Chapter 13/15 Test 12/21

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66. Party dealignment is associated with__________

A. An increase in divided government

14. Which of the following legislative initiatives would Lessig be most likely to support?

A. Campaign Finance Reform

25. Which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon?

A. Contributions from special interest groups have undermined fair and competitive political campaigns.

46. The data in the chart most closely reflects which model of representative democracy?

A. Elite Democracy

5. Based on the data in the table above, what was likely outcome of this convention?

A. Hubert Humphrey would receive the democratic nomination.

18. Which trend does the table on the previous page support?

A. Interest groups and PACs donate more to challengers than incumbents.

9. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Democrats and Republicans?

A. Lost the Solid South in a regional realignment. | Have shifted the party ideology from a more liberal stance to a more conservative stance over time.

50. Judging from this excerpt by Firoina, a string political party would

A. Make sure candidates who went against the party would not be nominated.

31. Based on the chart above, which generation is the most likely to support the Democratic Party?

A. Millenial

64. A core function of political parties is?

A. Nominating candidates

63. The table above is the detail of registered voters in Orange County, Florida. What political phenomenon is represented by the large number of people with no party affiliation (NPA)?

A. Party dealignment

22. Which of the following makes a correct comparison between political parties and interest groups in the United States?

A. Political parties recruit and run candidates in elections. | Interest groups seek to influence public policy.

27. A non-profit advocacy group seeks to block an expensive subsidy to what it believes is an environmentally destructive project. Which of the following accurately depicts the free-rider problem in this scenario?

A. The public can expect to reap the benefits of blocking the subsidy without making any contributions to the non-profit group.

7. The cartoonist likely believes that the pointing fingers represent a conflict between which two entities?

A. The two political parties within congress

1. Why was this passage most likely included in the candidates message?

A. To gain votes outside of Democratic party.

17. Which of the following statements about interest groups and lobbying is true?

B. A capital will lobby its most precious asset is access

40. Based on the data presented in the cart, which of the following statements are TRUE?Interest groups give money to..

B. A single party, either republican or democrat

26. Which of the following Supreme Court cases is most relevant to the topic of the cartoon?

B. Citizens United V. FEC(2010)

12. Which if the following issue areas would have more grassroots reach with conservatives?

B. Criminal Justice

60. Which of the following important functions of Democracy would most likely be more difficult without political parties?

B. Educating the public about upcoming elections

15. Which interest group action would most greatly influence rulings in the courts?

B. Filing a miscarriage brief

55. On what constitutional principle did the Supreme Court base its ruling in Citizens United?

B. Freedom of speech

43. What claim can a political scientist make about the different types of PACs based on the chart above?

B. Ideology single issue PACs are more likely to donate money to open seat races than any other group.

13. Which of the following best reflects Lessigs argument in this passage?

B. If people want to influence policy they should support interest groups whose interests they share.

58. In which of the following might PACs invest their contributions in order to maximize their political influence?

B. Incumbents

19. What implications can be drawn from the information in the table?

B. Iron Triangles depend on longstanding relationships that challengers can't provide.

21. Which of the following sets of policies appears to be most influenced by a libertarian ideology?

B. Legalize commercial sale of marijuana and reduce government spending on prisons

36. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the Supreme Court's reasoning in Citizens United v. FEC as expressed in the excerpt above?

B. Outside groups' use of money to influence voters demonstrates that the most important political authority comes from the people.

48. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Political Parties and Interest Groups?

B. Run candidates and win elections in congress | Support candidates for elections in order to influence policy in congress

53. Which of the following statements regarding political parties is true based on the graphic?

B. The Republican party initially emerged as an anti-slavery political party.

51. Which of the following is a consequence of the situation for political parties that Fiorina is describing?

B. The media and interest groups will have more influence on elections.

3. Which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the chart?

B. The poll reveals a gender gap.

52. All of the following are reasons why parties have declined EXCEPT

B. Voters can nominate party candidates in primary elections.

65. What is the most basic task of a political party?

B. Winning elections

4. Based on the information in the table, what conclusion can you draw?

B. Younger voters tend to be more liberal than older ones.

70. Donations to __________ do not have to be disclosed unless a donor gives money specifically for a political ad.

C. 501 C groups

68. Which of the following statements about campaign contributions made by corporate PACs to candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives is true?

C. A majority of corporate PAC contributions to House candidates go to the candidates of the majority party.

29. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the contemporary platforms of each of the following?

C. Affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. | Believe that Roe v. Wade should be upheld.

45. Which statement below represents the data in the graph?

C. Corporate PACs consistently outspend labor union PACs in congressional elections.

30. According to the chart, which of the following statements is true?

C. Current younger generations prefer more government services than current older generations.

6. You believe in expanding gun-control legislation, and you support more affirmative action efforts. You oppose the death penalty. Which party best aligns with your beliefs?

C. Democratic

67. Which of the following is hyper pluralists' main criticism of the interest group system?

C. Government is too differential to interest group demands.

20. Which statement reflects the perspective of the cartoonist?

C. Healthcare reform has been threatened by special interest

56. What did the Supreme Court declare unconstitutional in Citizens United?

C. Limits on corporate political expenditures

10. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of winner-take-all voting districts and proportional voting districts?

C. Limits the promotion of the views of citizens who voted for second and third-place candidates | Allots seats or government positions relative to party's success in an election.

38. Based on the trends above, all of the following might be expected except?

C. More evidence of bipartisan collaboration.

41. which of the following is an accurate statement about the information in the line graph?

C. Party polarization has dramatically increased over the past 40 years.

47. You believe in a strong 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arma and are in favor of string immigration restrictions. Which party best aligns with your beliefs?

C. Republican

32. Which of the following is a likely impact on the policymaking process of the trends in the graph?

C. Republicans and Democrats in congress are likelier to become gridlocked.

2. What guidelines of messaging best align with this passage?

C. Since the general election is months away, she needs to keep her message general and ideological.

69. Prior to being banned in 2002 by the McCain-Feingold Act, unlimited monetary contributions that were earmarked for party-building expenses at the grassroots level or for generic party advertising were known as

C. Soft Money

23. Two interest groups are competing for influence in congress. One group represents banking institutions, while the other advocates for consumer protections. A critic of the influence of interest groups would make which of the following claims?

C. The banking interest group will likely have greater financial resources and access to policy makers than the consumer protection group.

61. Which of the following best illustrates the concept of iron triangles?

C. The long term relationships between agencies, congressional committees and interest groups in specific policy areas

49. What does Fiorina mean by "collective responsibility"?

C. The political party as a whole should bear credit or blame for the political choices it makes.

54. The graphic illustrates which of the following statements about political parties?

C. There is an ongoing debate between political parties over the power and scope of the federal government, even as economic and demographic changes have altered party conditions.

62. Which of the following statements accurately summarizes what the National Rifle Association of Retired Persons, the National Right to Life Committee, Reproductive Rights Committee Action League, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving(MADD) all have in common?

C. They all represent citizen groups trying to influence government policies that they believe will benefit the public at large.

11. Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion based only on the information in the table?

D. Advocacy groups appear more effective at influencing policy than business interests

35. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the political cartoon above?

D. Candidates who do not rely on interest groups may lack the finances to win.

8. When was the cartoon likely published?

D. During parties gridlock in congress

42. What claim can a political scientist make about Political Action Committee (PAC) donations based on the chart above?

D. Incumbent candidates receive the most PAC donations.

28. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of conservative and liberal views concerning social policy?

D. Individuals should not rely on government aid for their well-being. | The government should be responsible for helping improve the economic position of low-income people.

57. Which of the following statements about campaign finance is most accurate?

D. Interest groups and corporations have had more influence in elections than ever before.

37. Which trends does the chart illustrate from above?

D. Political Polarization

24. Which of the following policies would an individual who identifies as a Democrat most likely support?

D. Strengthening anti-discrimination policies for married gay couples.

16. Which statement about recent trends in grassroots lobbying is true?

D. This technique is used to target particular congress

44. What is one reason why incumbents are more likely to win an election?

Incumbents have the franking privilege.

39. The Pro-Gun data is an excellent example of the interest group technique of


59. Which of the following raise money from individuals and then distribute it in the form of contributions to political candidates?

Political Action Committees (PACs)

33. Which political party would be more likely to support the following quote "We oppose the use of public funds to promote or perform abortion.. We will not fund or subsidize healthcare that includes abortion coverage."


34. The democratic party is likely to support policy that

Supports tackling climate change

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