Chapter 16

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Who was Douglas MacArthur?

A US General who accepts Japanese surrender. -commander of Allied land forces in the Pacific -came up with Island Hopping

What was Dunkirk?

A city in northern France on the North Sea where in World War II (1940) 330,000 Allied troops had to be evacuated from the beaches at Dunkirk in a desperate retreat under enemy fire.

Who occupied the southern part of France

Marshal Henri Philippe Petain

Who fought in the Battle of Midway

US Admiral Chester Nimitz vs. Yamamoto

What was Blitzkrieg?

"lightning war," using planes, tanks and trucks -happened really fast and was a surprise

Who led Operation Torch?

(General) Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who are Nesei?

(first generation Americans) Japanese --they had done nothing illegal—there was no evidence and no trials were held

Who was Leslie Groves?

(general) director of the Manhattan project and he appointed Oppenheimer, he determined the cities that needed to be bombed; believed in the dropping of the bomb

What did the Nonaggression Pact state

--Germany got Poland and a war that did not have 2 fronts --Russia got most of the Baltic area, a buffer zone against Germany, part of Poland and temporary peace with Germany


--Operation Overlord--Invasion of France --best-kept secret of the war --Allied troops commanded by Gen Dwight Eisenhower --invasion planned across the English Channel --dangerous because of the defenses the Germans had built "Atlantic Wall"

Battle of Stalingrad

--first major turning point of the war --Summer of 1942 Germans under General Paulus went on the offensive to capture oil fields and destroy Stalingrad --the battle for the city was brutal, with the Soviets being forced to defend it at all costs --fighting was house-to-house and hand-to-hand

What was the Battle of Okinawa

--last step before the planned invasion of Japan --main Japanese attacks were kamikaze --Japanese chose suicide over the shame of surrender --foreshadow of things to come with the invasion of the homeland??? --US might lose a million men

Battle of Iwo Jima

--needed for the eventual invasion of Japan --Japanese used tunnels and caves --almost all Japanese died defending the island --heavy US losses --marines plant US flag on Mount Suribachi

What did Article 9 state

-no longer offensive, only defensive forces

Battle of El Alamein

1942-British victory in WWII that stopped the Axis forces from advancing into Northern Africa

What does arsenal of democracy mean

America supplied a lot of the weaponry for the war

Who was General Patton

American general who was involved in the Normandy invasion and the Battle of the Bulge; known for his great ability in tank warfare -was used as a decoy to the actual D-Day "fake army"

What was the Doolittle Raid?

April 1942 -Bombing of Tokyo by the US Boston Moral -only a psychological victory but showed Japan was vulnerable to attack

When was the NonAg pact signed

Aug. 1939

When did Japan surrender?

August 14, 1945 (V-J Day)

What happened on Sept. 3, 1939

B and F declare war on Germany

What did TofV do?

Blamed Germany for the war

What was the Bataan Death March?

Brutal forced march of American and Filipino prisoners during WWII up Bataan Peninsula, 10,000+ died -Japan treated the POW very badly

Operation Torch

Code name for allied invasion of North Africa from November 1942 to September 1943

Who was General McAuliffe

Commander of the 101st Airborne Division "famous for "NUTS!"."

International Military Tribunal

Created by England, Ireland, France, USSR, U.S, with power to punish those who committed crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity defined in the charter.

What was Erwin Rommel's nickname?

Desert Fox

How was the world economy after WWI

Economy was horrible -allowed dictators in Europe to come to power -people wanted to return back to their "glory days"

Which famous scientists helped with the Manhattan project

Einstein and Enrico Fermi and many of the world's scientists involved

Who commanded the Afrika Korps

Erwin Rommel

What happened to Finland during the war

Finland fought the Russians and ended up losing due to shear numbers

What was the battle of Coral Sea

First attack on Japan -naval battle fought entirely with airplanes -defeat for Allies but kept Japan from invading Australia

Which two countries were communist after WW2

France and Italy

What did France do during the war

France surrendered before they were even taken over

What was the Maginot Line?

French defensive fortresses designed to halt German aggression

Who was defending Moscow

General Georgi Zhukov.

Which two people were in charge of the Manhattan Project

General Leslie Groves and researcher J. Robert Oppenheimer

What was the Luftwaffe?

German Air Force

What was the Afrika Korps?

German and Italian corps in Africa

Battle of the Bulge

German final desperately tried to defeat the Allies --tried to cut the Allied army in two by attacking a weak front in the Ardennes Forest (France) intending to get through to Antwerp, Belgium, which was the main Allied base --weather favored Germans in grounding the Allied planes --deep woods gave the Nazi movements cover and a surprise over the Allies --initially, the Germans were succeeding, creating a huge "bulge" in the Allied lines

Who occupied the northern part of France


Dec 11, 1941

Germany and Italy declare war on the US

What was the Blitz

Germany's bombing of Great Britain's cities, industrial centers, etc.

Who were the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, Japan

After Czech, who was next on Hitlers list and why

He aimed for Poland because of the German ethnic people

What was Hitlers first move

He attacks Denmark, and Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg -He bypassed the French Maginot Line

What did Stalin do to his military?

He purged his army and top military generals (did not have a strong command)

What did Hitler's maneuver do?

He split B and F forces

What did Tojo lie about

He told Hirohito to maintain peace but he ended up attacking Hawaii

How did Hitler frame the Polands

He used propaganda to make it seam that Poland was invading Germany (dressed German mfs up in Polish gear lol)

Who was J. Robert Oppenheimer?

He was the scientific leader of the Manhattan Project

What did this constitutional monarchy do for Japan

Helped revive the economy -told they could not have an offensive military, only a defensive military

Who was the Japanese Prime Minister?

Hideki Tojo

Where was Little Boy dropped? And by which plane

Hiroshima, Japan (Enola Gay)

What did Hitler notice about the League of Nations and what did he do?

Hitler noticed that the League was ineffective, he built up his army in defiance of TofV

What was operation sea lion

Hitler's plan to invade Britain

What was opperation Barbarossa

Hitler's plan to invade the Soviet Union

What was the Atlantic Charter?

It was a joint declaration of war aims between U.S. and Great Britain -took place on the USS Augusta

What was the Battle of Midway?

It was the turning point in the Pacific Theater (U.S. vs. Japan) -surprise attack for Japan

What did we turn Japan into? (Gov't)

Japan was now a Constitutional Monarchy

Isoroku Yamamoto

Japanese admiral who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 (1884-1943)

What was Pearl Harbor?

Japanese attack American naval base in Hawaii, forces America into WWII on December 7th, 1941.

What is a kamikaze?

Japanese suicide bombers -could use planes, cars, human missells, Human torpedos

Who was the Soviet Union's Leader during this time?

Joseph Stalin

When was D-Day?

June 6, 1944

What was internment?

Locking up suspects without trial

Where did Fat Man drop? And by which plane

Nagasaki, Japan (Bock's Car)

What are the Nuremberg Trials?

Nazi leaders were put on trial for their crimes against humanity from times about (1945-46) -This is where the big Nazi leaders were getting put on trial -included 23 nations

Was the US in the League of Nations?

No, they did not want to be drawn into someone else's war

Dec 7th

Pearl Harbor happens

What was Sitzkrieg?

Period when Britain and France waited for the Germans to attack -called the Phony war

Who was Hideki Tojo?

Prime Minister of Japan

What was the Lend-Lease Act?

Right after the 1940 election, FDR learned GB was essentially out of ships and out of $. Still trying to get around the neutrality laws, FDR came up with the "Lend-Lease" program (March 1941). -we "lent" GB and any other country that the Pres felt was vital to our defense any war supplies we could make

What happened on Sept. 17, 1939

Russia Invades Poland

When did MacArthur accept the formal surrender and where?

Sept. 2, 1945 (On the USS Missouri)

Why did the invasion of Russia not good for Russia

Stalin got rid of top generals and it was a surprise that Hitler lied to Stalin

Why did Hitler and Stalin form a Nonaggression Pact

Stalin was mad that he was not included in the Munich Conference

What was the Blitz also known as

The Battle of Britain


The Office of Price Administration, a New Deal organization created to control prices after the outbreak of WWII to control inflation and stabilize prices. It also had the power to ration scarce goods such as tires, automobiles, shoes, sugar, and gasoline among other things. It was abolished in 1947.

What was island hopping?

The US's gradual takeover of Japanese controlled island one by one until the US reached Japan. -strategic fighting over islands

What was the French Resistance

The underground movement of French civilians who fought against Nazi Germans who occupied France during much of WWII. This well organized group killed many German's and assisted the Allied forces in any way possible. Not a real military, but people in the group just tried to kill the german soldiers.

How was D-Day so successful

There was so much secrecy among D-Day including fake armies, fake radios, and fake supplies

What did the soviets do during the invasion

They practiced scorched earth

Why was it called the Miracle at Dunkirk

They were only hoping to get 12,000-20,000 troops off the beaches but ended up getting mostly all the Men off of the beaches

Who didn't know about the Manhattan project

Truman did not know about the bomb

Dec 8th, 1941

US declares war on Japan

Who were the Allies?

US, Britain, Russia (France...kinda)

Where did US send the Lend Lease stuff too?

We sent the stuff to GB and Russia

Battle of Guadalcanal

a 1942-1943 battle of World War II, in which Allied troops drove Japanese forces from the Pacific island of Guadalcanal -often hand to hand fighting -Japanese left calling it the "Island of Death"

How many people did the selective service draft

about 10 million people

What was Cash and Carry?

allowed the United States to sell arms and other goods as long as nations paid cash and shipped the goods on their own vessels.

What supplies were damaged after pearl Harbor

almost the entire Pacific fleet was damaged or destroyed (except Japan's main targets, the aircraft carriers)

What is executive order 9066

an executive order issued by FDR in 1942 allowing internment camps to be set up to exclude current residents believed to be a threat to security

Korematsu v United States 1944

court case trying to argue the USA

Where were the Trial executions taken place at?

executions at Dachau

What was the battle of Leyte Gulf

final naval battle of the War -took place in the Leyte Gulf -first real use of Japan Kamikaze

What was the Siegfried Line?

fortification on German's west border; the Russians offensive reached it and were stopped

Why does Hitler invade the Soviet Union?

he realized he could not get Britain -he always wanted the east

Why did Stalin invade Poland

it was agreed that Germany and Russia would split some Polish land

What happens on Sept. 1, 1939

only days after the NonAg pact was signed Hitler invaded Poland

What did people think about Poland and Germany ties?

people thought that there was no way Germany would attack Poland bc it would mean Germany would fight a two front war. People also think that B and F would come help Poland

Who won the Battle of the Bulge

the Allies won

What happened on Sept. 29, 1939

the War in Poland end?

What was the Battle of Britain

the battle between the German and British air forces over England

What were the British machines called that broke the German codes

the machine was called Enigma

What was the Manhattan Project?

the plan to develop the atomic bomb

Why did Hitler bypass the Maginot line

to surprise the French

What was WWII seen as?

was seen as a continuation of WWI

who did we internment in ww2

we discriminated Japanese

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