chapter 14-16

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Statistics show that ________ of homeless adults living in shelters experience mental illness.


Which of the following is an example of the alarm reaction stage of the general adaption syndrome?

A burst of energy enables Hassan to run fast when he sees a skunk in his path.

Which of the following is a drug that can be used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?


All of the following is true about neurodevelopmental disorders?

All are diagnosed in early childhood

From an early age, Kwaku got into trouble constantly. He continually violates the rights of others and he often lies, fights, and has problems with the law. Generally, he is impulsive and fails to think ahead. He is frequently deceitful and manipulative in order to get the things he wants, and he never regrets his misdeeds or considers the feelings of those he has harmed. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Kwaku's personality?

Antisocial personality disorder

A panic disorder is a type of _____ disorder characterized by panic attacks, along with at least one month of worry about panic attacks or self-defeating behavior related to the attacks


______ disorders are characterized by excessive, persistent fear and apprehension and by related disturbances in behavior


A _____ attack is often triggered by environmental factors, such as air population, allergens, cigarette smoke, airway infections, cold air or a sudden change in temperature, and exercise.


Which kind of therapy involves a therapeutic orientation that employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors?


Renzo's therapist helps him learn to overcome his fear of dogs through several stages of relaxation techniques. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

Behavior therapy

Which of the following is an example of a secondary appraisal of a stressor?

Berkley believes she can end an argument with her by apologizing and buying her wife a gift.

Dr. Bronson treats anxiety disorders with Xanax, which exemplifies ________ therapy.


Mae notices that her daughter, Natalie, is extremely preoccupied with the freckles on her nose. Mae can barely see the freckles, but Natalie spends hours in front of the mirror and recently declared that her nose is deformed, and she is ugly. She spent her entire weekend applying products.... Mae believes her daughter may have a ______ disorder.

Body dysmorphic

Which of the following is a good example of a response-based definition of stress?

Bruce experiences stress because his heart rate increased when he noticed Jack had a knife

Who developed client-centered therapy?

Carl Rogers

Which of the following is an example of a stimulus-based definition of stress?

Caroline experiences stress because she is home alone and hears unusual noises outside

Etiology is another word for ______.


Lamont cares for his aging father, who suffers from dementia. This is an example of a(n) ________ stressor.


Which term refers to the fact that the therapist cannot disclose private communications to any third party unless mandated or permitted by law to do so?


Doug is an emergency room nurse in a large, underfunded, public hospital. Lately, he finds himself assuming that the patients he sees are just trying to get free drugs to feed an addiction. Just yesterday a little boy was brought in with a broken arm, and Doug found that he was completely indifferent to the boy's pain. What aspect of job burnout does this exemplify?


Who led the reform efforts for mental health care in the United States?

Dorothea Dix

What does research show regarding race and ethnic differences in those who receive mental health services?

Ethnic minorities tend to utilize mental health services less frequently than white, middle class americans

Which of the following factors does not strongly predict the development of posttraumatic stress disorder>

Experiencing trauma in isolation

Which of the following is an example of flight of ideas?

Gilbert talks loudly/quickly, switching topics rapidly

Who defines stress as the "response of the body to any demand, whether it is caused by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant conditions"?

Hans Selye

Which principle underlies cognitive therapy?

How you think determines how you feel

Dr. Banner wants his clients to learn to articulate thoughts that keep them from achieving their goals. Therefore, Dr. Banner increases their self-awareness by focusing on their conscious thoughts. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation is he using?


Which of the following is an example of a primary appraisal of a stressor?

Humphrey judges the man with the gun to be a moderate threat.

Which of the following is a benefit of group therapy?

Individuals realize they are not alone with their problems.

Who identified psychological disorders as a harmful dysfunction?

Jerome C Wakefield

Taylor is a social worker. He is overworked, his caseload is overwhelming, and he no longer believes that what he does on a day-to-day basis has any real impact or improves anyone's life. Taylor is probably suffering from ________.

Job burnout

Which of the following defines antisocial personality disorder?

Lack of regard for others rights, impulsivity, and deceitfulness

Which of the following is an example of the exhaustion stage of the general adaption syndrome?

Latricia has been lost in the woods for days.. After such a long period of anxiety and fear...

The relaxation response technique is a stress reduction technique that combines elements of relaxation and ______.


What kind of symptoms involves reflecting noticeable decreases and absences in certain behaviors, emotions, or drives?


Jeff is an unforgiving perfectionist who would rather deliver work a week late than turn in a project with even minor mistakes. In fact, he spends so much time working that he never has time for anything else. Jeff is known to be rigid, inflexible, and stubborn, and he never compromises. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Jeff's personality?

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Which brain region is believed to play a critical role in OCD?

Orbitofrontal complex

Which of the following is an example of a diathesis-stress model?

Ozzie has a genetic predisposition toward depression, but he didn't experience depression until his mother/father died.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of histrionic personality disorder?

Phoebe feels uncomfortable when she's not the center of attention, and has alienated friends by demanding excess amount of their attention

Which type of appraisal involves judgment about the degree of potential harm or threat to well-being that a stressor might entail?


Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of paranoid personality disorder?

Rafe is extremely suspicious of the people around him and mistrusts them for no identifiable reason

Which psychological disorder is characterized by major disturbances in thought, perception, and behavior.


Who developed psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

Diondre harbors the belief that spider eggs have been implanted underneath his fingernails. What kind of delusion is this?


For Burt, who has claustrophobia, a small dark room creates a small amount of fear, a stairwell creates a bit more fear, and an elevator creates the most fear. Burt's therapist induces deep relaxation and asks him to imagine a small dark room. Gradually, they will work up to having Burt imagine being in an elevator. What aspect of exposure therapy is this?

Stimulus hierarchy

Carl Rogers called his therapeutic orientation client-centered therapy because he thought the term "patient" _______.

Suggested the patient seeking help was sick and looking for a cure.

_______ involves thoughts of death by suicide, thinking about or planning suicide, or making a suicide attempt.

Suicidal ideation

On the advice of her therapist, Thora decides to treat her fear of heights by exposing herself to heights using a stimulus hierarchy. Which form of therapy is she using?

Systematic desensitization

What is one reason that more affluent individuals may experience better health?

Tend to believe they can personally control and manage their reaction to life's stressors...

Dr. Fobish possesses a ______ behavior pattern because she is an intensively driven workaholic, preoccupied with deadlines, and always seems to be in a rush.

Type A

Which of the following is an example of the resistance stage of the general adaption syndrome?

Tyrique almost falls out of the tree, but grabs a branch, he focuses his energy and attention on getting down.

Marlena tells her therapist that she often feels helpless and unable to accomplish her goals. Her therapist responds by acknowledging her feelings, restating what she has told him, and clarifying the feelings behind what Marlena is expressing. What aspect of client-centered therapy is this?

active listening

Svetlana admires her boss, Helga. One day Helga forgets her briefcase and Svetlana loses all admiration for Helga. Svetlana thinks that a boss is either always perfect or not worthy of admiration. What kind of cognitive distortion is this?

all or nothing thinking

A stressor is likely to be appraised as a threat when someone ________.

anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or negative consequence.

Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are examples of ____.


Dr. Griffiths diagnosed Manuel with major depressive disorder because he ________.

appears tearful to other and spends weeks at a time feeling sad, empty, and hopeless.

Egon can't pay attention in class. He is easily distracted, won't sit still, and displays poor impulse control. The school counselor suggested that his parents take him to a doctor to have him assessed for ________.

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Which childhood disorder is characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication and repetitive patterns of behavior or interests?

autism spectrum

Which of the following is a common characteristic of all dissociative disorder?

becoming split off ,or dissociated, from ones core sense of self

Exposure therapy is a _______ technique.

behavioral therapy

Piper is diagnosed with agoraphobia because she experiences intense fear and anxiety of ________.

being outside home alone

The concept of perceived control refers to _____.

beliefs about the capacity to influence and shape outcomes in our lives

_____ is stress-reduction- technique whereby electronic equipment measuring a persons involuntary activity helps him gain a level of voluntary control over these processes.


The ______ perspective suggests that psychological disorders result largely from faulty physical processes, and the ______ perspective emphasizes the importance of factors such as stress and thoughts as well as environmental factors in the development of psychological disorders


Addiction is often viewed as a(an) ________ disease.


In the free association technique of psychoanalysis, the ____.

client says whatever comes to mind

Humanistic therapy is also called _______ therapy.


Noticing that you have difficulty concentrating during and after periods of prolonged stress exemplifies how stress can have a negative ________ impact.


Rafael is in therapy, and one of his goals is to overcome his pessimistic attitude. His therapist helps him eliminate thought patterns that lead to distress. For example, he helps Rafael learn to not overgeneralize his likelihood of failing his sociology class based on doing poorly on his first exam. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

cognitive therapy

A psychological disorder is a ______.

condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Which term refers to mental or behavioral efforts used to manage problems relating to stress, including the cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces?


Rush hour traffic, lost keys, obnoxious coworkers, and inclement weather are all examples of ____.

daily hassle

Which of the following is a reason that depression is associated with heart disease?

depression may increase the likelihood of living on unhealthy lifestyle, which increases the risk of heart disease.

The ______ model suggests that people with a predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with adverse environmental or psychological events.


Donna exhibits two separate personalities, each well-defined and distinct from one another, so Dr. Paulson diagnosed Donna with ________ disorder.

dissociative identity

People who reach the ________ level of stress feel burned out; they are fatigued, exhausted, and their performance begins to decline.


_____ is the kind of stress that exceeds the optimal level, is no longer a positive force, and becomes excessive debilitating.


ECT stand for _____.

electroconvulsive therapy

Researchers who studied people injured in the 9/11 attacks found that the injured later suffered from ________. These results demonstrate how stress is linked to the development and progression of a variety of physical illnesses and diseases.

elevated rates of heart disease

Oleksiy is an adjunct professor in the Department of Fine Arts. He applied for a full-time job recently, which he did not get. He tries to put this situation in a positive light, reminding himself that he will have more time to produce artwork if he is not working a full-time job. He also reminds himself that some of his friends from grad school can't find work related to art in any way. Which type of coping approach is Oleksiy using?

emotion focused

_____ is the kind of stress associated with positive feelings, as well as optimal health and performance.


Which of the following is a common characteristic of all anxiety disorders?

excessive, persistent fear, and anxiety

Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease because it ____.

forces heart to pump harder, which puts more physical strain on heart

Dr. Xavier encourages his client to relax and say whatever comes to mind at the moment. Dr. Xavier is using ________ to treat his client.

free association

Identify the obsession in the following sentence. "Keisha is overly concerned about germs, so she spends hours wiping the surfaces of her home and washing her hands."


Which treatment modality involves 5-10 people with the same issue or concern meeting together with trained clinician?

group therapy

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), three factors work together to produce successful treatment. Which of the following is not one of the three factors?

having a psychologist and therapist of the same sex

Which of the following is not one of the three aspects of job burnout?

hostility and fatigue

What principle underlies cognitive-behavioral therapy?

how you think determines how you feel?

Which of the following is a negative effect of extended cortisol release caused by chronic or prolonged stress?

immune system is weakened.

During the therapist's first meeting with the client, called ________, the therapist gathers specific information to address the client's immediate needs.


Which of the following statements is true about obsessive compulsive disorder?

involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts, and repetitive behaviors.

Which of the following is an example of avolition?

lack of motivation to bathe yourself

Angela transfers to a new high school for gifted children and has trouble making friends. She expected this and plans to change it by joining more after school clubs and sitting next to different people at lunch. She believes she has effective options for dealing with the stressor of having no friends; therefore, she experiences ________.

less stress than someone who has no effective options.

Janice is in the middle of a distinct period of an abnormally and persistently elevated mood. In the last week she has cleaned her house from top to bottom (breaking windows and dishes in the process), bought a new car that she can't afford, and dug up most of her yard in case she might want a garden next year. Janice is experiencing ________.


What is comorbidity?

more than one health condition at a time

People with ________ disorders experience thoughts and urges that are intrusive and unwanted and/or the need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts.


If Laura has bipolar disorder, then she ________.

often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania

Lydia is often described as having a positive outlook on life. She assumes the best of people and situations. Lydia exemplifies ______.


____ delusions involve the (false) belief that other people or agencies are plotting to harm the person.


Which therapeutic process involves the use of toys?

play therapy

Optimism is a tendency toward a ______.

positive outlook and positive expectations

Which kind of psychology seeks to identify and promote those qualities that lead to happy, fulfilled, and contented lives?

positive psychology

In medieval times, abnormal behaviors were viewed as a sign that a person was ________.

possessed by demons

Cordelia, an active duty marine, served in Afghanistan. While she was on patrol with her friend, an IED went off, killing her friend and injuring her. In the two months since her friend died, Cordelia has been jumpy, irritable, avoids talking about her friend, and once every few days experiences a flashback to the explosion. Cordelia is experiencing a ________ disorder.

post traumatic stress disorder

Deinstitutionalization refers to the ______.

process of closing large asylums

Which institutional setting replaced asylums in caring for mentally ill?

psychiatric hospitals

Cultural competence is a therapist's understanding of, and attention to, ______.

race, culture, ethnicity in providing treatment

Ashaela is Black, and she is attending a college with a predominately White population. She is the only Black student in several of her classes; last week in her psychology class, another student muttered a racist slur as she passed Ashaela's desk. Ashaela is attempting to cope by talking to her parents about her heritage and joining the Black Student Union on campus. This exemplifies the ________ strategy for coping with racism.

racial identity

What do obsessive-compulsive disorder, body dysphoric disorder, and hoarding disorder have in common?

repetitive thoughts and urges, as well as uncontrollable need to engage in repetitive behavior and mental acts

_______ are mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations, such as wearing bland, neutral clothes to avoid drawing s=attention to oneself.

safety behaviors

Electroconvulsive therapy is effective in alleviating symptoms for people with_____.

severe depression who have not responded to traditional drug therapy

Guidance, encouragement, acceptance, emotional comfort, and tangible assistance are all examples of ________.

social support

The use of ________ can result in decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, stomachache, and headache.


How can a study that involves exposing people to live versus demonstrate a link between stress and impaired immune function?

stress w eakens the immune system, so people with high stress levels should be more likely to get sick.

A demanding or threatening event is often called a _______.


Patients at Manderly Psychiatric Center are rewarded with chips when they engage in positive behaviors such as socializing with other patients. They can later exchange the chips for privileges, like extra TV time. This is an example of ________.

token economy

Dr. Duncan is a therapist who works with men accused of domestic violence. Although it is difficult, she does her best to be non-judgmental during therapy sessions. Which aspect of client-centered therapy is this?

unconditional positive regard

Which of the following statements about the male and female experiences of stress is true?

women report experiencing more stress than men.

which principle underlies the effectiveness of systematic desensitization?

you can't be nervous and relaxed at the same time

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