Chapter 12: End of 1800s

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The immediate result of the battle of Little Bighorn was that Custer and his men were killed The Sioux Indian nation was wiped out most of those who took part on both sides were killed both army and Indians stopped fighting before the loses were too great

Custer and his men were killed

The Dawes Act (1887) did which of the following? Promoted the preservation of Native American cultural identity. Granted immediate citizenship to Native Americans. Forbade the use of Native American languages in public schools. Divided Native American tribal lands into individual holdings. Set up the reservation system.

Divided Native American tribal lands into individual holdings.

Which of the following best explains a connection between the economic development of the West in the mid-1800s and in the late 1800s? In both periods, the federal government encouraged immigrants from abroad to settle in the West. In both periods, the expansion and improvement of railroads facilitated transportation in the West. In both periods, the end of conflicts with American Indians encouraged many Southerners to migrate to the West. In both periods, the West offered a large existing labor force eager for work in mining and railroads.

In both periods, the expansion and improvement of railroads facilitated transportation in the West.

"Formerly the individual was the pioneer of civilization; now, the railroad is the pioneer, and the individual follows, or is only slightly in advance. . . . The wild roses are blooming today, and the sod is yet unturned . . . where, in a year or two will be heard the screech of the locomotive and the tramp of the approaching legions, another year will bring the beginning of the change; towns and cities will spring into existence, and the steam whistle and the noise of saws and hammers, and the click and clatter of machinery, the sound of industry will be heard. The prairies will be golden with the ripening harvest, and the field and the forest, the mine and the river, will all yield their abundance to the ever growing multitude."George A. Batchelder, A Sketch of the History and Resources of Dakota Territory, 1870. Which of the following contributed most to the process described in the excerpt? The building of new roads and canals The industrialization of urban areas in the Northeast Increased immigration from eastern Europe Legislation that facilitated the distribution of western land

Legislation that facilitated the distribution of western land

The history of the relationship between the government and the Indians has gone through a series of stages. Which of the following order of those stages is correct? Peaceful coexistence, concentration, reservation, extermination, re-establishment, Americanization Peaceful coexistence, concentration, reservation, extermination, Americanization, re-establishment Peaceful coexistence, concentration, extermination, reservation, Americanization, re-establishment concentration, reservation, extermination, Americanization, re-establishment, Peaceful coexistence

Peaceful coexistence, concentration, reservation, extermination, Americanization, re-establishment

Which political party used the tactic of "waving the bloody shirt" in the late 1800s Republicans Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall Green Party Democrats


Which of the following best accounts for the curve on the graph above depicting immigration to the United States from Asia, Africa and the Americas between 1882 and 1900? (insert image) Rapid expansion of the British Empire into the Southern Hemisphere Immigration to less-settled areas of the world Restrictive congressional legislation Improved worldwide economic conditions

Restrictive congressional legislation

What did the Morrill Land Grant Act and Homestead Act have in common? They discriminated against African American farmers They provided ways for settlers to obtain western lands They enabled railroad companies to develop lands near the tracks They forced the Indians onto reservations

They provided ways for settlers to obtain western lands

What factor forced factory workers to endure harsh conditions in the late 1800's an ample supply of available workers good benefits if sick or injured ease of suing employer to keep employer-provided housing

an ample supply of available workers

The intent of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to remove all American Indians to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) restore to American Indians land seized unjustly legally establish the communal nature of American Indian landholding assimilate American Indians into the mainstream of American culture recognize and preserve the tribal cultures of American Indians

assimilate American Indians into the mainstream of American culture

The Interstate Commerce Commission established the precedent that the practice of patronage was unacceptable businesses were subject to government control government should not interfere with business federal employees should not be forced to make campaign contributions

businesses were subject to government control

How did Andrew Carnegie practice vertical consolidation? by applying the ideas of laissez faire by controlling all phases of the steel production by applying the ideas of John Locke to the steel industry by using piecework system (pay the worker for each piece you make by creating a monopoly of steel companies

by controlling all phases of the steel production

Europeans who came to the United States after 1880 have been described as "new" immigrants mainly because they? were considered physically and mentally superior to earlier immigrants. came chiefly from northern and western Europe arrived before the closing of the frontier and settled farms in the West came generally from different countries than most earlier immigrants.

came generally from different countries than most earlier immigrants.

The people who came to the USA during what we call old immigration were all of the following except could not write or read English had some experience with representative form of government are mostly Protestants from Western Europe

could not write or read English

Which of the following was not a reason for the easy victory of the US Government over the Indians? introduction of alcohol introduction of western illness destruction of cattle better weapons of the US Government

destruction of cattle

A major factor in the destruction of Native American nations was the policies of the federal government publication of "A Century of Dishonor" invention of steam powered farm equipment discovery of precious metals (gold and silver) on Indian lands

discovery of precious metals (gold and silver) on Indian lands

All of the following account for nativist sentiment against the "new immigrants" of the late nineteenth century EXCEPT that the immigrants had different languages and cultures were not familiar with the United States political system were willing to work for lower wages than were native-born workers dominate the professions of law, medicine, and engineering practiced different religions

dominate the professions of law, medicine, and engineering

The goal of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was to control the sale of alcohol limit immigration help immigrants eliminate restraint of trade due to monopolies

eliminate restraint of trade due to monopolies

During the Gilded age, most supporters of laissez-faire policies refused government land grants encouraged government regulation of business were democrats favored high tariffs on imported goods

favored high tariffs on imported goods

How did the building of the transcontinental railroad affect American life made passenger travel more dangerous ended the communications revolution raised shipping costs and time for businesses for the first time the nation would be tied together.

for the first time the nation would be tied together.

The Pendleton Act gave government jobs to the ruling political party allowed government officials to keep 50% of collected income tax awarded contacts to sell goods to the Indians gave government jobs to those who scored highest on a test

gave government jobs to those who scored highest on a test

Andrew Carnegie believed that the rich give away money as charity leave their fortunes to their heirs (relatives) give gifts and money to benefit the masses build towns for their workers

give gifts and money to benefit the masses

Laissez Faire economics is when the government takes complete control an economy where big business and the government work together an economy where the consumer controls prices and the supply of goods government takes a hands off approach to economic matters

government takes a hands off approach to economic matters

Bosses in big city political machines got votes for their candidates by stealing from immigrants ignoring immigrants helping immigrants pretending to be immigrants

helping immigrants

According to nativists, what was a major cause of urban problems consumption of alcoholic beverages immigrants organized religion political bosses such as Boss Tweed


Which development reflected a growing discontent among workers? widespread appeal of social Darwinism interest in time motion studies rejection of ideas of private and free enterprise increased interest in the labor(union) movement

increased interest in the labor(union) movement

The settlers heading west justified the taking away of the Indian lands because the Indians attacked America first, it was simply defense. the people demanded it they could grow more food which meant more money for Americans it was their destiny

it was their destiny

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the formation of labor unions was often a response to the presence of women in certain areas of industrial work the emergence of multinational companies and increased global competition low wages and dangerous conditions in industrial work federal protection of workers' rights to organize the large numbers of immigrants working in factories

low wages and dangerous conditions in industrial work

Hiring people for government jobs according to their scores on tests was a practice of the a spoils system merit system nepotism patronage system

merit system

Settlement of the West often ignored basic democratic values offered unlimited opportunity for men and women of all races brought problems to the USA helped preserve natural environments

often ignored basic democratic values

For which of the following were the industrialists of the age of "big business" generally admired? conservation of natural resources ability to influence government officials philanthropic activities ingenuity in driving competition

philanthropic activities

Why did many immigrants support city political machines political machines provided them with jobs and other favors political machines opposed discrimination political machines fought against crime in the slums political machines were free of corruption

political machines provided them with jobs and other favors

The purpose of the Pendleton Act (passed after the assassination of Garfield) was make presidential succession a smooth process established the spoil system reform civil service outlaw presidential assassination

reform civil service

During which stages did the Indians become "the ward" of the US Government Americanization reservation extermination elimination concentration Peaceful coexistence


In the 1880, immigration patterns shifted dramatically with most immigrants coming from northern & western Europe Mexico and Central American southern and eastern Europe Japan and China

southern and eastern Europe

Which of the following made possible the industrial growth of the late 1800's technological changes more efficient steam powered ships the development of labor unions urban factories

technological changes

What law set the precedent that private business was subject to government control the Interstate Commerce Act the Sherman Anti-Trust Act the Clayton Anti-Trust Act the Pendleton Act

the Interstate Commerce Act

Each of the following contributed to rapid growth of the cities in the late 1800's except the irrigation of southwestern lands increased segregation and violence against African Americans in the South the large number of immigrants in the USA mechanization in agriculture

the irrigation of southwestern lands

Which of the following was a major result of both immigration and the increased productivity of factories in the Post Reconstruction era the rapid expansion of urban areas high wage for factory workers mechanization in farming overpopulation in the south.

the rapid expansion of urban areas

Which was a major cause of corruption in government during the Gilded Age the spoils system the Pendleton Act policy of soft money (using money back by both gold and silver) the policy of laissez-faire

the spoils system

During the late 1800's, most factory workers stayed on the job despite harsh working conditions because government programs provided little relief for unemployed workers employers provided on the job training there was a great supply of available labor workers believed in the process of "natural selection"

there was a great supply of available labor

What was the primary purpose of collective bargaining? to give workers some power to promote job security produce goods more cheaply to improve worker productivity

to give workers some power

What common goal was shared by prohibitionists and purity crusaders to improve the personal behavior especially of city dwellers and immigrant class end poverty and redistribute national wealth to make charity scientific to improve urban living conditions

to improve the personal behavior especially of city dwellers and immigrant class

Which of the following led to government regulation of business during the Gilded Age high tariffs (tax on both imports & exports) increase factory and farm production declining business profits unfair business practices

unfair business practices

Which statement does not accurately describe urban living conditions in the late 1800s and early 1900s most ghettos reflected a specific ethnic culture slum residents were threatened by fire, crime and vice overcrowding and poor sanitation bred disease urban rich and poor lived side by side in the same neighborhoods

urban rich and poor lived side by side in the same neighborhoods

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