Chapter 16

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The entire process of spermatogenesis takes approximately ________.

64-72 days

Which hormone promotes a small number of primary follicles within the ovary to grow and mature each month?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

What is the rounded region of the uterus that is superior to the entrance of the uterine tubes?


The gonads, or primary sex organs, produce sex cells, also known as ________.


Which portion of the sperm houses the nucleus and its DNA?


Burrowing of the fertilized egg into the endometrium lining of the uterus is called ________.


The process of creating female gametes is called ________.


The female reproductive organs, known as ________, produce both eggs (ova) and hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.


The process by which a secondary oocyte is ejected from the ovary is called ________.


Which hormone is made by the interstitial cells of the testis?


Which of the following is not a role of semen?

The acidity of semen helps neutralize the pH environment of a female's vagina.

The placenta and its attached fetal membranes, expelled from the uterus during the placental stage of labor, are collectively referred to as ________.

The afterbirth

Upon fertilization, an oocyte completes its second meiotic division and produces ________.

The ovum and another polar body

A fertilized egg, which represents the first cell of a new individual, is called a(n) ________.


A corpus luteum would be present ________.

after ovulation in a female

In what specific part of the male reproductive system do maturing sperm gain increased motility and their ability to swim?


Why is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) important early in pregnancy?

hCG prods the corpus luteum to continue producing hormones.

The ducts or tubes responsible for receiving the ovulated oocyte and providing the site for fertilization are the ________.

uterine (fallopian) tubes

What effect does follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) have on males?

FSH stimulates sperm production in males.

Which of the following does not occur during puberty in a female?

Onset of menopause

How long are the typical ovarian and uterine (menstrual) cycles in a female?

28 days

The helmet-like region of the sperm that is similar to a large lysosome and assists penetration of the egg is called the ________.


What is the function of the milky-colored fluids secreted from the prostate?

Activate sperm

The clusters of specific glands that produce milk when a woman is lactating are called ________.

Alveolar glands

When a pregnant female experiences her "water breaking" during the dilation stage of labor, what has ruptured?


The pigmented area of a female's breast that surrounds the nipple is the ________.


At what point in life does a female begin her monthly ovarian cycle?

At puberty

Which of the following is a false description of the changes that occur in the pregnant female's body?

Blood pressure and pulse decrease due to great blood volume.

Which gland produces thick, clear mucus that cleanses the penile urethra of acidic urine?

Bulbourethral glands

Which of the following can be caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease?

Cervical cancer

Approximately 280 days from the last menstrual period, parturition, or ________, will occur.


What is the early stage of embryonic development during which rapid mitotic cell divisions occur as the zygote travels down the uterine (fallopian) tube?


What part of the external female genitalia corresponds to the male penis?


On which day of the female's uterine (menstrual) cycle does ovulation typically occur?

Day 14

Which one of the following is not one of the secondary sex characteristics typical of males?

Development of breast tissue

The three stages of labor in the correct order are ________.

Dilation, expulsion, placental

A difficult or prolonged stage 2 of labor is known as ________.


From fertilization to week 8 of pregnancy, the conceptus is called ________.


Which layer of the uterus serves as the site of implantation of a fertilized ovum?


Which one of the following is not a component of semen?

Epididymal fluid

Trace the pathway of sperm through the duct system during ejaculation.

Epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra

The spongy tissue of the penis fills with blood during sexual excitement and causes the penis to enlarge and become rigid during ________.


What hormone(s) stimulates the growth of the endometrium during the proliferative phase of the uterine (menstrual) cycle?


Which of the following is responsible for secondary sex characteristics in females?


A female ovulates an ovum that has completed meiosis II each month. (T/F)


Both urine and semen can pass through the male's urethra simultaneously. (T/F)


Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by the corpus luteum after fertilization. (T/F)


In a female, the labia minora are two outer, hair-covered folds of skin that enclose the delicate, hair-free folds called the labia majora. (T/F)


Mammary glands are only present in females. (T/F)


Semen is an acidic mixture of sperm and accessory gland secretions. (T/F)


The fundus of the uterus protrudes into the vagina. (T/F)


Together, progesterone and estrogen promote secondary sex characteristics in females. (T/F)


Viable sperm cannot be produced at temperatures below body temperature. (T/F)


Of the two functional areas of the blastocyst, which one gives rise to the three primary germ layers?

Inner cell mass

What effect does luteinizing hormone (LH) have on a female?

LH triggers ovulation in a female.

Oxytocin and prostaglandins are necessary to initiate the series of events that result in childbirth known as ________.


Where does milk accumulate within the breast in a lactating female?

Lactiferous sinus

A male's prostate was removed due to cancer. Evaluate the impact on a male's reproductive capabilities.

Less sperm will be activated. Submit

Ovulation occurs in response to the release of an anterior pituitary hormone known as ________ hormone.


The tiny ball of 16 cells found freely floating in the uterine cavity approximately three days after fertilization is called a ________.


During childbirth, which layer of the uterus contracts to force the baby out of the mother's body?


Which of the following cells undergoes meiosis to produce four sperm?

Primary spermatocyte

Which hormone is primarily produced by the corpus luteum?


Which hormone is produced by the corpus luteum that helps maintain pregnancy?


Days 5-14 of the uterine (menstrual) cycle are known as the ________ phase. This phase concludes with ovulation.


Which gland surrounds the upper portion of the urethra just below the junction with the urinary bladder?


Which hormone causes pelvic ligaments and the pubic symphysis to relax, widen, and become more flexible during pregnancy?


Which of the following is a false description of the negative feedback loop involved in the production of testosterone?

Rising levels of testosterone promote increased release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus.

Which of the following cells could be fertilized?

Secondary oocyte

Which gland provides fructose, a sugar in semen that energizes sperm?

Seminal vesicles

Which glands produce a thick, yellowish secretion that nourishes and activates sperm?

Seminal vesicles

Sperm are formed in tightly coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules that are found within each ________.

Seminiferous tubes

During the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is diagnosed with German measles (rubella). Evaluate the following and determine what problem her fetus is more at risk for experiencing.

Severe fetal damage

A woman wants to have children who are conceived naturally. She has had repeated infections in both of her uterine (fallopian) tubes due to gonorrhea. As a result, both uterine tubes have been narrowed due to the presence of scar tissue. Interpret the impact of the scar tissue on her reproductive future.

She will have difficulty conceiving naturally since the usual site of fertilization is the uterine (fallopian) tube.

Which of the following is suitable for the fertilization of an egg?


What does a vasectomy prevent from happening in a male?

Sperm exiting with semen

What is the purpose of spermiogenesis?

Spermatids are streamlined to form sperm via spermiogenesis.

The primitive stem cell of spermatogenesis, which is found on the periphery of each seminiferous tubule, is called a ________.


A female has both an ovarian cycle, which involves the cyclic monthly changes in the ovary, and a uterine (menstrual) cycle, which involves the cyclic monthly changes in the endometrium of the uterus. (T/F)


Both implantation of a fertilized ovum and menstruation are processes that involve the endometrium of the uterus. (T/F)


During puberty, increases in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) cause the seminiferous tubules to produce sperm and the interstitial cells to release testosterone, respectively. (T/F)


During the secretory phase of the uterine (menstrual) cycle, progesterone causes endometrial glands to grow and secrete nutrients into the uterine cavity. (T/F)


Ovaries contain many tiny saclike structures called ovarian follicles, each of which consists of an immature egg surrounded by one or more layers of follicle cells. (T/F)


Ovulation occurs in response to a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) near the end of the proliferative phase of the uterine (menstrual) cycle. (T/F)


Ovulation usually occurs on or about day 14 of the uterine (menstrual) cycle. (T/F)


Spermatids have only half as much genetic material as other body cells. (T/F)


The hymen is a thin fold of mucosa that encloses the distal end of the vagina. (T/F)


The interstitial cells of the testes produce androgens such as testosterone. (T/F)


The vagina functions both as the birth canal and also as the female's organ of copulation. (T/F)


Which of the following characterizes the secretory phase of a female's uterine (menstrual) cycle?

The corpus luteum increases progesterone levels. Submit

What is not a true statement concerning the vagina?

The innermost lining of the vagina sloughs off periodically.

What part of the blastocyst forms the chorionic villi that become part of the placenta?


Which of the following structures will primarily be impacted when a male experiences hypertrophy of the prostate?


Where does fertilization usually occur in the female reproductive system?

Uterine (fallopian) tube

A mature ovarian follicle that is ready to be ejected from an ovary is called a(n) ________.

Vesicular (Graafian) follicle

At the time of ovulation, each secondary oocyte is surrounded by a single layer of cells known as a(n) ________.

Vesicular (Graafian) follicle

Which of the following connects the ampulla of the ductus deferens with the urethra?

ejaculatory duct

What is removed during male circumcision?


Where are sperm produced within a male's testis?

seminiferous tubules

The male gonads have both sperm-producing and testosterone-producing functions and are called ________.


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