Chapter 14 Psych

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depression puzzle

(1) Stressful events interpreted through (2) a brooding, negative explanatory style create (3) a hopeless, depressed state that (4) hampers the way the person thinks and acts. These thoughts and actions, in turn, fuel (1) stressful experiences such as rejection. Depression is a snake that bites its own tail

George Frideric Handel

(1685-1759), who many believe suffered from a mild form of bipolar disorder, composed his nearly four-hour-long Messiah during three weeks of intense, creative energy in 1742

Social anxiety disorder

(formerly called "social phobia") is shyness taken to an extreme. People with this disorder have an intense fear of other people's negative judgments

Bipolar disorder

(formerly called manic-depressive disorder) alternates between depression and overexcited hyperactivity.

Panic disorder

, in which a person experiences panic attacks—sudden episodes of intense dread—and fears the next episode's unpredictable onset.


, in which a person is intensely and irrationally afraid of a specific object, activity, or situation.

Generalized anxiety disorder

, in which a person is unexplainably and continually tense and uneasy.


, which increases arousal and boosts mood, is scarce during depression. ______ is overabundant during mania. Drugs that decrease mania reduce _____


, whose schizophrenia develops on average four years earlier than women's, more often exhibit negative symptoms and chronic schizophrenia

chronic schizophrenia

: (also called process schizophrenia) a form of schizophrenia in which symptoms usually appear by late adolescence or early adulthood. As people age, psychotic episodes last longer and recovery periods shorten.

acute schizophrenia

: (also called reactive schizophrenia) a form of schizophrenia that can begin at any age, frequently occurs in response to an emotionally traumatic event, and has extended recovery periods.

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

: a disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, numbness of feeling, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience.

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

: a disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions), actions (compulsions), or both.

bipolar disorder

: a disorder in which a person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania. (Formerly called manic-depressive disorder.)

major depressive disorder

: a disorder in which a person experiences, in the absence of drugs or another medical condition, two or more weeks with five or more symptoms, at least one of which must be either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.


: a false belief, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders;people with schizophrenia have their thinking distorted by _____


: a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state in which dangerously poor judgment is common.

antisocial personality disorder

: a personality disorder in which a person (usually a man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members; may be aggressive and ruthless or a clever con artist.;These people are sometimes called sociopaths or psychopaths;they may show lower emotional intelligence


: a psychological disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or diminished, inappropriate emotional expression.

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

: a rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Formerly called multiple personality disorder.

psychological disorder

: a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior

generalized anxiety disorder

: an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal


: an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, activity, or situation.

panic disorder

: an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable, minutes-long episodes of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking, or other frightening sensations. Often followed by worry over a possible next attack

anorexia nervosa

: an eating disorder in which a person (usually an adolescent female) maintains a starvation diet despite being significantly underweight; sometimes accompanied by excessive exercise.;About half of those with _____display a binge-purge-depression cycle.

bulimia nervosa

: an eating disorder in which a person alternates binge eating (usually of high-calorie foods) with purging (by vomiting or laxative use) or fasting.


: compulsive fretting; overthinking about our problems and their causes.

dissociative disorders

: controversial, rare disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings.

personality disorders

: inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning.

anxiety disorders

: psychological disorders characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety.

binge-eating disorder

: significant binge-eating episodes, followed by distress, disgust, or guilt, but without the compensatory purging or fasting that marks bulimia nervosa.


: the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders.;Physicians and mental health workers use the _____to guide medical diagnoses and treatment.


A 40-year follow-up study of 144 Swedish people diagnosed with the disorder found that, for most, the obsessions and compulsions had gradually lessened, though only ____in 5 had completely recovered


A surprising 25 percent of U.S. suicides occur on


After several panic attacks, people may come to fear the fear itself. This may trigger ______—fear or avoidance of public situations from which escape might be difficult.


Alcohol use disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia symptoms appear at a median age near ___

antisocial personality disorder;phobias

Among the earliest to appear are the symptoms of ______ (median age 8) and of _____ (median age 10)


Among their findings are ___ gene variations associated with typical anxiety disorder symptoms (Hovatta et al., 2005), and others that are associated specifically with OCD


And "debriefing" people, by having them relive a trauma soon after, may actually _____ normal stress reactions


Anxiety is a response to the threat of future loss. _____ is often a response to past and current loss.


Anxiety-related disorders all involve _____ events.


As research on epigenetics shows, our ____ can also affect whether a gene is expressed, thus affecting the development of psychological disorders.

early adulthood

At what times of life do disorders strike? Usually by .

Any theory of depression must explain at least the following



Because suicide is so often an impulsive act, _____barriers (such as jump barriers on high bridges and the unavailability of loaded guns) can save lives


Biologically speaking, life's purpose is survival and reproduction, not


Brain scans of people with ____show higher-than-normal activity in the amygdala when they view traumatic images


Brain scans show shrinkage in areas that aid memory and detection of threat

genetic predispositions

But shared _____cannot explain why men exposed to a co-worker's suicide were 3.5 times more likely to commit suicide, compared with nonexposed men.


Clusters of genes that predict _____ also increase the likelihood of having bipolar disorder

national differences;racial differences;gender differences;age differences and trends;other group differences;day of the week differences

Comparing the suicide rates of different groups, researchers have found


Critics have long faulted the ____ for casting too wide a net, and for bringing "almost any kind of behavior within the compass of psychiatry"


Despite their risks, diagnostic _______ have benefits. They help mental health professionals communicate about their cases and study the causes and treatments of disorder. Clients are often relieved to learn that the nature of their suffering has a name, and that they are not alone in experiencing their symptoms


Drugs that block _____ receptors often lessen these symptoms. Drugs that increase ______ levels, such as amphetamines and cocaine, sometimes intensify them


During _____, people typically have little need for sleep. They show fewer sexual inhibitions. Their positive emotions persist abnormally.Their speech is loud, flighty, and hard to interrupt. Feeling extreme optimism and self-esteem, they find advice irritating.


During depression, ___ activity slows; during mania, it increases


Even 9-month-olds attend ____to modern danger sounds than to sounds signaling ancient threats—hisses, thunder, angry voices


Even mild sadness can _____people's recall, make them more discerning, and help them make complex decisions

explanatory style

Even so, why do life's unavoidable failures lead only some people to become depressed? The answer lies partly in their ______—who or what they blame for their failures. Think of how you might feel if you failed a test. If you can blame someone else ("What an unfair test!"), you are more likely to feel angry. If you blame yourself, you probably will feel stupid and depressed.


Even when raised separately, identical twins may develop _____phobias


Excessive _____ use also correlates with depression, partly because depression can increase alcohol use mostly because alcohol misuse leads to depression

linkage analysis

First, geneticists find families in which the disorder appears across several generations. Next, the researchers look for differences in DNA from affected and unaffected family members. Linkage analysis points them to a chromosome neighborhood;

seasonal pattern

For some people suffering major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, symptoms may have a


For those who have been depressed, the risk of suicide is at least ____times greater than for the general population


Given a supportive environment and medication, over 40 percent of people with schizophrenia will have periods of a year or more of normal life experience (Jobe & Harrow, 2010). But only ___ in 7 experience a full and enduring recovery


How might learning magnify a single painful and frightening event into a full-blown phobia? The answer lies in part in two ______processes: stimulus generalization and reinforcement.


If a friend or family member talks suicide, you can


If depression is living in slow motion, _____is fast forward.


If one identical twin has an anxiety disorder, the other is ______at risk


If the co-twin of an identical twin with schizophrenia shared the _____, the chances of developing the disorder are 6 in 10. If the identical twins had separate placentas, the co-twin's chances of developing schizophrenia drop to 1 in 10


In , the American Psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality as a disorder


In Japanese culture, people may experience _____—social anxiety about their appearance, combined with a readiness to blush and a fear of eye contact.


In Latin American cultures, people may display symptoms of ______, a condition marked by severe anxiety, restlessness, and a fear of black magic.

bipolar disorder

In _____, people bounce from one emotional extreme to the other. When a depressive episode ends, a hyperactive, overly talkative, wildly optimistic state called mania follows. But before long, the elated mood either returns to normal or plunges again into depression.

frontal lobe tissue

In a follow-up study, researchers found that violent repeat offenders had 11 percent less _____than normal (Raine et al., 2000). This helps explain another finding: People with antisocial personality disorder fall far below normal in aspects of thinking such as planning, organization, and inhibition, which are all frontal lobe functions


In milder forms, _____ energy and flood of ideas fuel creativity.


In one study of 103,788 veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, ____ percent were diagnosed with a psychological disorder


In psychiatry and psychology, ______ also attempts to -predict a disorder's future course. -suggest appropriate treatment. -prompt research into a disorder's causes.


In psychiatry and psychology, too, classification orders and describes _____.

autism spectrum disorder;intellectual disability

In the new DSM-5, some diagnostic labels changed. The conditions formerly called "autism" and "Asperger's syndrome" were combined under the label _______. "Mental retardation" became _______

bipolar disorder

Indeed, one analysis of over a million individuals showed that the only psychiatric condition linked to working in a creative profession was


Ironically, worries about _____—perhaps fearing another panic attack, or fearing anxiety-related symptoms in public—can amplify anxiety symptoms


It refers not to a multiple-personality split but rather to the mind's split from reality, as shown in disturbed perceptions, disorganized thinking and speech, and diminished, inappropriate emotions.


Label someone as "mentally ill" and people may fear them as potentially


Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder run in ______. The risk of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder increases if you have a parent or sibling with the disorder


Major depressive disorder often hits somewhat later, at a median age of ___.


Many studies of people with schizophrenia have found enlarged, fluid-filled areas and a corresponding shrinkage and thinning of _____tissue;People often inherit these brain differences. If one affected identical twin shows brain abnormalities, the odds are at least 1 in 2 that the other twin will have them


Men's disorders tend to be more ____—alcohol use disorder, antisocial conduct, lack of impulse control

theory of mind

Most also have an impaired _____—they have difficulty reading other people's facial emotions and state of mind

conditioning, cognition, and biology

Most believe that three modern perspectives—_______—are more helpful.

survivor resiliency

Most people, male and female, display an impressive ______, or ability to recover after severe stress

biopsychosocial approach

Negative emotions contribute to physical illness, and physical abnormalities contribute to negative emotions.

hoarding disorder and binge-eating disorder

New categories, such as _______, were added.

rejection and depression

No matter which comes first, _____feed each other.


On average, a person with major depressive disorder today will spend about three-fourths of the next decade in a normal, _____state


Once fears and anxieties are learned, ______ helps maintain them. Anything that helps us avoid or escape the feared situation reduces anxiety.

dopamine overactivity

One possible answer emerged when researchers examined schizophrenia patients' brains after death. They found an excess number of dopamine receptors, including a sixfold excess for the dopamine receptor D4


One predictor of mental disorders—_____crosses ethnic and gender lines;incidence of serious psychological disorders has been doubly high among those below the _____ line

antisocial personality disorder and generalized anxiety disorder

Others faired poorly , such as , have fared poorly, with about 20 percent agreement.


Our ____ acts typically exaggerate behaviors that helped them survive.


Our ____ focus on dangers our ancestors faced


Over 75 percent of our sample with any disorder had experienced [their] first symptoms by age ___," reported Lee Robins and Darrel Regier

Mediterranean diet

People who eat a heart-healthy "______" (heavy on vegetables, fish, and olive oil) have a comparatively low risk of developing heart disease, stroke, late-life cognitive decline, and depression—all of which are associated with inflammation


People with acute schizophrenia often have _____symptoms that respond to drug therapy


People with anxiety disorders tend to be ______. They attend more to threatening stimuli. They more often interpret ambiguous stimuli as threatening


People with schizophrenia sometimes have

generalized anxiety disorder

People with this condition (two-thirds women) worry continually, and they are often jittery, on edge, and sleep deprived;Concentration is difficult as attention switches from worry to worry. Their tension and apprehension may leak out through furrowed brows, twitching eyelids, trembling, perspiration, or fidgeting from autonomic nervous system arousal.


People with____ exhibit heightened activity in brain areas linked with the control and inhibition of traumatic memories. Abnormal brain anatomy can also accompany ____

panic disorder

Physical symptoms, such as irregular heartbeat, chest pains, shortness of breath, choking, trembling, or dizziness may accompany the panic


Reliving traumas such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing—by being glued to television replays, for example—--__ the stress response


Risk factors for _____ include low birth weight, maternal diabetes, older paternal age, and oxygen deprivation during delivery (King et al., 2010). Famine may also increase risks


Schizophrenia patients with _____ symptoms—the presence of inappropriate behaviors—may experience hallucinations, talk in disorganized and deluded ways, and exhibit inappropriate laughter, tears, or rage.

learned helplessness

Self-defeating beliefs may arise from _____, the hopelessness and passive resignation animals and humans learn when they experience uncontrollable painful events.


Some ____ drugs dampen this fear-circuit activity and associated obsessive-compulsive behaviors


Some genes influence anxiety disorders by regulating brain levels of neurotransmitters. These include _____, which influences sleep, mood, and attending to threat and _____, which heightens activity in the brain's alarm centers


Such negative reactions may fade as people better understand that many psychological disorders involve diseases of the brain, not failures of

nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI)

Suicide is not the only way to send a message or deal with distress. Some people, especially adolescents and young adults, may engage in ______ such as cutting,or burning theirs skins


Suicide rates have been much _____ among the rich, the nonreligious, and those who were single, widowed, or divorced


Survivors of accidents, disasters, and violent and sexual assaults (including an estimated two-thirds of prostitutes) have also experienced ____symptoms


The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (2008, based on Kessler et al., 2005) has estimated that just over _____ in 4 adult Americans "suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year"


The ______ approach emphasizes that mind and body are inseparable


The _____frontal lobe and an adjacent brain reward center become more active during positive emotions


The _____that put people at risk for antisocial behavior also increase the risk for substance use disorder, which helps explain why these disorders often appear in combination

Bipolar disorder

The diagnosis has been on the rise among adolescents, whose mood swings, sometimes prolonged, vary from raging to bubbly

anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

The eating disorders _____ and _____occur mostly in food-abundant North American and other Western cultures. Increasingly, however, such North American disorders have, along with McDonald's and MTV, spread across the globe


The environment's influence on disorders can be seen in _____-related symptoms


The greater one's emotional distress during a trauma, the _____ the risk for posttraumatic symptoms


The increased risk among young adults appears partly real, but it may also reflect cultural differences between


The murderers' frontal lobes, an area that helps control impulses, displayed _____ activity


The odds of getting this disorder after a traumatic event are higher for women (about 1 in 10) than for men (1 in 20)


The trend begins in _____; preadolescent girls are not more depression-prone than boys are


Their self-defeating beliefs and negative explanatory style feed depression's vicious .


They cross the fine line between normality and disorder when they ______ interfere with everyday life and cause us distress.

social-cognitive perspective

Thinking matters, too. The ______ explores how people's assumptions and expectations influence what they perceive. Many depressed people see life through the dark glasses of low self-esteem


Those who engage in ____are typically suicide gesturers, not suicide attempters


Those with _____symptoms—the absence of appropriate behaviors—may have toneless voices, expressionless faces, or mute and rigid bodies.


Those with schizophrenia may experience ____ characterized by motor behaviors ranging from a physical stupor—motionless for hours—to senseless, compulsive actions, such as continually rocking or rubbing an arm, to severe and dangerous agitation.


Thus, experiences such as abuse can _____ the likelihood that a genetic vulnerability to a disorder will be expressed


To classify a person's disorder as "_____" suggests that the person talks incoherently, has bizarre beliefs, shows either little emotion or inappropriate emotion, or is socially withdrawn.


Traumatic fear-learning experiences can leave tracks in the brain, creating fear circuits within the


Twin and adoption studies reveal that biological relatives of people with antisocial and unemotional tendencies are at _____risk for antisocial behavior


Twin studies reveal that ____has a strong genetic basis

depression and schizophrenia

Two other disorders—_____—occur worldwide


Two smaller-than-normal areas are the cortex, and the corpus callosum that connects the brain's two hemispheres


We humans learn many of our own fears by ______ others


We seem _____prepared to fear the threats our ancestors faced


When participants heard a voice or saw something, their brain became vigorously active in several core regions. One was the ______, the structure that filters incoming sensory signals and transmits them to the brain's cortex. Another PET scan study of people with paranoia found increased activity in the ______, a fear-processing center


When the brain's danger-detection system becomes _____, we are at greater risk for an anxiety disorder, or for two other disorders that involve anxiety: obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Why are women nearly twice as vulnerable to depression? Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (2003) related women's higher risk of depression to what she described as their tendency to _____or overthink.

Whites and Native Americans

Within the United States, ______ kill themselves twice as often as Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians


Women are generally more vulnerable to disorders involving ______ states, such as depression, anxiety, and inhibited sexual desire


Women are much more likely than men to attempt suicide (WHO, 2011). But____ are two to four times more likely (depending on the country) to actually end their

low back pain

Worldwide, depression trails only -_____ as the leading cause of disability (Global, 2015). In any given year, 3.9 percent of men and 7.2 percent of women worldwide will have a depressive episode (Ferrar et al., 2013).

Heredity also matters. Identical twins share these disorders more often than fraternal twins do

____ also matters. Identical twins share these disorders(anorexia;bulemia;binge-eating) more often than fraternal twins do


________ thoughts are unwanted and so repetitive it may seem they will never end.;Compulsive behaviors are responses to those thoughts.


a ________ viral infection impairs fetal brain development and in turn cause schizophrenia

Generalized anxiety disorder

and depression often go hand in hand, but even without depression, this disorder tends to be disabling


are "postcards from our genes" (Plotkin, 1994). To tease out the genes that put people at risk for depression, researchers may use linkage analysis.

Eating disorders

are not (as some have speculated) a telltale sign of childhood sexual abuse


brain activity accompanies schizophrenia.;Some people diagnosed with schizophrenia have abnormally low brain activity in the brain's frontal lobes, which help us reason, plan, and solve problems


can change reality by putting us on alert for evidence that confirms our view

panic disorder

charles darwin had _____ at age 28

immigrant paradox

compared with people who have recently immigrated from Mexico, Mexican-Americans born in the United States are at greater risk of mental disorder—a phenomenon known as the

anxiety disorders

generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias


have at least a doubled risk of panic disorder;They also show greater panic symptoms in situations that often produce panic attacks


in late adulthood suicide rates ___


in the 1800s Researchers discovered that ______, a sexually transmitted infection, invades the brain and distorts the mind. This discovery triggered an excited search for physical causes of mental disorders and for treatments that would cure them.

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

in the 970s, high-energy children were typically viewed as normal youngsters running a bit wild. Today, more of them are seen as dysfunctional and diagnosed with

Major depressive disorder

is a prolonged state of hopeless depression


is also scarce or inactive during depression


is both a cause and an effect of stressful experiences that disrupt our sense of who we are and why we are worthy


is both a feeling and a cognition—a doubt-laden appraisal of one's safety or social skill.


is especially common when people cannot switch off such intrusive thoughts and perceive a loss of control and a sense of helplessness


is more common among teens and young adults than among older people

Bipolar disorder

is much less common than major depressive disorder, but it is often more dysfunctional. It afflicts as many men as women.

Antisocial personality disorder

is woven of both biological and psychological strands. ;show little autonomic nervous system arousal

Specific phobias

may focus on particular animals, insects, heights, blood, or closed spaces

Stimulus generalization

occurs when a person experiences a fearful event and later develops a fear of similar events.

Major depressive disorder

occurs when at least five signs of depression last two or more weeks


often helps and tends to speed recovery. But even without professional help, most people recover from major depression and return to normal.


other critics register a more basic complaint—that these labels are at best _____ and at worst value judgments masquerading as science.


people with _____ experience long-term hopelessness and lethargy, have trouble concentrating, and lose interest in activities that once brought them pleasure


people with _____ often act irrationally and speak in disorganized way


people with ___cannot filter out other sensory stimului and focus on only one (selective-attention)

-anxiety, such as a fearful sensitivity to rejection that predisposes the withdrawn avoidant personality disorder. -eccentric or odd behaviors, such as the emotionless disengagement of schizotypal personality disorder. -dramatic or impulsive behaviors, such as the attention-getting borderline personality disorder, the self-focused and self-inflating narcissistic personality disorder, and—what we next discuss as an in-depth example—the callous, and sometimes dangerous, antisocial personality disorder.

personality disorders tend to form three clusters characterized by:

Sigmund Freud

psychoanalytic theory proposed that, beginning in childhood, people repress intolerable impulses, ideas, and feelings. This submerged mental energy sometimes, he thought, leaks out in odd symptoms, such as anxious hand washing.;most modern psychologists interpret anxiety this way

psychotic disorders

psychotic disorders: a group of psychological disorders marked by irrational ideas, distorted perceptions, and a loss of contact with reality;schizophrenia is a chief example of this


replaced asylums, and the medical model of mental disorders was born


similarly protects us, sending us into a sort of psychic hibernation. It slows us down, defuses aggression, helps us let go of unattainable goals, and restrains risk taking

adult posttraumatic stress disorder and childhood autism spectrum disorder—

some DSM-5 diagnoses faired well in field tests—such as

Bipolar disorder

strikes more often among those who rely on emotional expression and vivid imagery, such as poets and artists, and less often among those who rely on precision and logic, such as architects, designers, and journalists

David Rosenhan

study where people complained of hearing voices and all eight healthy people were misdiagnosed with disorders-Yet after analyzing their (quite normal) life histories, clinicians were able to "discover" the causes of their disorders, such as having mixed emotions about a parent. Even the patients' routine note-taking behavior was misinterpreted as a symptom

psychological disorder

such thoughts, emotions, or behaviors are dysfunctional or maladaptive—they interfere with normal day-to-day life.

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

symptoms include recurring haunting memories and nightmares, a numb feeling of social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and trouble sleeping

chain-free initiative

the World Health Organization launched a "______" that aims to reform hospitals "into patient-friendly and humane places with minimum restraints


the anterior cingulate cortex, a brain region that monitors our actions and checks for errors, seems especially likely to be hyperactive


the anxiety is _____ (not linked to a specific stressor or threat).

medical model

the concept that diseases, in this case psychological disorders, have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and, in most cases, cured, often through treatment in a hospital.

fugue state

the result of dissociative disorders may be a ________, a sudden loss of memory or change in identity, often in response to an overwhelmingly stressful situation.

depressed people

they explain bad events in terms that are stable ("I'll never get over this"), global ("I can't do anything right"), and internal ("It's all my fault")


typically strikes as young people are maturing into adulthood. It knows no national boundaries. Men tend to be struck earlier, more severely, and slightly more often

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