Chapter 14 — US History

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IWW was a _____ labor union

the Great Strike of 1877

What strike did Mary Harris Jones support?

Pullman, Illinois

What was the town called that George Pullman created for his workers to live?

- holding companies - merged companies together - financed companies

What were some business strategies of J.P. Morgan?

- joined competing companies in trust agreements - paid employees low wages - drove his competitors out of business - robber baron

What were some business strategies of John D. Rockefeller?

Andrew Carnegie; Carnegie

created the _______ Steel Company, and eventually controlled almost the entire steel industry

John D. Rockefeller

established the Standard Oil Company, he joined with competing companies in trust agreements.

Interstate Commerce Act

established the right of the federal government to supervise railroad activities and established a five-member Interstate Commerce Commision (ICC) for that purpose

Eugene V. Debs

formed the American Railroad Union

George M. Pullman

he built a factory for manufacturing sleepers and other railroad cars on the Illinois prairie

Samuel Gompers

he led the Cigar Makers' International Union to join with other craft unions in 1886


AFL only hired ______ workers

police brutality

The Haymarket Affair protested what?

No, the president Rutherford B Hayes sent in federal troops bc the strike was interrupting free trade.

Was the Great Strike of 1877 successful?

because wages were cute two times in 2 months

What caused the workers to strike during the Great Strike of 1877

- industry increased - economy boosted - allowed people to live further from the work place - led to the creation of time zones - people could vacation and visit family - opened new markets for farmers

What were some effects of the transcontinental railroad?

- limited his competition by vertical and horizontal integration - found cheaper ways to produce quality products - offered talented people stock in the company

What were some of Andrew Carnegie's business strategies?

benefits : a job, a nice home, cheaper rent, accommodation disadvantages: personal life is monitored, no alcohol, no hanging on your front steps

What were the benefits of living in an employee town like Pullman? What are the disadvantages?

the Traingle Shirtwest Factory

Where did the fire occur where employees were trapped inside because fire escapes were locked?

the Clayton Antitrust Act clearly defined what a trust was

Which act replaced the Sherman Antitrust Act after it wasn't clear of what a trust was?

Eugene Debs

Who came in to defend the employees at the Pullman strike?

George M. Pullman

Who constructed a town strictly for his workers to live in?

Chinese & Japenese

Who did the AFL exclude?


Who did the Knights of Labor exclude?


Who did the NLU exclude?

the Baltimore and Ohio railroad

Who did the strikers work for in the Great Strike of 1877?

Eugene Debs

Who founded the American Railway Union?

Henry Frick

Who was Carnegie's manager while he was overseas?

Samuel Gompers

Who was the president of the American Federation of labor?

- government support of businesses - vast resources - cheap labor (mostly immigrants)

Why did America become the worlds leading industrial power?

because of poor working condition; striked in the Carnegie Steel Company

Why did employee strike at the Homestead Strike?

Pullman reduced the wages of workers and didn't reduce the renting cost

Why did the Pullman Strike occur?

Colored Labor Union was created bc they NLU excluded blacks

Why was the CLU formed and what does it stand for?

Henry Frick

______ tried to cut wages of the employees working at the Carnegie Steel Company in attempt to profit more money for Carnegie

American Railway Union

___________ protected railway workers

Bessemer process

a cheap and efficient process for making steel, developed around 1850

vertical integration

a company's taking over its suppliers and distributors and transportation systems to gain total control over the quality and cost of its product

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

a labor organization for unskilled workers, formed by a group of radical unionists and socialists in 1905

Sherman Antitrust Act

a law that was intended to prevent the creation of monopolies by making it illegal to establish trusts that interfered with free trade

transcontinental railroad

a railroad line linking the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts of the US, completed in 1869

Munn vs. Illinois

an 1877 case in which the Supreme Court upheld states' regulation of railroads for the benefit of farmers and consumers, thus establishing the right of government to regulate private industry to serve the public interest

American Federation of Labor

an alliance of trade and craft unions

Social Darwinism

an economic and social philosophy holding that a system of unrestrained competition will ensure the survival of the fittest

Alexander Graham Bell

invented the telephone along with his assistant, Thomas Watson in 1876

Christopher Sholes

invented the type writer in 1867

Edwin L. Drake

successfully used a steam engine to drill for oil

Social Darwinism

the idea that business with better business tactics will succeed in the industry

horizontal integration

the merging of companies that make similar products

immigrants in America accepted cheap pay and worked for cheap labor

what does cheap labor mean?

no laws were passed to support workers so the businesses had free reign over many things in the business

what does government support of businesses mean?

America was large with territory that had many resources like steel, iron, coal, timber, lumber

what does vast resources mean?


what industry was Andrew Carnegie in?


what industry was John D. Rockefeller in?

child labor laws

what laws did Mother Jones help pass?

Mother Jones

what was Mary Harris Jones nickname?


what was Mary Harris Jones nickname?

a trust

when many companies work together to maintain control of the market, achieved this by merging stocks

Promontory, Utah; the Union Pacific started in Nebraska to out west and Central Pacific started in Sacramento, CA and the two met in the middle at Promontory

where did the transcontinental railroad meet and how?

Union Pacific - European immigrants especially Irish Central Pacific - Asian immigrants especially Chinese

who mainly worked on the transcontinental railroad for the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific?

Professor Dowd

who split up the world into 24 different time zones?

they caused problems for the railroad

why were differing time zones a problem?

to protect the workers; dealt with pay, benefits and hours

why were labor unions formed?

many employees endured dangerous condition, extremely low pay, and long hours, so the union prevented these things

why were labor unions needed in the late 1800s?

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