Chapter 12: Management of Patients with Oncologic Disorders

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The client is scheduled for a breast lump excision and sentinel node biopsy. What should the nurse know in planning care for the client with a positive biopsy?

A wide excision of lump will be performed.

Following surgery for adenocarcinoma, the client learns the tumor stage is T3,N1,M0. What treatment mode should the nurse anticipate?

Adjuvant therapy is likely.

After cancer chemotherapy, a client experiences nausea and vomiting. The nurse should assign highest priority to which intervention?

Administering metoclopramide and dexamethasone as ordered

A client is receiving external radiation to the left thorax to treat lung cancer. Which intervention should be part of this client's care plan?

Avoiding using soap on the irradiated areas

What intervention should the nurse provide to reduce the incidence of renal damage when a patient is taking a chemotherapy regimen?

Encourage fluid intake to dilute the urine.

A nurse is administering daunorubicin through a peripheral I.V. line when the client complains of burning at the insertion site. The nurse notes no blood return from the catheter and redness at the I.V. site. The client is most likely experiencing which complication?


A decrease in circulating white blood cells (WBCs) is referred to as


Which is a growth-based classification of tumors?


In which phase of the cell cycle does cell division occur?


A patient is scheduled for cryoablation for cervical cancer and tells the nurse, "I am not exactly sure what the surgeon is going to do." What is the best response by the nurse?

"The surgeon is going to use liquid nitrogen to freeze the area."

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