Chapter 15: Christianity and the Formation of Europe

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Romanesque architects modified church design to accommodate large crowds of pilgrims. The aisle they created around the apse is called an ______________, which is Latin for walkway.


_________________ was the Christianized continuation of the Roman Empire.


The art of the High Middle Ages is generally divided into two periods, the ____________ and the ____________.

Romanesque and Gothic

_____________ in the Middle Ages was often created to embellish architecture.


In the year 313, the Roman emperor Constantine issued ___________________________ for all religions, after having converted to the Christian faith following a victorious battle in 312.

an edict of tolerance

San Vitale, in Ravenna, Italy, was built as a central plan church in the unusual form of ______________.

an octagon

Because Christianity emphasized congregational worship, a different kind of building was needed from the temples of the past. Roman architects utilized and multipurpose meeting hall called a ____________ to house the new church congregations.


Byzantine artists moved away from the naturalism and realism of the classical Greece and Rome toward a ______________, _____________ style.

flattened, abstract

Named after the Greek word for image, _________ are a distinctive form of Byzantine art.


Monks in the Middle Ages both copied Christian scriptures and _________________ them, meaning they furnished them with illustrations and decorations.


________ is a pattern or patterns formed by intricately interwoven ribbons or bands.


The ___________ technique was used to complete the Empress Theodora and Retinue.


Chartres Cathedral contains __________ stained-glass windows.

over 150

Art in the Roman empire changed by the time of Constantine the Great. The beauty of the human body was no longer important. Art began to emphasize ____________ and narrative clarity, with signs borrowed from pagan art but repurposed with Christian meaning.


The most treasured medieval possessions, more valuable than paintings, were _____________, large woven hangings.


The _______________ style took root in France, and was named for the Charlemagne, who was crowned emperor on Christmas Day in the year 800.


In his painting _________________, the artist Duccio pioneered the use of architecture to define space and direct movement.

Christ Entering Jerusalem

The western portion of the Roman Empire reemerged as Western Europe, a collection of independent, often warring kingdoms united by a common religious culture of __________________.


The artist ______________ depicted the psychological and emotional reactions of his subjects in his painting, The Lamentation.


Pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses, and large stained glass windows are characteristic of ___________ architecture.


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