chapter 13

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Which individual is MOST likely to take the time to help someone in an emergency situation?

Arturo, who feels guilty over not helping others in the past

A 14-year-old student slams a 13-year-old into a metal locker. A 15-year-old student spreads a cruel rumor about a classmate. Based on this information, who of these students is being aggressive?

Both the 14-year-old and the 15-year-old are being aggressive.

Which statement is MOST accurate regarding historical trends in racial, gender, and LGBT prejudice in the United States?

In the United States, explicit prejudice has decreased more dramatically than has implicit prejudice over the past 75 years.

Who proposed the cognitive dissonance theory?

Leon Festinger

What might account for why, in college residence halls, students' attitudes become more similar to those living near them?

They may feel as though others in the residence hall are observing their behavior.

According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others:

diminishes performance on difficult or new tasks.

Discrimination is to _____ as prejudice is to _____.

behavior; attitude

Joanna disagrees with her classmates on an issue. During a class discussion of the issue, Joanna is MOST likely to conform to her classmates' opinion if she:

believes the rest of the class is unanimous in their decision

In the Milgram experiments, the level of obedience was highest when the teacher was _____ the experimenter and _____ the learner.

close to, far from

Evidence shows that people exhibit heightened levels of prejudice when they are economically frustrated. This offers support for the _____ theory.


Summer watches as a student stumbles and drops her books in the hall. If she demonstrates the fundamental attribution error, how would Summer explain the student's behavior?

she is a clumsy person

Curtis usually does very well on tests, but he failed his most recent vocabulary exam. His teacher was very upset by Curtis' performance and decided that Curtis must be sick or have some type of problem that affected his ability to study for the test. In this example, the teacher made a(n) _____ about Curtis' test performance.

situational attribution

Casandra is a devout Catholic and volunteers five hours each week at a local women's shelter. Casandra may volunteer so much because of:

social responsibility

Arturo believes that most young women from California are extremely good looking and that extremely good-looking women are usually selfish and egotistical. His beliefs are examples of:


Sherelle is with three of her friends at a restaurant. One of her friends yawns, then another friend, and then Sherelle. She has just experienced:

the chameleon effect

While on a date with his girlfriend, Juan discovered that she was depressed about a low exam grade. He found that he began to feel dejected and they both talked very little and ended the date early. Juan's change in mood BEST illustrates:

the chameleon effect

We feel happier in the presence of happy people than in the presence of depressed people. This is known as:

the chameloen effect

Shortly after learning that he did not make it onto his high school basketball team, Brad vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. His behavior is best explained in terms of:

the frustration agression principle

A job applicant is five minutes late for an interview. The interviewer assumes that the applicant is unconscientious and fails to consider that she may have had difficulty finding a parking spot. The interviewer is demonstrating:

the fundamental attribution error

Recently Tanya has been caught in heavy traffic when traveling to and from work. This situation has caused her to arrive to work late and arrive home at a much later time than normal. When she comes home, she slams the front door and tends to yell more at her children and husband over things that are rather insignificant. This behavior can BEST be explained by the:

frustration-aggression principle.

Which phenomenon was at least partially responsible for the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the escalation of the Vietnam War, the U.S. Watergate cover-up, the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, the U.S. space shuttle Challenger explosion, and the Iraq War?

group think

Groupthink is fueled by a desire for:


Clay would get angry very quickly when he was a teenager. Now he is in his fifties and it takes a lot to make him angry. What has changed?

his testosterone level decreased

Social loafing is MOST pronounced in _____ cultures such as _____.

individualistic, australia

Why are people susceptible to normative social influence?

people have a need to belong

This is an unjustifiable and usually negative attitude toward a group.


_____ is an unjustifiable, usually negative, attitude toward a group and its members.


Maria and Dionne have worked together for several years. Each Christmas they exchange gifts and the gifts are pretty much equal in value. This BEST demonstrates:

reciprocity norm.

In the Stanford Prison Study, subjects were randomly assigned to be prisoners and guards in the experiment. The guards wore khaki prison uniforms, carried nightsticks, and wore sunglasses while the prisoners wore prison garb with their prison numbers on the back. These costumes signified the _____ each of the subjects was to play in the experiment.


Based on her experience, Nadine tends to view the supporters of a particular political party somewhat negatively. Nadine has a(n):


Javier has the potential to be an honor student but frustrates his teachers because of his actions. Rather than work to succeed, he tends to dumb down to act more like the students with whom he hangs out. He has at times answered questions incorrectly in class, on purpose, in order to be more like his friends. Javier's behavior is an example of:

normative social influence

Makayla has heard that the teachers are considering switching her to the gifted class. Makayla decides to dumb down to act more like her friends. She begins answering questions incorrectly in class, on purpose, in order to be more like her friends. Her behavior is an example of:

normative social influence

Martina knows little about politics and is not especially interested in the outcome of political races. Martina would MOST likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on the _____ route to persuasion.


After a light turns green, drivers take about 15 percent less time to travel the first 100 yards when another car is beside them at the intersection than when they are alone. This BEST illustrates:

social facilitation.

Among violent criminals, activity appears to be reduced in the _____ lobe of the brain.


Dahlia is trying to make partner at one of the city's most prestigious law firms. It is generally understood that associates remain hard at work in the office until at least 7 or 8 each evening. This is an element of the firm's:


Nadine has strong feelings about a website used to enroll in health insurance. These feelings stem in part from her political beliefs, and they may influence her voting behavior in subsequent elections. Nadine has a(n):


Nora has strong feelings about the presence of the Confederate flag outside public buildings in her town. These feelings stem in part from her political beliefs, and they may influence her voting behavior in the near future. Nora has a(n) _____.


Initially prejudiced whites are likely to develop more accepting attitudes toward blacks following the experience of:

face-to-face contact

Parents who discipline their children with beatings are often teaching aggression through the process of:


Tina uses spanking to discipline her children. She may be teaching aggression through the process of:


Stephanie hears someone reading a neutral text in a happy-sounding voice. What is this most likely to trigger?

mood contagion

The two-factor theory of emotion states that passion is composed of:

neither sexual desire nor growing attachment.

You decide that your free time over the weekend to volunteer at the Special Olympics is not as important to you as the good feelings and the joy you receive from giving back to the community by volunteering. This illustrates the:

social exchange theory.

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This BEST illustrates:

social facilitation

The home advantage in college and professional athletic events can be attributed to:

social facilitation

While driving his girlfriend to work, Nate narrowly avoided a collision with another vehicle. Moments later, he experienced an unusually warm glow of affection for his girlfriend. His romantic reaction is BEST explained in terms of the _____ theory.

two factor

Cognitive dissonance theory emphasizes that we seek to reduce the discomfort we feel when:

two of our cognitions are inconsistent.


understood rule for accepted and expected behavior in a given group.

Mr. Rogers thinks that all teenagers are reckless, promiscuous, irresponsible delinquents. Mr. Rogers appears to be associating qualities that are unrelated to the objective evidence that define all members of this particular age group. Mr. Rogers is demonstrating:

a stereotype.

When Hutu militia began to slaughter the Tutsi in 1994, missionary Carl Wilkens risked his own life to save the lives of others. His actions are an example of _____.


Aggression is related to increased activity in a brain structure called the:


Kelly is a Republican, and Carlos is a Democrat. Both believe that the members of their own political party are more fair-minded and trustworthy than members of any other party. This belief BEST illustrates:

an ingroup bias.

Discrimination is BEST described as:

an unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group of people and its members

Cognitive dissonance theory emphasizes that we seek to reduce the discomfort we feel when we become aware that:

our attitudes and actions conflict.

John and Julie have been happily married for 10 years. Their love is BEST described as _____ love.


Muzafer Sherif's Robbers Cave experiment showed that perceptions of each of two groups at the camp were influenced by:

competitive and cooperative activities.

When we adjust our own behavior or thinking so that it coincides with a group standard, we are exhibiting:


Some people lose self-awareness and self-restraint during a large sporting event or mob action. This is known as:


Those perceived as different, or apart from one's ingroup, are called:


Jennifer is well liked by her friends. When you watch her, you can see that she mimics her friends' gestures and seems to match their moods. This automatic mimicry is a component of:


Laurie and Jim have been married for 20 years. When asked, Laurie indicated that what she most appreciated about their marriage was that they both freely give and receive affection and that they share decision making and household responsibilities. Laurie's description is an example of:


Social loafing refers to the tendency for people to:

exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone

Darley and Latané simulated a physical emergency in their laboratory. University students participated in a discussion over an intercom. Each student was in a separate cubicle, and only the person whose microphone was switched on could be heard. One of the students was an accomplice of the experimenters. When his turn came, he made sounds as though he were having an epileptic seizure and called for help. Those who thought others could also hear were:

less likely to help

If people are asked how they like various letters of the alphabet, they tend to prefer the letters found in their own names. This BEST illustrates the impact of the _____ effect.

mere exposure

The _____ effect is the phenomenon that repeated encounters with novel stimuli increases liking of them.

mere exposure

Two-thirds of same-sex couples have met:


Tim's new roommate Jaxon leaves dirty laundry all over his room, and Tim assumes he must be a slob. Tim ignores the fact that Jaxon is currently studying for finals and working 30 hours per week. Tim is demonstrating:

the fundamental attribution error

While eating at a café, Janet sees a server's serving tray tilt, and the food and beverages spill onto four people. "What a careless, clumsy idiot," Janet mumbles to herself as she resumes eating. Janet has just committed:

the fundamental attribution error

Yung is driving to campus one day when another car cuts him off and speeds ahead. Immediately, he yells out "Crazy driver!" not realizing that the person may be rushing to get to the hospital. Yung's judgment BEST illustrates:

the fundamental attribution error

In terrible situations, some people succumb to the situation and others do not. The difference best illustrates:

the interactive influence of persons and situations.

What is the phenomenon in which the repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases the liking of them?

the mere exposure effect

After the events of 9/11, some Americans began boycotting Arab-American stores and lashing out at any Middle-Eastern person they saw. This behavior is best explained in terms of:

the scapegoat theory

Dr. Cheng studies social influence at a university in China. He is concerned because he is finding that rates of conformity in his experiments are much higher than those reported by his cousin, another social influence researcher, who does his research in the United States. Which reason might account for this difference?

Dr. Cheng is conducting his experiments in a country that prizes collectivism, whereas his cousin is conducting experiments in a country that prizes individualism.

This is the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.


The availability heuristic is associated with:

vivid cases

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