Chapter 15: "What Is Freedom?": Reconstruction, 1865-1877

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How did the Reconstruction amendments change the Constitution?

-They expanded the definition of citizenship to include non-whites. -They established the federal government as the protector of rights.

Which of the following choices correctly describe former slaves' views of landownership during this era?

-They were entitled to land because of their unpaid labor. -It allowed for the development of black communities independent of white control.

Identify the groups the Ku Klux Klan targeted.

-white Republicans -blacks who became landowners -African-American political leaders

Douglass believed that the United States was a nation of _____1____ races. He believed that _______2_______ and the right to hold office both were essential to freedom and citizenship. In this speech, in particular, Douglass argued for the rights and liberties of ______3______ in America.

1. innumerable 2. migration 3. the Chinese

Andrew Johnson______1____the Civil Rights Bill because he______2____ in black equality. Ultimately, Johnson believed that political power rested with_____3_____.

1. vetoed 2. did not believe 3. states

The Republicans in Congress were unified in their vision for Reconstruction.


The new state governments under the control of Republicans failed to improve life in the South during Reconstruction.


Match the correct label to each map to explain what the two maps of the Barrow plantation in Georgia reveal about the effects of emancipation on rural life in the South.

Left Side of the map - In 1860, slaves lived in communal quarters near the owner's house. Right side of the map - In 1881, former slaves working as sharecroppers lived all over the plantation.

Select the areas of the map that cast their electoral votes for Republican candidate Ulysses S. Grant in the election of 1868.

State # 5,8,21 -California - Alabama -Ohio

How did the new state constitutions drafted during Radical Reconstruction expand public responsibilities and provide for equal rights?

- They established a state-funded free public education system. - They created state-run and state-funded institutions like orphanages, prisons, and homes for the insane.

Read and analyze the "Who Is An American?" document from the chapter titled "The Composite Nation," derived from an 1869 Frederick Douglass speech in Boston. In the speech, Douglass presented his vision for America. Select the specific excerpts below where Douglass argues for equal rights for people of all races and national origins.

- Would you have them naturalized, and have them invested with all the rights of American citizenship? I would. Would you allow them to hold office? I would. ... - all shall here bow to the same law, speak the same language, support the same government, enjoy the same liberty.

Identify the statements that describe the objectives of the Freedmen's Bureau.

- establish schools for blacks - settle disputes between blacks and whites -secure equal treatment for blacks before the courts - provide aid to the poor and aged - reorganize abandoned and confiscated land in the South into forty-acre plots to allocate to former slaves

Identify the statements that describe sharecropping.

- required farmers to divide the crop with the landowner at the end of the year - preferred by former slaves because it allowed them to work without white supervision - guaranteed planters a stable labor force - a compromise between blacks' desire for landownership and whites' desire to discipline their labor force

Why did northern Republican support for Reconstruction diminish in the 1870s?

-Many northerners believed that the South should be able to solve its own problems. -Many of the Radical Republicans who had established the Reconstruction plan had died. -Many believed that the federal government had created the conditions of freedom, and success was now up to blacks.

Identify the components of Andrew Johnson's plan for Presidential Reconstruction.

-Pardon nearly all white Southerners who took an oath of allegiance to the Union. -Repudiation of succession -Appointment of provisional governors. -Abolition of slavery -State conventions to establish new, loyal state governments. -Refusal to pay Confederate debts

Why did southern planters and merchants oppose Reconstruction and the new state governments?

-Southern whites could not accept the idea of blacks' equality. -Poor southern whites did not experience the improvement to their economic situation as they had hoped. -Reconstruction governments were corrupt.

In what ways does the contract limit the freedom of the laborers? (Click here to read the full document from the textbook.)

-The freedmen are contractually obligated to "obey" the landowner. -The freedmen are required to compensate the landowner if they miss work for a day.

Identify the functions of the black churches in the Reconstruction South.

-a political gathering spot -a house for schools -a place of worship -a place for social gatherings

Identify some of the ways in which blacks demonstrated their freedom following the end of the Civil War.

-by traveling -by locating and reuniting with loved ones from whom they had been separated under slavery -by attending mass meetings and religious services

Identify the statements that describe the Civil Rights Bill of 1866.

-defined all persons born in the United States as citizens -ensured all citizens enjoyed a set of basic rights

Identify the factors that contributed to the weakening of northern support for Reconstruction.

-northern journalists' depictions of the failure of southern black leadership -the economic depression of the early 1870s -the growth of Democratic power in Congress -the Supreme Court's failure to fully uphold the rights of blacks

Match the descriptions of white Republicans in the South during Reconstruction to the correct term. Carpetbaggers -1 Scalawags - 2

1- Northern whites relocated to the South after the Civil War. Southern whites believed they had come simply for economic gain. 1- Their name suggests they packed all of their belongings in a suitcase and left their homes eager to take advantage of opportunities in the South. 2- Southern whites supported the Republican Party and were believed to be traitors to their race by many southern whites. 2- These were wartime Unionists who cooperated with the Republicans to prevent "rebels" from returning to power.

More than 2,000 African-American men held public office during Reconstruction. They were elected into positions at all levels of government, including the_____1______, the U.S. Senate, and as governor of_______2______. This represented a fundamental shift in power in the_______3_______.

1. House of Representatives 2.Louisiana 3.South

Match the type of labor system used during Reconstruction to its appropriate description. 1. Sharecropping 2. Task System 3. Crop Lein

1. Tenants rented a portion of land, and the crop yield was divided between the tenant and owner. 2. Workers were assigned daily tasks that, once completed, ended their daily responsibilities. 3. Tenants used a portion of the crop as collateral to pay for supplies.

According to the video, why was Frederick Douglass's perspective on the question, "Who is an American?" considered radical for the time?

He believed people of all races and national origins could become good Americans.

Why did Congress bring articles of impeachment against Andrew Johnson?

He violated the tenure of office act.

Horatio Seymour, the 1868 Democratic nominee for president, carried the state where he had previously served as governor. Samuel Tilden, the 1876 Democratic nominee, had also been governor of the same state. Select the state on the map.

State #33- New York

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