Chapter 13: Managing Diversity

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Glass ceiling

An invisible barrier that separates women from top management positions Also impedes the career progress of minorities Prevents women from advancing vertically Women and minorities are clustered at the bottom levels of the corporate hierarchy

- Changing structures and policies - Expanding recruitment efforts - Establishing mentor relationships - Accommodating special needs - Providing diversity skills training - Increasing awareness of sexual harrasment

Diversity initiatives and programs include:

Numerical goals

Diversity performance should be measured by _____________ to ensure solutions are being implemented successfully

1. Better use of employee talent 2. Increased understanding of the marketplace 3. Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions 4. Increased quality of team problem solving 5. Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits

Dividends of workplace diversity are?

Valuing cultural differences

Recognition of cultural differences and seeing these differences with an appreciative attitude

Baby boomers

Generation of the workforce currently heading to retirement

Generation Y

Generation that is ambitious, lacks loyalty to one organization, and is eager for quick success millenials

Generation X

Generation that struggles with reduced guarantees about their financial features and job security


The tendency to view people who are different as being deficient

Solicitation with promise of reward sexual harassment

This action treads a fine line as an attempt to "purchase" sex, with the potential for criminal prosecution

Inappropriate/offensive sexual harassment

Though not sexually threatening, it causes discomfort in a coworker, whose reaction in avoiding the harasser may limit his or her freedom and ability to function in the workplace


True or False? Companies with several senior-level women outperform those without senior-level women both financially and organizationally


True or False? Male managers are rated higher by subordinates on interpersonal skills, task behavior, communication, ability to motivate others, and goal accomplishment


True or False? Managers need to understand the complex attitudes, opinions, and issues that already exist in the workplace or that employees bring into the workplace

1. Traditional 2. Inclusive

What are the models of diversity?

- Generalized - Inappropriate/offensive - Solicitation with promise of reward - Coercion with threat of punishment - Sexual crimes and misdemeanors

What are the various forms of sexual harassment?

Maintain momentum to change the culture

What is step five in the process for implementing a diversity plan?

Demand results and revisit the goals

What is step four in the process for implementing a diversity plan?

Uncover diversity problems

What is step one in the process for implementing a diversity plan?

Choose solutions to fit a balanced strategy and address education, enforcement, and exposure

What is step three in the process for implementing a diversity plan?

Strengthen top management commitment

What is step two in the process for implementing a diversity plan?


When someone acts out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice


____________ of the population is a global phenomenon


a culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs, which can cause problems for minority employees

Cultural audit

a tool that identifies problems or areas needing improvement in a corporation's culture


all the ways in which people differ


an organization accommodates several subcultures

Managing diversity

creating a climate in which the potential disadvantages are minimized

Diversity awareness training

make employees aware of the assumptions the make and to increase people's sensitivity and openness to those who are different from them

Ethnic discrimination

mistreating people because they have a different ethnicity

Gender discrimination

paying a woman less than a man for the same work


providing incentives for employees who demonstrate disciplinary actions for those who violate diversity standards

Traditional Diversity dimensions

- Age - Race - Gender - Lifestyle - Pay level - Disability

Inclusive Diversity dimensions

- Race - Gender - Lifestyle - Pay level - Function - Competency - Income - Parent - Language - Work style - Military experience - Position - Nationality - Personality

Cultural Competence

Ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures

Employee network groups

Based on social identity, such as gender or race, and are organized by employees to focus on concerns of employees from that group


Belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal

New diversity initiatives

Benefits: improving employee morale, decreasing interpersonal conflict, facilitating progress in new markets, and increasing the organization's creativity

Traditional diversity

Dimensions include inborn differences that are immediately observable

Inclusive diversity

Includes all of the ways in which employees differ, including aspects of diversity that can be acquired or changed throughout one's lifetime

Commitment, leadership, and support

Most important component of a successful diversity strategy is manager's ____________.

1. Intangible 2. Pervasive 3. Difficult to comprehend

National cultures are _________


Rigid, exaggerated, irrational beliefs associated with a particular group of people

Generalized sexual harassment

Sexual remarks and actions that are not intended to lead to sexual activity but are directed toward a coworker based solely on gender and reflect on the entire group

Opt-out trend

Some women never hit the glass ceiling because they choose to get off the fast track long before it comes into view Women are deciding that corporate success isn't worth the price in terms reduced family and personal time, greater stress, and negative health effects

Multicultural teams

Teams made up of members from diverse national, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds Provide even greater potential for enhanced creativity, innovation, and value in today's global marketplace More difficult to manage because of the increased potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding


The U.S. has a _____________ workforce.


The belief that one's own group and subculture are inherently superior to other groups and cultures

Pluralism; Ethnorelativism

The goal of organizations seeking cultural diversity is ______________ rather than a monoculture and _____________ rather than ethnocentrism

Coercion with threat of punishment

The harasser coerces a coworker into sexual activity by using the threat of power (through recommendations, grades, promotions, and so on) to jeopardize the victim's career

Sexual crimes and misdemeanors

The highest level of sexual harassment, these acts would, if reported to the police, be considered felony crimes and misdemeanors

Diversity training

help people identify their own cultural boundaries, prejudices, and stereotypes and develop the skills for managing and working in a diverse workplace

Diversity skills training

help people learn how to communicate and work effectively in a diverse environment


higher-ranking organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protégé's professional career


involves exposing traditional managers to nontraditional peers to help break down stereotypical beliefs

Stereotype threat

the psychological experience of a person who, when engaged in a task, is aware of a stereotype about his or her identity group suggesting that he or she will not perform well on that task


training programs that improve awareness and diversity skills

The Female Advantage

women are more collaborative, less hierarchical, relationship oriented, better able to deliver in terms of what modern society requires of people

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