Chapter 17

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30) Which of the following was a Western response to the commercial revolution of the 16th century that was proletarian in outlook? A) A more caring attitude toward the problems of the poor. B) A more elaborate family including greater material wealth. C) A wave of popular protests resulting in uprisings caused by social tensions. D) Greater belief in personal achievement and the demystification of nature.

C) A wave of popular protests resulting in uprisings caused by social tensions.

49) Which of the following statements concerning mid-18th-century Western society is most accurate? A) Agricultural changes, commercialism, and manufacturing had combined to produce a rapidly growing population in the West. B) Radical changes in the nature of government resulted in the creation of essentially new political forms. C) As a result of the Enlightenment, established churches no longer were forces to be reckoned with in the Western society. D) The spread of domestic manufacturing destroyed the traditional habits and family patterns of earlier Europe.

A) Agricultural changes, commercialism, and manufacturing had combined to produce a rapidly growing population in the West.

28) The average Western peasant or artisan owned about how many times more "things" than his or her counterpart in southeastern Europe? A) Five B) Eight C) Three D) Four

A) Five

5) Which of the following statements concerning Italian humanism is most accurate? A) Humanists focused on humankind as the center of intellectual and artistic endeavor. B) Humanists attacked Christianity as rife with superstition and witchcraft. C) Humanists carved out new literary styles without reference to classical or medieval models. D) Humanists de-emphasized the corporate and communal aspects of human society.

A) Humanists focused on humankind as the center of intellectual and artistic endeavor.

45) Which of the following changes associated with treatment of children was associated with the Enlightenment? A) Parents became more interested in freer movement and greater interaction fro young children. B) Physical discipline of children to encourage their development became more common. C) Swaddling of infants continued as a means of protecting infants fro injury. D) Childhood was no longer perceived as a stage for learning and growth.

A) Parents became more interested in freer movement and greater interaction fro young children.

20) Which of the following areas was NOT successfully defended by the Catholic Reformation? A) The Netherlands B) Poland C) Southern Europe D) Hungary

A) The Netherlands

In characterizing the period from 1450 to 1750 in the West, which of the following statements is NOT accurate? A) What was once an agricultural society had become a predominantly manufacturing economy. B) Government powers had expanded as nation-states began to evolve. C) Science came to form the centerpiece of Western intellectual life. D) The popular outlook, including ideas about personality and family as well as concepts of nature, had shifted

A) What was once an agricultural society had become a predominantly manufacturing economy.

34) Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the view of Desists? A) While there may be a divinity, its role is only to set natural laws in motion. B) God can be found in all elements of creation, whether plant, animal, or mineral. C) The authority of the church is a paramount, and all political power is derived from divine sanction. D) The institutional church has failed Western society, and it is necessary for the reestablishment of the church through new institutions founded by the state.

A) While there may be a divinity, its role is only to set natural laws in motion.

22) The Edict of Nantes, issued in France in 1598, A) granted tolerance to Protestants and helped end the French civil wars of religion. B) established Calvinism as the state religion of France. C) decreed the abolition of Protestantism in France. D) declared war against Lutheran princes of Germany.

A) granted tolerance to Protestants and helped end the French civil wars of religion.

11) What determined the age of marriage for many people in Europe? A) The occupation of the husband B) Access to real property C) The approval of the church D) Securing license to marry from the government

B) Access to real property

40) Which of the following states stood apart from the trend toward absolute monarchy in the 17th century and retained a parliamentary regime? A) France B) Britain C) Spain D) Austria-Hungary

B) Britain

31) Who used astronomical observation and mathematical calculation to disprove the Hellenistic belief that the Earth was the center of the Universe? A) Galileo B) Copernicus C) Vesalius D) Francis Bacon

B) Copernicus

42) The aftermath of the Scientific Revolution spilled over into a new intellectual movement in the 18th century called the: A) Renaissance B) Enlightenment C) Great Awakening D) Risorgimento

B) Enlightenment

21) What new religious order was associated with the Catholic Reformation? A) Benedictines B) Jesuits C) Calvinists D) Cistercians

B) Jesuits

16) Which of the following reasons suggests why common people supported the Lutheran Reformation? A) Luther advocated the overthrow of the authority of the German princes. B) Lutheranism sanctioned money-making and other earthly pursuits more wholeheartedly than did traditional Catholicism. C) Luther's reforms meant that indulgences and other ecclesiastical means of salvation would become less expensive and more readily available to the poor. D) Luther advocated redistribution of land and property throughout Germany.

B) Lutheranism sanctioned money-making and other earthly pursuits more wholeheartedly than did traditional Catholicism.

38) Which of the following was most accurately defines mercantilism? A) Mercantilism was a scientific theory that attempted to limit the growing dominance of merchants within society. B) Mercantilism held that government should promote the internal economy in order to improve tax revenues and to limit imports from other nations. C) Mercantilism was an economic philosophy that argued that natural laws would determine the flow of goods according to supply and demand. D) Mercantilism argued that the money supply should be freed from the supply of bullion and based instead on the flow of goods within regional markets.

B) Mercantilism held that government should promote the internal economy in order to improve tax revenues and to limit imports from other nations.

8) What was one of the primary differences between the Northern and Italian Renaissance? A) The Northern Renaissance occurred a century earlier than the Italian Renaissance. B) Northern humanists focused more on religion than their Italian counterparts. C) There were no major literary figures in the Northern Renaissance. D) The Northern Renaissance did not make use of the classical languages typical of the Italian Renaissance.

B) Northern humanists focused more on religion than their Italian counterparts.

33) What was Isaac Newton's work published in 1687, which drew various theories together into a framework of natural laws? A) Analects B) Principia Mathematica C) Analogica Pedagogica D) Novum Organum

B) Principia Mathematica

25) Which of the following states fell back from European ascendancy following the religious wars? A) The Netherlands B) Spain C) Britain D) France

B) Spain

23) Which of the following was NOT a result of the Thirty Years War? A) It reduced German prosperity and power for a full century. B) The treaty that ended the war established Spain as the principal power of western Europe. C) The treaty that ended the war granted political independence to the Protestant Netherlands. D) The war established the principle of territorial toleration.

B) The treaty that ended the war established Spain as the principal power of western Europe.

6) Which of the following was NOT an impact of the Renaissance on politics and commerce? A)Renaissance merchants improved banking techniques and became more capitalist. B) Under humanist influence, wars among Italian city-states became less frequent and violent. C) City-state leaders experimented with new political forms and functions and justified their authority on the basis of what they could do to advance the general well-being. D) The city-states introduced the regular exchange of ambassadors and the exercise of diplomacy.

B) Under humanist influence, wars among Italian city-states became less frequent and violent.

48) In 1733, John Kay of England introduced A) double-entry bookkeeping to western Europe. B) the flying shuttle to automate weaving. C) the steam machine. D) the potato to European agriculture.

B) the flying shuttle to automate weaving.

7) Which of the following accounts in part for the decline of the Italian Renaissance circa 1500? A) Routes through Russia to the East undercut the Italian monopoly of trade. B) The creation of a single nation-state in northern Italy sapped the vitality of artistic patronage. C) French and Spanish monarchs invaded the peninsula, cutting down on political independence. D) Much of Italy was conquered by the Ottoman Turks after the battle of Lepanto.

C) French and Spanish monarchs invaded the peninsula, cutting down on political independence.

15) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the reason Luther picked up widespread support among the German elite? A) Luther proposed moving the papacy from Rome to Germany. B) Luther's support for a more centralized German government under the control of the Holy Roman emperor struck a responsive chord in German nationalism. C) German princes who turned Protestant could increase their independence from the emperor, seize church lands, and control the church in their territories. D) Luther proposed that indulgences should be collected by the Holy Roman emperor instead of the pope.

C) German princes who turned Protestant could increase their independence from the emperor, seize church lands, and control the church in their territories.

44) Which of the following was NOT a basic principle of the Enlightenment? A) Society's goals should enter on improvements in material and social life. B) Religions that relied on faith or refused to tolerate diversity were wrong. C) If people were not controlled, general social decline was inevitable. D) Human beings are naturally good and can be educated to do better.

C) If people were not controlled, general social decline was inevitable.

26) Which of the following statements most accurately describes a change in popular mentality as a result of the Protestant Reformation? A) Protestants were more likely to credit miracles or divine interruptions in nature's course. B) Protestant churches, as physical structures, were more closely connected to market activities in the cities, encouraging the idea that religion and daily life were created. C) Protestants and Catholics considered the family in more positive terms, not simply as an institution necessary because of human lust. D) Religious change tended to discourage the growth of literacy in the era following the Protestant Reformation.

C) Protestants and Catholics considered the family in more positive terms, not simply as an institution necessary because of human lust.

2) Which of the following lists the major developments of Western civilization in proper sequence? A) Protestant Reformation, Renaissance, absolute monarchy, Enlightenment B) Absolute monarchy, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Protestant Reformation C) Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Absolute monarchy, Enlightenment D) Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Enlightenment, absolute monarchy.

C) Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Absolute monarchy, Enlightenment

47) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the nature of manufacturing in the later 18th century? A) The factory system was well established since the commercial revolution of the 18th century and continued to develop during this period. B) By the 18th century the economic growth typical typical of the 16th century had halted, and manufacturing suffered from the withdrawal of capital. C) The 18th century witnessed a rapid spread of household production of textiles and metal products, mostly by rural workers who alternated manufacturing with some agriculture. D) The lack of new technology caused a bottleneck in the manufacturing processes and led to stagnation in European productivity.

C) The 18th century witnessed a rapid spread of household production of textiles and metal products, mostly by rural workers who alternated manufacturing with some agriculture.

3) Which of the following statements about the Renaissance is NOT accurate? A) The Renaissance challenged medieval intellectual values and styles. B) The Renaissance was largely an artistic movement that began in Italy. C) The Renaissance failed to develop any new ideas concerning political organization. D) The Renaissance was built on a more commercialized economy.

C) The Renaissance failed to develop any new ideas concerning political organization

35) How did Western science compare with the sciences of other civilizations? A) The West was the only civilization to develop scientific and technological expertise B) In China, science was based on practical, empirical advances. C) The West was not alone in developing crucial scientific data, but its thinkers were the only ones to see science in broader philosophical terms as central to intellectual life. D) Islam remained vastly ahead of the West in terms of scientific knowledge , despite the clear advances made during the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries.

C) The West was not alone in developing crucial scientific data, but its thinkers were the only ones to see science in broader philosophical terms as central to intellectual life.

24) The religious wars that followed the Protestant Reformation led generally to A) the restoration of Catholic unity. B) the establishment of Protestant dominance. C) a limited acceptance of the idea of religious pluralism. D) a monolithic Protestantism in Europe.

C) a limited acceptance of the idea of religious pluralism.

18) The theological foundation of Jean Calvin's Protestantism was A) the doctrine of penance. B) iconodulism. C) predestination. D) solipsism.

C) predestination.

29) Inflation and commercialization in the West produced a group of people without access to wealth-producing property called the A) bourgeoisie. B) sans culottes. C) proletariat. D) provencales.

C) proletariat.

43) Adam Smith's economic theory advocated A) government intervention in order to control the flow of bullion through extensive tariff systems. B) the use of a controlled money supply as a means of limiting inflation. C) that governments avoid regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative and market forces. D) the institution of state-controlled guilds to fix standards of production and wages.

C) that governments avoid regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative and market forces.

9) Johannes Gutenberg was responsible for A) the unification of the Holy Roman Empire in 1537.a B) the construction of Wittenberg cathedral during the 15th century. C) the defeat of the Catholic forces during the Thirty Years War. D) the invention of moveable type in the West.

D) the invention of moveable type in the West.

12) By the 16th century, at what age did most Europeans marry? A) 20-22 B) 23-24 C) 25-27 D) 28-29

D) 28-29

17) What was the church established by Henry VIII in England? A) Lutheran B) Calvinism C) Jesuit D) Anglican

D) Anglican

19) What was the political impact of Calvinism? A) Due to the location of the center of Calvinism in Switzerland, most governments that accepted the new religion were city-states. B) Because of the insistence of Calvinism of the acceptance of a single ecclesiastical authority, Calvinism spread rapidly among the absolute monarchies. C) Calvinism was regarded as so potentially revolutionary that it failed to find a foothold outside of Germany. D) Calvinists sought the participation of all believers in church administration, which encouraged the idea of a wider access to government.

D) Calvinists sought the participation of all believers in church administration, which encouraged the idea of a wider access to government.

41) What monarch is associated with the establishment of enlightened despotism in Prussia in the middle of the 18th century? A) Joseph II B) Charles VI C) William III D) Fredrick the Great

D) Fredrick the Great

4) Which of the following was NOT a participant in the 15th-century Italian Renaissance? A) Michelangelo B) Leonardo da Vinci C) Donatello D) Giotto

D) Giotto

37) The monarch most associated with absolute monarchy was A) Charles I of England. B) Fredrick William of Prussia. C) William of Orange of the Netherlands D) Louis XIV of France

D) Louis XIV of France

13) Who is generally credited with initiating the Protestant Reformation in 1517? A) Jean Calvin B) Henry VIII C) Ignatius Loyola D) Martin Luther

D) Martin Luther

46) How did agriculture change in the late 17th century? A) Western Europe continued to rely largely on the methods and techniques characteristic of the Middle Ages. B) Tomatoes were introduced from the Americas and rapidly became a major food source in western Europe. C) The practice of fallowing was introduced to restore fertility of fields. D) New technology and better stock-breeding methods resulted in higher productivity.

D) New technology and better stock-breeding methods resulted in higher productivity.

10) What was the European-style family pattern that emerged in the 15th century? A) Extended families, early marriage ages B) Nuclear families, early marriage ages C) Extended families, late marriage D) Nuclear families, late marriage ages

D) Nuclear families, late marriage ages

14) Which of the following was NOT a religious proposition advanced by Martin Luther? A) Sale of indulgence, or grants of salvation, for money was wrong. B) Only faith could gain salvation. C) Monasticism was wrong. D) Priests should practice celibacy.

D) Priests should practice celibacy.

39) Besides France, where else did absolute monarchy develop during the period 1450 to 1750? A) The Netherlands B) Britain C) Italy D) Prussia

D) Prussia

27) Which of the following was NOT typical of the commercial revolution of the 16th century? A) New goods became available B) Formation of great trading companies C) Stimulation of manufacturing D) Significant reduction in prices encouraging consumer spending.

D) Significant reduction in prices encouraging consumer spending.

32) William Harvey was responsible for what discovery during the Scientific Revolution? A) Oxygen and its role in breathing B) The mathematical formulae for gravity C) The mathematical calculus D) The movement of animals

D) The movement of animals

50) By 1750, the strands of commercial, cultural, and political changes in Europe had combined to create A) an unstable political environment that would eventually regress backwards. B) proof of the innate superiority of Western civilization. C) rapid adaption not found in other civilizations. D) an unusual version of an agricultural civilization

D) an unusual version of an agricultural civilization

36) All of the following were typical of 16th century absolute monarchy EXCEPT A) a professional army B) the cessation of parliamentary government C) a growing bureaucracy D) the destruction of provincial councils

D) the destruction of provincial councils

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