Chapter 17-4

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(theology) being determined in advance

Pope Paul III

1534-1549, 4 important steps to reform

Index of Forbidden Books

1559- Paul IV had officials draw up list of books considered dangerous to Catholic faith. Burned in bonfires

Council of Trent Doctrine 3

Bible and church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding Christian life


Calvin's followers in france. Hatred between them and Catholics led to violence

August 24, 1572

Catholic feast of St. Bartholomew's day. At dawn catholics haunted protestants and killed them

Council of Trent Doctrine 2

Christians needed faith and good works for salvation

Katherina von Bora

Luther's wife. taken vows of being nun at 16, got inspired by Luther, ran away and married him. had 6 kids, managed family


Protestants in Geneva, Switzerland asked Calvin to lead their city.

John Knox

admiring visitor to Geneva, preacher from Scotland. Went home and put Calvin's ideas to work in Scottish towns

Paul IV

another reforming pope- vigorously carried out council's decrees

Paul- 2ndStep to reform

approved Jesuit order- meaning they can be priests in church

Council of Trent Doctrine 1

bible was final. Christian that substituted meaning was heretic

Anabaptists persecuted

both catholics and protestants b/c thought to be threat to society

Paul- 4th Step to reform

call great council of CHurch leaders to meet in Trent, N. Italy

Paul- 1st Step to reform

directed council of cardinals to investigate indulgence selling and other abuses within church


elders or presbyters. Each community in Scottish towns controlled by these small groups

Calvin Geneva Rules

everyone went to religion class, no bright clothing, no card games, authorities would imprison, excommunicate or banish people who broke rules


followers of Knox.


from greek to "baptize again". Taught that church and state should be separate. made people baptize as kids and adults

Paul- 3rd Step to reform

get rid of muslims and jews if dont convert


government controlled by religious leaders [way calvin controlled]

Ignatius of Loyola

great catholic reformer. Grew up in father's castle in Loyola, Spain. Injured in war- brought back and started clens

Catholic Reformation

helping catholic's to remain loyal was movement within church to reform itself

Council of Trent Doctrine 4

indulgences were valid expression of faith [selling them]

Katherine Zell

married to prominent reformer Matthew Zell of Strasbourg. She scolded minister for speaking badly of another


members of Society of Jesus. Orthodox Catholics. Sent missionaries to convert non-christians and stopped protestantinism from spreading

Legacy of Reformation

protestant church flourished, church power decline, individual state + monarchs gained power

John Calvin

published book called Institutes of the Christian Religion- expressed his ideas about God, salvation and human nature


religion on his teachings

Society of Jesus

religious order of Loyola's followers

marguerite of Navarre

sister of King Francis I, protected Calvin from being executed for beliefs while living in france

Institutes of the Christian Religion

taught men and women are sinful by nature. Says god chooses very few people to save called the "elect"

Spiritual Exercises

written by Ignatius and laid out day-by-day plan of meditattion, prayer and study. Says how to live life.

Council of Trent

years between 1545 and 1563 at this place, Catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines

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