Chapter 15 and 16

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What did it declare Henry as

" The only supreme head on earth of the [new] Church of England"


- King Henry VII -Denied divorce - made a church: England -6 wives to get a boy

Origin of Protestant reforation


The study of classics included the literature of where?

Greek and Rome

Two new religious orders included: and what vows did they make

Society of Jesuits and Carmelite poverty

Humanism, and important intellectual movement of the Renaissance, was based on the study of the _________


What method did Protestant teachers use


What did Anabaptists call for

they considered all to be equal and total separation between church and state

Christine de Pizan

- She is known for her works written in defense of women ---Wrote the Book of the City of Ladies whcih argues for women to have same education as men


-He was admired for his numerous madonnas -His School of Athens

How and when did the end to religious warfare in Germany come, and what did this mean for christianity?

1555 He was forced to seek religious peace

What factors contributed to foster a religious reformation in Europe?

Christians humanisms goal to reform the catholic church Martin Luther criticized the church the rise of lutheranism political struggles against charles V

What was the purpose of marriage?

For security- financial and safety

Who made the movable type?

Johann Gutenberg

Who emphasized the idea of predestination?

John Calvin

Diet of Worms

Luther's trial Excommunication

What was the first Protestant faith


Who wrote the Prince?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Who introduced Protestant reforms and in what city

Ulrich Zwingli Zurich

What were the major territorial states?

Venice, Mulan, Florence, Kingdom and Naples, and papal states

Desiderius Erasmus

believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis, not just provide beliefs that might help them be saved.

Where and when did Martin Luther issue his 95 Theses?

by posting it on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31st 1517

What did Queen Mary I do and why

had almost 300 Protestants burned as heretics in an effort to restore Roman Catholicism in England

Why did Charles V opposed the Reformation?

he wanted it to continued being united

Who was Martin Luther, and what idea of his became the chief teaching of the Protestant Reformation

he was a monk in he catholic church. Professor at university in Wittenberg His chief teaching was Jurisdiction by faith alone

Pope Leo X

selling of indulgences

How did the growth of monarchial states in Europe affect the Italian states?

they had competition from surrounding states later on invaded them

What did Dante write in and what was it?

vernacular, the local spoken language


-2 Sacraments -Bible > Sole authority of Church


-John Calvin -predestination -agreed with Luther on salvation

How did the ideas of the Renaissance influence art and education?

-They wanted to create well-rounded individuals -They wanted people to get educated in school by offering liberal studies Since they were smart: printing press: read they started to print everyday life


-believed in no morality -the ends justify the means -renaissance man

What allowed Renaissance artists to achieve the realistic portrayal of the individual?

-emphasis on the technical side of painting -study of movement and human anatomy

Result of Reformation

1 church to many new uni reading less pope power

In the year 1545 the pope called the _______ __ _____

Council of Trent

Who is the author of Divine Comedy?

Dante Alighieri

Who was the best-known Christian human humanist, and what did he believe?

Desiderius Erasmus he believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis

Who is known as the father of Italian Renaissance humanism?

Francesco Petrarch

Who offered opposition to the rule of Charles V?

Francis I King of France and invasions from the Ottoman empire Princes of Germany

What did Machiavelli think about the connection between politics and moral?

He believed they were unrelated

The Jesuits

Ignatius de Loyola faith + good works = salvation council of trent 7 no indulgences

Who was of the first to use the technique of oil paintings?

John Van Eyck

Why was Luther made an outlaw within the holy Roman Empire

Martin called him out and made people realize it

Michelangelo Buonarroti,

Michelangelo's figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome depict an ideal type of human being with perfect proportions.

Which artists during the Renaissance captured the perfection of nature and of the individual in their art?

Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo

What was expected of the nobility in Renaissance society?

The nobility had to be a well developed person, be a warrior, and have a good education.

How did these states rise to power, and what kind of power did they have?

The states prospered from trade. They were decentralized- no central authority

Describe the lives of the urban upper class in Renaissance society?

The upper class were rich mainly by being merchants and lived in wealthy communities

Why did Christian humanists call for reform in the church?

a series of Italian popes cared more about politics than religion. Church officials used their church offices to advance their careers and wealth. Priests were ignorant and no help

Francesco Petrarch

credited with starting the Reanissance

Like painters, Renaissance sculptors and architects sought to portray a _____-________ _____

human-centered world

The increasingly secular focus of education in the humanist movement led to a core of topics called _______ _______

liberal studies

Tommaso di Giovanni, called Masaccio

made fresco perspective

Mary I

married to Pilip II of Spain 1st married queen of Englans

Leonardo da Vinci

mastered the art of realistic painting, even dissecting human bodies to better understand their workings He wanted to create idealized forms that captured the perfection of nature in the individual Leonardo could not express his vision of perfection fully in a realistic style.


no heiracy radicals by everyone shouldnt baptise baby

What did Francesco Petrarch begin to emphasize

on using pure classical Latin

Martin Luther believed that the _______ should pay for school


What was the role of the mother-wife in the italian family?

supervise the household and raise children

What declared Henry VII

the Act of Supremacy of 1534

How were the lives of burghers and workers similar?

their lives were similar since they both were considered the middle class

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