Chapter 14

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same-sex couple households account for __________ percent of U.S. households


family of procreation

a family that is formed through marriage


a form of marriage in which one man is parried to more than one woman at one time


a form of marriage in which one woman is married to more than one man at one time

shaken baby syndrome

a group of medical symptoms such as brain swelling and retinal hemorrhage resulting from forcefully shaking or impacting an infant's head

extended family

a household that includes at least one parent and child as well as other relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins


a legally recognized contract between two or more people in a sexual relationship who have an expectation of permanence about their relationship


a person's traceable ancestry (by blood, marriage, and/or adoption)

family life cycle

a set of predictable steps and patterns families experience over time

according t the study cited by the U.S. Census Bureau, children who live with married parents grow up with more advantages than children who live with

a single parent

family life course

a sociological model of family that sees the progression of events as fluid rather than as occurring in strict stages

patrilocal residence

a system in which is it customary for a wife to live with (or near) her husband's family

matrilocal residence

a system in which it is customary for a husband to live with his wife's family

matrilineal descent

a type of unilateral decent that follows the mother's side only


a type of unilateral descent that follows either the father's or the mother's side exclusively

patrilineal descent

a type of unilateral descent that follows the father's line only

research suggests that people generally feel that their current family is ______________ than the family they grew up with

at least as close

in general, children in _________ households benefit form divorce


sociologists tend to define family in terms of

how a given society sanctions the relationships of people are connected through blood, marriage, or adoption

the median age of first marriage has _____ in the last fifty years

increased for both men and women

which of the following is a criticism of the family life cycle model?

it is too narrowly focused on a sequence of stages

children of divorced parents are ________ to divorce in their own marriage than children of parents who stayed married

more likely

which of the following is true of IPV

nearly half of instances of IPV involve drugs or alcohol

which type of child abuse is most prevalent in the United States


a child who associates his line of descent with his father's side only is part of a ______________ society.


a woman being married to two men would be an example of


couples who cohabitant before marriage are ___________ couples who did not cohabitate before marriage to be married at least ten years.

slightly less likely than


socially recognized groups of individuals who may be joined by blood, marriage, or adoption and who form an emotional connection and an economic unit of society

current divorce rates are

steadily declining


the act of a couple sharing a residence while they are not married


the act of being married to only one person at a time


the act of entering into marriage while still married to another person

family of orientation

the family into which one is born


the state being committed or married to more than one person at a time

bilateral descent

the tracing of kinship through both parents' ancestral lines

unilateral descent

the tracing of kinship through one parent only

The majority of U.S. children live in

two parent households

nuclear family

two parents (traditionally a married husband and wife) and children living in the same household

intimate partner violence (IPV)

violence that occurs between individuals who maintain a romantic or sexual relationship

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