Chapter 16

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stimulus control

The third strategy in solving human problems is the __________ strategy.

stimulus control

If a behavior occurs with increased probability in the presence of an SD, then we say that the stimulus exerts __________ over the behavior.


If a stimulus that precedes a behavior is present, extinction will occur for that behavior if the stimulus is a(n) __________.

stimulus control

If the question "What is two plus two?" always get Ward to say "four," then we say that the question exerts __________ over the behavior?

discriminative stimulus, s-delta

Redd and Birnbrauer (1969) had Bill give a child with retardation edibles for playing cooperatively with other children and had Bob not reward the child for cooperative play. Bill would be called a(n) _________ for playing cooperatively while Bob would be called a(n) _________

discrimination training

Redd and Birnbrauer (1969) studied the results of having one behavior analyst give a child with retardation edibles when he played cooperatively with other children while a second behavior analyst did not. The child learned to play cooperatively when the first adult was present but not when the second adult was present. What procedure accounts for this result? __________

differential reinforcement

Reinforcing one behavior and extinguishing a different behavior in the presence of the same stimulus is called __________.

discrimination training

Reinforcing one behavior while extinguishing a second behavior in the presence of stimulus A and extinguishing the first behavior while reinforcing the second behavior in the presence of stimulus B is considered to be an example of what procedure? __________


Professor Tod always made positive comments about statements Gene made. Professor Rose rarely had a reaction. Gene talked a lot to Professor Tod, and he talked only a little to Professor Rose. Professor Rose is what kind of stimulus for talking to him? __________

discrimination training

The first tactic in using the stimulus control strategy for solving human problems is too narrow stimulus control through __________.


A discriminative stimulus (SD) is a stimulus that precedes a behavior and is present only if what procedure will be applied to the behavior: __________.

discriminative stimulus, reinforcer

A stimulus that occurs before a behavior and increases the rate of the behavior is called a(n) ______________. A stimulus that occurs after a behavior and increases the rate of the behavior is called a(n) ____________.

differential reinforcement

Adolf asked Gert to help him learn German pronunciation. Gert showed him a card with the German word "der" on it. Gert praised him when he pronounced "der" like "dayrr." Gert ignored him when he pronounced "der' like "dir." After 30 trials, Adolf was always saying "dayrr." What procedure improved Adolf's pronunciation of "der?" __________

discrimination training

Adolf had 100 flash cards with German words like und, der, and kopf written on their fronts and the translations written on their backs. Adolf looked at the front of each card and said the English translation. Then, he turned the card over to see if he was right. He was always right after about a month. Suppose when the card reads "und," the English word "and" is reinforced, while the other words are extinguished. Suppose when the card reads "der," only "the" is reinforced. What procedure is at work here? __________

stimulus control

After much practice, Xavier had learned the square root of many numbers. His teacher asked him, "What is the square root of eighty-one?" he promptly said, "nine." But he did not give "nine as the square root of any other number. The increased probability of saying "nine" when asked the square root of 81 means that the question has come to exert __________ over what behavior.


Burris's classmates helped him learn the meaning of reinforcer by asking him two questions. The first question was: "If Rose asked for some candy and got it but didn't ask for any more in the future, what is the candy called?" The second question was: "If Rose asked for some candy and got it if she asked for more in the future, what is the candy called?" His classmates praised him if he said "reinforcer" in response to the second to the second question but not to the first question. He soon came to answer the questions correctly. His behavior of answering "reinforcer" is called __________ behavior.

the increased probability of a discriminated behavior that is exerted by a stimulus

Define stimulus control.

discriminated behavior

Dickie's mother taught him to recognize the picture of her favorite candidate, Aaron Burr, by sometimes showing him a picture of Burr and sometimes of Jefferson and asking "Who is this?" She praised him when he answered correctly. Soon he answered "Burr" to the first picture but not the second. His behavior of calling only the first picture "Burr" is called __________.


Donna used to be confused about what constituted a straight in poker. Her husband asked her two questions: "What is four-five-six-seven-eight called?" and "What is five hearts called?" He praised her when she said straight to the first question but not when she said straight to the second question. Gradually, she came to say "straight" only when asked the first question. Her behavior of saying "straight" is called __________

discrimination training

Doug got a lot of attention of he was reading a mechanics book, but his father ignored him if he was reading anything else. Doug became an avid reader of mechanics books. What procedure increased Doug's reading of mechanics books? __________

A reinforcer comes after the behavior; and DS comes before the behavior

Explain the difference between a reinforcer and a discriminative stimulus.

Discrimination training involves reinforcing a behavior in one situation and extinguishing it in others (two or more stimulus situations and one behavior). Differential reinforcement involves reinforcing one behavior and extinguishing others in the same stimulus situation (one stimulus situation and two behaviors).

Explain the difference between discrimination training and differential reinforcement.

discrimination training

Jeff swears a lot around the dorm but doesn't swear much at home. His dorm friends encourage swearing; his parents don't. What procedure accounts for the fact that Jeff swears more in the dorm that at home? __________

differential reinforcement

Jeff's friends paid attention when he said "X#!" but not when he said "gosh" or "darn." Jeff gradually said "X#!" What procedure is at work? __________

differential reinforcement

Johnny made many baby noises. However, when he said "Dada," his parents paid a lot of attention to him. When he made other sounds, they ignored him. He came to say "Dada" a lot. What behavioral procedure accounts for Johnny saying "Dada" a lot? _________

discrimination training

Jonah had three goldfish. He played a game with his friend Robert to see if Robert could name his goldfish. If he called the big goldfish "whale," Jonah praised him but ignored him if he called the big goldfish "Tiny." If he called the small goldfish "Tiny," Jonah praised him but not if he called the small goldfish "Whale." What procedure was Jonah using? __________

differential reinforcement

Kenny had trouble learning how to pronounce 1776, so his teacher praised "seventeen seventy six" and ignored "seventy seventy six." In a few days, Kenny was saying it right. What procedure is the teacher using to teach Kenny the correct pronunciation? __________

stimulus control

Sheila was trying to become more assertive around men. When she was assertive with Bill, he responses favorably. When she was assertive with Ken, he ignored her. As a result, Sheila became more assertive around Bill but not Ken. The increased probability of assertive behavior in the presence of Bill means that Bill has come to exert __________ over her assertive behavior.

Discrimination training

Staats and Butterfield (1965) showed Carlos 700 cards, each with one word on it. They gave him a token if he said the word on that card but nothing if he said the word on another card. What procedure did they use to teach Carlos to read 700 words?

differential reinforcement

Ted ignored Dick when he pronounced Aaron Burr's name as "Brr" and praised him when he pronounced it "Bur." Pretty soon Dick always pronounced it as "Bur." What procedure is Ted using? __________

Discriminative stimulus

The cooperative dorm uses a green tag as a "welcome signal" for anyone who is welcoming visitors. Assume that welcoming a visitor reinforces visiting behavior. If the occupant welcomes visitors only if the green tag is out, the green tag is a(n) __________ for visiting behavior.

discriminative stimulus

When Charlie Brown smiled at the little redheaded girl, she ignored him. When he smiled at Lucy, she was very nice to him. If Charlie Brown's smiles were reinforced by "niceness," what type of stimulus is Lucy? __________

discriminated behavior

When a person is more likely to emit a particular behavior in the presence of the SD than in the presence of the S-delta, we call the behavior __________.

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