Chapter 12 Europe test guide

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According to Einhard's biography, all of the following were the objects of Charlemagne's charity except a. Flanders. b. Egypt. c. Carthage. d. Jerusalem. e. Syria.


All of the following were true of the medieval peasants' life except a. their housing was quite basic. b. they were members of agricultural craft guilds. c. peasant women had a challenging role. d. their diet was simple but adequate when food was available. e. they owed labor services to the lord of the manor.


Participants in the Third Crusade included all of the following except a. Richard the Lionhearted. b. Belisarius. c. Saladin. d. Frederick Barbarosa. e. Philip II Augustus.


Philip II Augustus of France accomplished all of the following except a. he waged war successfully against the kings of England. b. he became the Holy Roman Emperor. c. he regained the provinces of Anjou, Normandy, and Aquitaine from the Plantagenets. d. he established a royal bureaucracy. e. he enlarged the power of the French monarchy.


The Dominican friars a. were established in the ninth century. b. were first led by the highly intellectual Dominic de Guzmán. c. lived among the people and helped the poor. d. became key factors in combating heresy under the leadership of the Holy Roman Emperor. e. were led by Francis of Assisi.


The Fourth Crusade resulted in the a. capture of Jerusalem. b. fall of Constantinople. c. conquest of Alexandria. d. sack of Istanbul. e. occupation of Egypt.


The Viking discoverer of Greenland was a. Vladimir the Bold. b. Erik the Red. c. Leif Erikson. d. Wilbur the Just. e. Ivar the Boneless.


Alexander Nevsky, prince of Novgorad, defeated the a. Russians. b. Byzantines. c. Germans. d. Mongols. e. Poles


The representative of the Merovingian dynasty who founded a Frankish kingdom was... a. Louis the Pious. b. Charles the Hammer. c. Charlemagne. d. Frederick Barbarosa. e. Clovis.


The English king most responsible for establishing the "common law" was a. William of Normandy. b. Philip Augustus. c. Frederick II. d. Henry II. e. John.


In an effort to avoid the potential mayhem of the Germanic system of personal revenge for the punishment of crimes, an alternative system arose that made use of a fine called a. wergeld. b. wingard. c. wodoms. d. wargast. e. arbeiter.


The principality of Kiev was founded by a. Central Asian Mongols. b. Scandinavian Vikings. c. Byzantines from Constantinople. d. the Germanic Holy Roman Emperors. e. Hungarian Magyars.


Monasticism in medieval Europe a. was entirely a male area of activity. b. involved an egalitarian governance structure. c. included women, many of whom belonged to royal families d. was based upon the model established by St. Basil. e. was made up of hermit monks.


The first Gothic church was constructed near a. London b. Rome. c. Paris. d. Venice. e. Constantinople.


Which of the following was not characteristic of Gothic architecture? a. stained glass windows b. ribbed vaults and pointed arches c. flying buttresses d. thick walls e. extensive use of colored light


In 800, Charlemagne was crowned a. King of the Franks. b. Bishop of Rome. c. Ruler of the Germans. d. Roman Emperor. e. Emperor of the East.

Roman emperor

All of the following are correct about Thomas Aquinas except he a. relied upon the philosophy of Plato. b. wrote the Summa Theologica. c. attempted to reconcile faith and reason. d. used the dialectical method. e. used Aristotle's philosophy.


Aristocratic medieval women a. in unusual circumstances, could play a major role, as did Eleanor of Aquitaine. b. were totally independent of their men. c. never assumed managerial responsibilities in spite of their husband's frequent absences. d. were always dominant in their marriages. e. frequently led troops into battle in the absence of their husbands.


The cleric who called for the Second Crusade in the 1140s was a. St. Bernard of Clairvaux. b. Pope Urban II. c. Pope Innocent III. d. Peter the Hermit. e. Cyril.


The medieval university a. was originally an educational association of students or scholars, as at Bologna. b. taught only technical and scientific courses. c. rejected the study of law. d. only taught people trained in theology. e. allowed women to attend.


The piece of land that provided the feudal vassal's economic support was the a. fief. b. tallage. c. homage. d. vassalage. e. right.


The pope who gave his blessing and authorized the First Crusade was a. Urban II. b. Gregory VII. c. Gregory the Great. d. Innocent III. e. Edward the Confessor.


Which of the following is a valid statement about manorialism and the medieval manor? a. Manorialism provided the economic foundation of feudalism. b. The manor was the fundamental unit of medieval urban organization. c. The medieval village was usually in direct economic competition with the manor. d. Manorialism increased the level of freedom and mobility among the peasantry. e. Manorialism ended in the tenth century.


The early Capetian kings of France a. dominated their nobility. b. were effective rulers only in the area around Paris. c. governed only the Isle de Rhone. d. took possession of the English kings' lands in France. e. defeated Charlemagne at the battle of the Boyne.


The incursions of the Scandinavian Vikings into other parts of Europe a. were the most threatening of the fifteenth century invaders to the peace of Europe. b. were successful because their ships had a shallow draft, allowing them to sail far up rivers. c. had little impact on the history of England and France. d. were defeated at the Battle of Lechfeld. e. led to Scandinavian control of Greece.


The religious figured martyred in his own cathedral in the twelfth century was a. Benedict. b. Becket. c. Bernard. d. Francis. e. Aquinas.


The traditional liberal arts included all of the following except a. rhetoric. b. biology. c. music. d. astronomy. e. geometry.


The victor at the Battle of Hastings was a. Harold Godwinson. b. William of Normandy. c. Edward the Confessor. d. Henry II. e. Vladimir the Northman.


Which of the following revolutionized warfare in the early Middle Ages? a. gunpowder b. the stirrup c. the emergence of a money economy d. the longbow e. the Black Death


Which of the following was accomplished by medieval Christian monasteries? a. They launched an early "feminist" movement. b. They served as centers of learning. c. They played a major military role for their religion. d. They enforced the tenets of the Scriptures, often by force. e. They were under the rule of the princeps.


Which of the following was not characteristic of Romanesque architecture? a. barrel vaults b. flying buttresses c. massive pillars and walls d. dark on the inside e. gave the impression of a fortress


Who were the Asian people, defeated at the Battle of Lechfeld, who became Christians and went on to establish the kingdom of Hungary? a. the Mongols b. the Magyars c. the Vikings d. the Slavs e. the Golden Horde


All of the following were motives for the Crusades except a. the desire for military adventure. b. religious fervor. c. the aim to increase religious toleration between Muslims and Christians. d. the desire to gain riches and land. e. to allow the pope to assume the leadership in liberating the Holy Land.


All of the following were true about the development of Russia except a. Kievan Russia collapsed in the mid-twelfth century. b. Byzantine Christianity provided a major foundation for early Russian unity. c. Magyar dominance created a Western-oriented bent in Russia development. d. Mongols recognized of the hegemony of Alexander Nevsky. e. The descendants of Alexander Nevsky eventually became the rulers of all Russia.


By the end of the thirteenth century, the institutionalization of the English Parliament a. provided the foundation for the absolute rule of the monarch. b. enabled the barons and church lords to establish themselves in the House of Commons. c. was a system of power sharing between the monarch and groups within the society. d. enabled the knights and burgesses to establish themselves in the House of Lords. e. had failed because of the impact of the Black Death.


Charlemagne's oversight representatives, the "messengers of the lord king," were the a. mark graf. b. chandiar. c. missi dominici. d. scriptoria. e. flamboria.


The Slavs a. divided into seven specific groups during the Middle Ages. b. became Roman Catholic, with the exception of the Russians, Turks and Magyars. c. were divided into two religious groups, with most southern and eastern Slavs becoming Orthodox and most northern and western Slavs becoming Roman Catholic. d. converted to Islam after the First Crusade. e. briefly occupied northern Italy.


The leader of the "peasants' crusade" was a. Gregory the Great. b. Richard the Homeless. c. Peter the Hermit. d. Charles the Hammer. e. Saladin the Wise.


The reason so many European place-names end in borough, burgh, burg, or bourg was: a. most of them were established by the powerful Boringian family. b. the term means "cross-roads," a common place to build a city. c. the names refer to the fortified centers around which cities and towns were built. d. boros was an early name for a trade guild. e. a boroman was a ferry-man who insured safe passage across a river. Most towns with such names were founded around river crossings.


Vassals a. took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. b. generated most of their livable income from trade and commerce. c. were supported by the income from a fief of land. d. were owed allegiance by their lords. e. were unfree peasants.


Which of the following was not true about medieval Christianity? a. The influence of feudalism increased the secular behavior of many religious leaders. b. The Investiture Struggle was fought over the temporal role into the appointment of church officials. c. Papal authority had diminished by the thirteenth century. d. Innocent III provided proof of papal supremacy with his actions in a number of matters regarding the European monarchs. e. The new friars of the 1200s directly influenced the lives of ordinary people.


All of the following are true about scholasticism except a. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities. b. it attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason. c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. d. the author of the Summa Theologica was Abelard dun Scotus. e. theology was considered to be the "queen of the sciences."


The personal element of feudalism was most symbolized in the relationships involving a. serfs and the lords of the manor. b. knights and priests. c. popes and emperors. d. lords and vassals. e. burghers and kings.


All of the following are correct regarding the development of fief-holding except it a. was a response by local leaders who gathered military retainers to protect themselves, as the remnants of the imperial government could not adequately defend the state. b. led to the creation of a large number of knights who literally owed their livings to the lord who granted them a fief. c. led to a five-hundred-year period when warfare was dominated by heavily armed cavalry. d. reflected the high value of land during the centuries during which it was established. e. was a result of the Church's attempt to give serfs and peasants more social mobility.


France's first parliament, begun under Philip IV, was the a. Chambre des Comptes. b. Parlement. c. Diet of Paris. d. Reichstagen. e. Estates-General.


High Middle Ages agriculture included all except a. extensive swamp draining and land clearance. b. increased output by increasing the amount of land used for farming. c. improved methods through the use of iron tools. d. adopting the three-field system. e. the use of slave labor.


The medieval religious order which was noted for its commitment to living among the common people and ministering to the poor was the a. Cistercians. b. Dominicans. c. Jesuits. d. Benedictines. e. Franciscans.


The missionary brothers who converted the Slavic peoples of Moravia to the Orthodox Christianity of the Byzantine Empire were a. Francis and Wilbur. b. Vladimir and Alexander. c. Ivan and Peter. d. Bernard and Boris. e. Cyril and Methodius.


Which of the following kingdoms was NOT among the states to emerge in the twelfth century following the consolidation of the numerous small kingdoms of northern Spain? a. Castille b. Navarre c. Aragon d. Portugal e. Granada


The early medieval church in the West a. was headed by two rivals, the Archbishop of Milan and the Patriarch of Jerusalem. b. developed a more organized monastic structure under Saint Benedict. c. was for a long time ruled by the Patriarch of Constantinople. d. was under the sole control of the Patriarch of Jerusalem. e. was dominated for several centuries by Arian Christians.

developed a more organized monastic structure under Saint Benedict

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