of Scripture. They are the _____________, or typical sense, the moral or ____________ sense and the ____________ sense.

Allegorical, tropological, anagogical

Creation is the work of the _________ _________.

Blessed Trinity

___________ ________ is the story told in the Bible of how God's plan of salvation has unfolded throughout history.

Salvation History

___________ ____________ differs from other kinds of history. Salvation History not only teaches the meaning of _____ events but also reveals how those events _______ every person's life in every age.

Salvation History, past, affect

Human beings have been obeying God's command to ________ the earth in a most astonishing way throughout history.


Image (and likeness)

A representation such as a statue or picture. Each human person is made in the image of God, that is, human beings are like God insofar as having intelligence, free will, and the capacity to love.

Original Sin

Adam and Eve's abuse of their human freedom by disobeying God's command. As a consequence, they lost the grace of original holiness and justice and became subject to death; sin became universally present in the world. Every human person except Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary has been born with the stain of Original Sin. This sin separates mankind from God, darkens the intellect, weakens the will, and introduced into human nature an inclination toward sin.

The ___________ sense or typical sense is how something in one passage prefigured something in another especially the Old Testament in the New Testament. It is the way person's or events in one passage of the __________ pre—figures person's or events in another passage. For Example— Noah's Flood is a type of the Sacrament of Baptism. Waters of the flood wash away sin as does water in Baptism.

Allegorical, Bible

According to Catechism #279 the doctrine about _________ and the ________ of human beings is a three step order.

Creation, fall

The opening chapters of __________ reveal God's special relationship with human beings.


The opening chapters of __________ reveal that God created man and woman out of great ________ and intended every person to share in his intimate _________.

Genesis, love, friendship

A person can take into account factors as its ________ and its ____________ ________ in order to determine the literal sense of a Passage of Scripture.

Genre, historical context

______ the Holy Spirit is the principal ________ of Scripture. The Human writers were the ____________ through which God chose to reveal himself to his people.

God, author, instruments

The First step considered is ________, then, __________, and then the ___________ and their redemption by Christ.

God, creation, fall

Genesis describes the _________ of __________ in general and _________ ________ in particular.

Goodness, creation, human beings


Guided by God; from a word meaning "breathed in." The human writers of Scripture wrote in their own words, but through God's inspiration wrote what he intended them to write and nothing more.

The Bible is ____________ __________ because God, who is Holy is it's principal author. It's various __________ include history, law, wisdom, poetry, letters, epic, fable, and allegory.

Sacred literature, genre

The _____________ sense of _____________ is the meaning expressed by a passage when read under the influence of the ______ ________ in light of the mystery of Christ.

Spiritual, scripture, Holy Spirit


The disordered human appetites or desires that remain even after Baptism due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin and which constitute an inclination to sin. This is often used to refer to desires resulting from strong sensual urges or attachment to things of the world.


The first man and our first father. Together with Eve, he committed the first sin (Original Sin). This Hebrew name refers to the particular individual or to mankind in general.


The first woman and our first mother. Eve was created from the rib of Adam, and thus woman- unlike the animals- is man's equal and complement. With Ada,, she committed first sin (original sin).


The form taken by Satan in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word nahash refers to a fearsome, murderous creature.


The scientific theory that species came to be as they are by a gradual process of change and development. Valid theories on the origin of life cannot contradict two facts: God created all matter, and the creation of human beings is a special act of the divine Creator.

Original Holiness

The state that existed between our first parents and God by which they fully participated in divine life before the fall.

Salvation History

The story of God's plan to save man from the consequences of sin. This plan began with creation, is unfolding now, and will continue until the end of time at the Second Coming.

New Testament

The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by sacred authors in apostolic times; they have Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God—his life, teachings, Passion and glorification, and the beginnings of his Church—as their central theme.

Senses of Scripture

There are two basic senses in which Sacred Scripture should be read, the literal and the spiritual. The spiritual has three senses: the allegorical or typical, the moral or tropological, and the anagogical.

Free will

This gift from God includes the power of directing one's own actions without constraint. This makes possible the choice to love God.

The moral or _______________ sense reveals how we ought to live. It is the way heroes in the Bible can be seen as models for living. For example, St. Joseph is a model of Trust.


There are ______ ______ in which the Bible can be interpreted, the __________ sense and the __________ sense.

Two senses, literal, spiritual

According to Catechism #141, faithful believers __________ the Scriptures and the Eucharist because "both ________ and _______ the whole Christian life"

Venerate, nourish, govern

This means that while creation is " good" human beings make creation _______ ________.

Very good

Human Beings are not free to do whatever they want in or to the ________. They are __________ or caretakers, entrusted to use creation according to ________ _______.

World, stewards, God's will

Guardian Angel

An angel personally assigned by God to protect and intercede for every human being.

The _____________ sense reveals what the afterlife will be like. It reveals something about eternal life. The Greek anagage means ____________ or _________.

Anagogical, uplifting, ascent

Why does the church condemn the idea of polygenism?

The church condemns the idea of polygenism because it leads to the denial of Original Sin.

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