Chapter 16
What happened on Jan. 10th?
1st stars
How many genes do humans possess?
23,000 genes
What happened on Dec 31st at 11:59?
30,000 years ago the first picture on the wall
How long was the voyage of the HMS beagle?
5 years (It was supposed to be 3 years)
During Darwin's time , geologists were suggesting that Earth was ____ .
2 examples of species that vary overtime .
Armadillo & Glyptodont
What is the best way to compare creatures?
By their genes
Describe DNA, how it is used, and how it changes.
DNA is made of a long molecule, spiraling around a double helix us made out of 4 smaller molecules G, A, T, and C. Found in cells of every living thing on Earth. Contains all the information to make living things grow and develop. Makes dimples, hair, and other things. Changes in reproduction and mutation when mutation occurs in the cells we pass down to our offspring, they can cause a big change
Describe the fossils Darwin found.
Dug up skulls, jaws, and backbones that turned out to be giant mammals (giant armadillos and sloths) and this made him wonder what their relation was with the live animals
What happened on Dec 31st at 11:00 pm?
Early humans are evolving on the last hour of the last day
True or False: Hutton realized that Earth was much younger than previously believed
False, Hutton realized that the Earth was much older than previously believed
True or False: Lyell thought that most geological processes operated extremely quickly
False, Lyell thought that most geological processes operated extremely slowly
What happened on Jan. 13th?
First Galaxy
What was the standard view about why animals were different at the time?
God had created ever species and what he made was perfect and couldn't change
What did Lamarck believe?
He believed that all organisms have an inborn urge to become more complex and perfect. He thought that organisms could change the size or shape of their organs by using their bodies in new ways. He also thought that organisms could pass on acquired traits to the next generation.
Artificial Selection
Humans choose the characteristics that we want.
2 examples of species that art locally .
Isabela Island Tortoise & Hood Island Tortoise
In what two ways did an understanding of geology influence Darwin?
Knowing that the Earth could change over time helped him believe that life might change as well and knowing that the Earth was very old assured him that there has been enough time for life to change
What happened on Nov. 9th?
Life was breathing, moving, and eating: getting single-celled organisms do what we're used to doing
What does December 31st (11:59) represent?
Present time
James Hutton
Recognized connections between geological processes & geological features . Concluded that our planet is much older than a few thousand years .
Which of Lamarck's ideas turned out to be false?
That organisms have an inborn drive to become perfect and traits acquired by an individual can be passed down to its offspring
Which of Lamarck's ideas turned out to be true?
That there is a link between an organism's environment and body structures
What is a stickleback? How does it explain evolution?
The ocean stickleback has a pair of fins on its belly that are like spikes, while the lake stickleback doesn't. It explains evolution because the lake stickleback evolved to meet it's new habitat
What are switches in DNA? What do they explain?
They aren't genes. They don't make stuff like hair or muscle, but the turn on and off the genes that do. They allow animals to use genes on one place and not another
What was the reason for the voyage of the HMS beagle?
To survey the waters around South America
What does each month represent?
a little over a billion years
Where do atoms come from?
star stuff
The processes that changed Earth in the past are _____ the processes that operate in the present .
the same as
What is the human genome project?
A scientific research project that tries to find the base pairs that make up human DNA
How old is the universe?
About 13.8 billion years old
What does each day represent?
About 40 million years
What discovery did Darwin make about the finches?
All of the birds he collected were a variation of a single bird. Meaning that species change. (Birds on the Galapagos had 13 types of finches. But they looked different depending on the island it came from.)
What happened Jan 1st at 9:45 pm?
Ancestors got off 4 legs and started walking on 2 legs
How did Lamarck pave the way for the work of later biologists?
Because he was among the first to try to explain evolution scientifically using natural processes. He also recognized that there's a link between an organism's environment and its body structures
Why did Darwin use artificial selection to explain natural selection?
Because like natural selection, artificial selection uses the best traits possible for survival
What is the problem with the view of nature that shows "lions lying with lambs?"
Because nature is savage and every creature is for itself, It's not realistic, the lion would eat the lamb
Why is there so much diversity of life on earth?
Because of evolution, species adapt and change; natural selection that makes new species
How is the pocket mouse an example of natural selection?
Because their only chance for survival us it's camouflage and if they don't adapt to their environment, they will die
Why are fruit flies, Drosophila, good studies to study?
Because they are small, cheap and reproduce quickly
Why do embryos start out so similar and end up so different?
Because they start out with the same set of key genes to build their bodies and then they diversify later on
What does January 1st represent?
Birth of the Big Bang/Universe (Darkness for about 200 million years)
Change over time; the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
Darwin's work offers insight into the living world by showing organisms are constantly ____ .
True or False: The processes that changed Earth in the past are different from the processes that operate in the present
False. The processes that changed Earth in the past are similar to the processes that operate in the present
What happened on Dec. 28th?
First flower bloomed
What did Lyell believe?
He believed that laws of nature are constant over time and that scientists must explain past events in terms of processes they can observe in the present. He also believed that Earth was much older than a few thousand years.
What happened when Charles went to Cambridge?
He didn't succeed but found his calling for nature. He learned many things and becomes a solid field scientist.
What did Darwin do instead of going to school?
He was offered a place on the HMS beagle
What happened to Charles when he was sent to Edinburgh?
He was squeamish and didn't like operations. He saw a child being operated on (and this was in the era before anesthetics) and vowed to never return
What is another name for artificial selection ?
Heritable variation
What didn't Darwin know about?
How evolution took place (the physical forces that change the way species appear) and DNA
Which observation cause Thomas Malthus to form his theory about population growth ?
Human birth rate was higher than the death rate .
What observation caused Thomas Malthus to form his theory about population growth?
Human birth rate was higher than the death rates
Thomas Malthus
Human population grows unchecked = not enough living space or food for everyone . Applies to animals also . Made Darwin question which individuals survive & why .
What happened 14 seconds until midnight?
Humans invented writing
What did Hutton and Lyell conclude about Earth's history?
Hutton and Lyell concluded that Earth is extremely old and that the processes that change Earth in the past are the same processes that operate in the present
____ work explained how large geological features could be built up or torn down over long periods of time .
Which of the following is an idea attributed to Malthus
If the human population grew unchecked , there wouldn't be enough living space & food for everyone .
What idea did Thomas Malthus come up with about the human population?
If the human population grew unchecked,, there wouldn't be enough living space and food for everyone
Explain Darwin's idea with the tree of life.
If you go far back enough humans come to fish and bird come back to dinosaurs so animals that don't look remotely alike are deeply connected. Beginning with a common ancestor over time across generation species could change dramatically. Some add new body pieces while other lose them. This is a process called a descent with modernification
How do we get variation? Think about our study of genetics?
In any generation, the animal is in a litter are never quite the same, in the wild, such a tiny variation might make the difference between life and death. Two penguins for instance, might differ a tiny bit in the thickness of the blubber, a big factor if you live in extreme cold. In a harsh climate, the environment will select who will live and who will die. These tiny variations would allow the fit to get fitter and the unfit to vanish.
How is inherited variation used in artificial selection?
In artificial selection, nature provides the variations, and humans select those they find useful.
How did the population of mice change colors?
In genetic mutations, all the mice genes are identical until one gene separates
What is Tiktaalik? How does it help explain evolution?
It's a 375 million year old fossil of a fish with land fins. Tiktaalik is a perfect transitional form. Much of its body is that of a fish. It's covered in scales. But it also had something very un-fishlike, an arm-like fin, or, perhaps, a fin-like arm. Tiktaalik had the bone structure that is seen in the arms and legs of every-four limbed animal: one big bone at the top; two bones underneath, leading to a cluster of bones in the wrist and ankle
What is Archaeopteryx? How does it help explain evolution?
It's the oldest known fossil bird, of the late Jurassic period. It had feathers, wings, and hollow bones like a bird, but teeth, a bony tail, and legs like a small coelurosaur dinosaur. It helps support evolution because it's in the transitional form between dinosaur and bird
How did Lamarck propose that species evolve?
Lamarck suggested that organisms could change during their lifetimes by selectively using or not using various parts of their bodies. He also suggested that individuals could pass these acquired traits on to their offspring, enabling species change over time.
Charles Lyell
Laws of nature are constant over time & scientists must explain past events in terms of processes they observe in the present .
What happened on Sept. 21st?
Life began 3.5 billion years ago (Primitive Life)
What happened on Dec. 17th?
Life in the sea took off (Biodiversity in Ocean)
What was Malthus's view of population growth?
Malthus reasoned that if the human population grew unchecked, there wouldn't be enough living space and food for everyone.
Mathus's ideas led Darwin to conclude that _____________
Many organisms are born than will survive & reproduce
Describe the animals Darwin saw on the Galapagos Islands.
Marine Iguanas: He described them as hideous creatures with a dirty black color, sluggish movements, and were black as the rocks they crawled on. Giant tortoises: weighed up to 600 lbs, moved 4 miles a days, shells are different based on the island it came from (Dome like shells and saddle like shells and had different colors) Finches: had different beaks depending on which island it came from Penguins that swam above the equator
What happened on March 15th?
Milky Way Galaxy was born (Huge explosion from stars and the leftover gas makes new stars and the sun doesn't shine for 6 million years)
Darwin did not visit ____ , ____ , or ____
North America , Asia , or Antarctica
When did Darwin publish his book (Origin of Species)?
November 24th, 1859 (Finished sailing in 1836)
Hutton realized that Earth was much _____ than previously believed .
Malthus's ideas led Darwin to conclude what?
Organisms are able to evolve through a process known as artificial selection
Jean-Baptise Lamarck
Organisms selectively use or do not use various parts of their bodies to become more perfect . They could pass these acquired traits to their offspring . Link between organisms environment & it's body structure .
What is the "wrong statement" about the pocket mouse changing colors?
Pocket mice change just for natural selection
Preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms.
What happened on Dec 31st at 11:59:46?
Recorded History
3 examples of species that vary globally .
Rheas , ostriches , & emus
Artificial Selection
Selective breeding of plants & animals to promote the occurrence of the desirable traits in offspring.
Lyell thought most geological processes operated extremely _____ .
What discovery did Darwin make about embryos?
Snake embryos had tiny legs but would never develop in adult snakes. Therefore they were descents from an animals with legs. Whales have teeth as embryos but not as an adult whale, so they were a descent from an animal with teeth. Human embryos had gils but not in adult humans so humans were descents from fish
Darwin spent most of him time exploring the continent of ____ _______
South America
Which of Lamarck's ideas turned out to be true ?
Species are not fixed .
What happened on Aug. 31st?
Sun was born
Given it's body structure , which tortoise above would require a habitat where good is easy to reach ?
The Hood Island Tortoise because of it's long neck & legs.
What 2 books did Darwin write?
The Origin of Species by means of natural selection and The Common Descent of Man
What happened on Dec 31st at 6:24 am?
The asteroid destroys and kills the dinosaurs
How would Lamarck have explained the length of a giraffe's neck?
The giraffe neck is long because of the tall trees and leaves on the trees in its environment. For the animal to be able to gain access to these leaves, the giraffe's neck grows longer and when this giraffe reproduces it gives the trait of its long neck to its offspring
What is the lopsided pattern? How does it explain evolution?
The lake stickleback has the traces of the bones from the spikes. And they are lopsided, bigger on the left than the right. It explains evolution because it shows the animal's body evolved to meet it's climate
What is evolution by natural selection?
This is when an animal evolves in order to survive. An example is the finches of the galapagos island. Their beaks vary depending on which island they live on, since there are different resources. Some beaks are short and strong because they have to eat tough seeds and others have long and small beaks so they can get pollen. Their beaks alter to fit the food of each island and that's how one finch changed to many. When variations accumulate and eventually new species branch off.
What important info about the Galápagos Islands tortoises did Darwin learn ?
Tortoises' shells varied in predictable ways from one island to another .
True or False: Lyell's work explained how large geological features could be built up or torn down over long periods of time
What is artificial selection?
When humans breed animals and plants for specific traits
How did Lamarck propose that species change over time ?
•organisms could selectively use or not use various parts of their bodies •organisms could pass acquired traits to offspring
Which of Lamarck's idea turned out to be false ?
•organisms don't have a drive to become perfect •traits acquired by individuals cannot be passed on to offspring