Chapter 17

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Light enters the retina through the layers of neural retina in this order ______; however information is processed through this order _______ in the retina 1. Photoreceptor cell layer 2. Bipolar cell layer 3. Inner synaptic layer 4. Outer synaptic layer 5. Ganglion cell layer a) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 / 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 b) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 / 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 c) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 / 5, 2, 3, 1, 4 d) 5, 2, 1, 3, 4 / 4, 3, 1, 2, 5 e) 3, 4, 5, 2, 1 / 1, 2, 5, 4, 3

b) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 / 1, 4, 2, 3, 5

Pink eye is an infection of the thin mucous membrane that protects the inner aspect of the eyelids and the anterior portion of the sclera. What membrane is involved? a) Palpebral fissure b) Conjunctiva c) Lateral commissure d) Cornea e) Choroid

b) Conjunctiva

Night blindness can be caused by a) Toxic levels of vitamin A b) Lack of rhodopsin c) Lack of cones d) Too low concentration of cAMP e) Too high concentration of cAMP

b) Lack of rhodopsin

Which statement accurately describes the changes in the membrane potential of a photoreceptor cell when light rays strike its photopigments? a) The photoreceptor cell undergoes rapid depolarization. b) The photoreceptor cell undergoes hyperpolarization. c) A graded potential proportional to the intensity of the light stimulus occurs in the photoreceptor cell. d) No changes in the membrane potential occur. e) The photoreceptor cell creates action potentials at a frequency proportional to the intensity of the light stimulus.

b) The photoreceptor cell undergoes hyperpolarization.

Why is the optic disc known as the blind spot? a) Rods and cones are inactive in that area. b) There is no retinal layer so there are no cones and rods. c) The macula degenerated over the optic disc d) The neural circuits lack amacrine and horizontal cells. e) layer of bipolar and ganglion cells do not cover the cones in this area.

b) There is no retinal layer so there are no cones and rods.

The lens accommodates when contraction of _______ pulls on _______. a) ciliary processes; ciliary muscle b) ciliary muscle; zonular fibers c) suspensory ligaments; zonular fibers d) zonular fibers; ciliary muscles e) ora seratta; suspensory ligaments

b) ciliary muscle; zonular fibers

Nerve impulses for the sense of hearing are initiated in the spiral organ (organ of Corti) and then travel through the _____ to the cochlear nuclei in the _____. a) cochlear branch of cranial nerve VIII; pons b) cochlear branch of cranial nerve VIII; medulla oblongata c) vestibular branch of cranial nerve VIII; pons d) vestibular branch of cranial nerve VIII; medulla oblongata

b) cochlear branch of cranial nerve VIII; medulla oblongata

During embryonic development, the first portion of the ear to develop is the a) middle ear. b) internal ear. c) external ear. d) bony labyrinth. e) membranous labyrinth

b) internal ear.

In the olfactory pathway, axons of the mitral cells form the _________. The axons project to the _________. a) olfactory tract; thalamus and cerebral cortex b) olfactory tract; cerebral cortex and limbic system c) olfactory bulbs; thalamus and cerebral cortex d) olfactory bulbs; temporal lobe and cerebral cortex e) glomeruli; cerebral cortex and limbic system.

b) olfactory tract; cerebral cortex and limbic system

Olfactory epithelium is found a) throughout the nasal cavity. b) only in the superior portion of the nasal cavity. c) only in the inferior portion of the nasal cavity. d) from the vestibule to the pharynx. e) only in the mid-nasal ridges.

b) only in the superior portion of the nasal cavity.

During embryonic development, the external ear develops from a structure called the first a) pharyngeal pouch. b) pharyngeal cleft. c) otic placodes. d) otic vesicle. e) rhombencephalon.

b) pharyngeal cleft.

Presbycusis refers to age-associated a) progressive loss of hearing in one ear. b) progressive loss of hearing in both ears. c) progressive loss of vision. d) otitis media. e) vertigo.

b) progressive loss of hearing in both ears.

Dynamic equilibrium is maintained by the a) cochlea. b) semicircular canals. c) vestibule. d) spiral organ. e) utricle and saccule.

b) semicircular canals.

Select the sequence of events for the olfactory pathway 1. a second messenger opens cation channels (Na+ and Ca+2) 2. depolarization of olfactory receptor cells occurs 3. odorant binds to olfactory receptor protein 4. G protein activates cyclic adenosine monophosphate a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 4, 2, 1, 3 c) 3, 4, 1, 2 d) 2, 1, 4, 3 e) 3, 1, 2, 4

c) 3, 4, 1, 2

Select the correct order for the neural pathway from the inner ear to the brain. 1. inferior colliculus 2. cochlear branch nerve fibers of cranial nerve VIII 3. superior olivary nucleus in pons 4. hair cells in spiral organ 5. medial geniculate nucleus in thalamus 6. primary auditory cerebral cortex 7. cochlear nuclei in medulla oblongata a) 6,5, 1, 3, 7, 2, 4 b) 2, 4, 7, 1, 5, 3, 7 c) 4, 2, 7, 3, 1, 5, 6 d) 5, 1, 3, 7, 4, 2, 6 e) 4, 6, 2, 5, 1, 7, 3

c) 4, 2, 7, 3, 1, 5, 6

How many extrinsic eye muscles are responsible for moving each eye? a) 10 b) 12 c) 6 d) 4 e) 20

c) 6

______ receptors are primarily used for detecting light rays under bright light conditions. a) Basal cell b) Rods c) Cones d) Ganglion e) Amacrine cell

c) Cones

______are proteins that make up the refractive portion of the lens. a) Collagen b) Ciliary bodies c) Crystallins d) Elastin e) Keratin

c) Crystallins

When you inhale slowly and deeply, this helps identify odors. Why? a) The receptors need more air to the odors. b) The threshold for odor detection is high. c) More odorants are brought into contact with the olfactory epithelium. d) Adaptation to odors is slow. e) Olfactory transduction can only occur if a certain level of odorant concentration is available.

c) More odorants are brought into contact with the olfactory epithelium.

Infection of a sebaceous ciliary gland can result in a) blood shot eyes. b) inhibition of tear production. c) a sty. d) glaucoma. e) blindness.

c) a sty.

Which molecule detects light rays that strike the photopigments in the retina? a) cGMP b) opsin portion of rhodopsin c) cis-retinal d) melanin e) retinal isomerase

c) cis-retinal

Which sensory structure in the inner ear is capable of sensing rapid rotation of your head to the left? a) macula of the saccule b) macule of the utricle c) crista of the horizontal semicircular duct d) spiral organ e) crista of the posterior semicircular duct

c) crista of the horizontal semicircular duct

From which of the following layers of the developing embryo do the eyes develop? a) endoderm b) mesoderm c) ectoderm d) ectoderm and mesoderm e) ectoderm and endoderm

c) ectoderm

The ______ regulates the amount of light entering the eyeball through the pupil. a) retina b) cornea c) iris d) lens e) fovea centralis

c) iris

What ear structure vibrates back and forth when sound waves strike? a) cochlea b) pinna c) tympanic membrane d) spiral organ e) vestibulocochlear nerve

c) tympanic membrane

Place the flow of tears in correct order. 1. lacrimal gland 2.lacrimal sac 3.lacrimal duct 4. superior or inferior lacrimal canal 5. nasolacrimal duct 6. nasal cavity a) 6, 5, 2, 4, 3, 1 b) 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6 c) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6 d) 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6 e) 2, 5, 6, 1, 3, 4

d) 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6

How many days after fertilization do the ears begin to develop? a) 5 b) 150 c) 10 d) 22 e) 55

d) 22

How many days after fertilization do the eyes begin to develop? a) 5 b) 150 c) 10 d) 22 e) 55

d) 22

Which papillae increase surface area but do not aid in direct gustation? a) Vallate b) Fungiform c) Foliate d) Filiform e) Circumvallate

d) Filiform

The first step in the visual transduction process that occurs in the retina is a) activation of amacrine cells. b) absorption of scattered light by the pigmented epithelium. c) interruption of the dark current. d) absorption of light by photopigments. e) generation of action potentials in the optic nerve.

d) absorption of light by photopigments.

Opsin looks colorless when trans-retinal is separated from opsin. This is termed a) isomerization b) conversion c) regeneration d) bleaching e) transition

d) bleaching

After staying up all night to study, your eyes are bloodshot. The vasculature in what area is congested and dilated? a) cornea b) lacrimal puncta c) palpebral conjunctiva d) bulbar conjunctiva e) retina

d) bulbar conjunctiva

The axons of the ganglion neurons of the retina terminate in the a) optic disk. b) optic chiasm. c) visual cortex of cerebrum. d) lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. e) primary somatosensory area of cerebral cortex.

d) lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus.

Light refracts as it passes through what portions of the eye? Select all that apply. a) sclera b) iris c) choroid d) lens e) cornea f) aqueous humor g) vitreous humor h) pupil

d) lens e) cornea f) aqueous humor g) vitreous humor

Cones and rods synapse with bipolar cells in the ______ layer. a) ganglion cell b) inner synaptic c) bipolar cell d) outer synaptic e) amacrine cell

d) outer synaptic

Place the events of sound transduction in order. 1. Exocytosis of neurotransmitters occurs 2. Mechanically-gated channels fully open allowing K+ to enter 3. Calcium voltage-gated channels open 4. stereocilia of hair cells bend 5. Higher frequency of action potentials in first-order neurons 6. Cations entering cause depolarization a) 5, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4 b) 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 5 c) 4, 1, 6, 3, 2, 5 d) 6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 1 e) 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5

e) 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5

Which is the transparent layer on the anterior of the eyeball through which the iris can be observed? a) Retina b) Choroid c) Sclera d) Ciliary body e) Cornea

e) Cornea

Ciliary bodies are composed of a) striated muscle. b) cardiac muscle c) skeletal muscle d) radial smooth muscle e) circular smooth muscle

e) circular smooth muscle

During embryonic development, the lens of the eye develops directly from an invagination of the lens placodes called the a) optic groove. b) optic vesicle. c) optic stalk. d) prosencephalon. e) lens vesicle.

e) lens vesicle.

Which areas will contain taste buds in adults? Select all that apply. a) epiglottis b) vallate papilla c) filiform papilla d) foliate papilla e) fungiform papilla f) soft palate g) pharynx h) hard palate

Answer 1: a Answer 2: b Answer 3: e Answer 4: f Answer 5: g

Sebaceous glands are located in what areas of the eye? Select all that apply. a) Palpebral conjunctiva b) Levator palpebrae c) Lacrimal caruncle d) Tarsal plate e) Bulbar conjunctiva f) Base of eyelashes

Answer 1: c) Lacrimal caruncle Answer 2: d) Tarsal plate Answer 3: f) Base of eyelashes

Which of the following nerves conducts impulses associated with the sense of gustation? a) Vestibulocochlear b) Oculomotor c) Vagus d) Trigeminal e) Facial f) Glossopharyngeal g) Hypoglossal h) Abducens

Answer 1: c) Vagus Answer 2: e) Facial Answer 3: f) Glossolpharyngeal

Choose the sequence of events in order for how gustation is conveyed from beginning to end. 1. Taste bud detects tastant on anterior two third of tongue 2. Information travels to limbic system and hypothalamus, and to the thalamus 3. Gustatory nucleus in medulla receives information 4. First order neuron from facial nerve carries impulse 5. First order neuron from vagus nerve carries impulse 6. First order neuron from glossopharyngeal nerve carries impulse 7. Conscious perception of taste 8. Information is sent to the insula of the cerebral cortex a) 1, 4, 3, 2, 8, 7 b) 7, 8, 2, 3, 6, 1 c) 7,1,5, 3, 2, 8 d) 1, 4, 5, 5, 3 ,4 , 8, 7 e) 4, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8

a) 1, 4, 3, 2, 8, 7

What structures play a major role in visual acuity? Select all that apply. a) Cones b) Macula lutea c) Optic disc d) Blind spot e) Fovea centralis f) Rods

a) Cones b) Macula lutea e) Fovea centralis

_____ bind the odorants and begin signal transduction. a) Olfactory cilia b) Supporting cells c) Basal stem cells d) Bowman's glands e) Gustatory receptor cells

a) Olfactory cilia

What lies between the lens and the retina? a) Vitreous chamber b) Anterior chamber c) Anterior cavity d) Cornea e) Aqueous humor

a) Vitreous chamber

___________are the thin protective mucous membranes composed of stratified squamous epithelium with numerous goblet cells. a) bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva b) palpebral conjunctiva and cornea c) scleral venous sinus and bulbar conjunctiva d) cornea and scleral venous sinus e) tarsal glands and palpebral conjunctiva

a) bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva

Cataract leads to blindness due to a) loss of transparency of the lens. b) a high intraocular pressure. c) photophobia. d) scotoma. e) trachoma.

a) loss of transparency of the lens.

Otoliths are located in the a) macula of the saccule b) cupula of the crista c) tectorial membrane of the spiral organ d) basilar membrane of the cochlear duct e) hair cells and supporting cells of semicircular ducts

a) macula of the saccule

What cranial nerves are associated with olfactory glands? Select all that apply. a) olfactory b) trigeminal c) facial d) oculomotor e) glossopharyngeal

a) olfactory c) facial

During embryonic development, the middle ear develops from a structure called the first a) pharyngeal pouch. b) pharyngeal cleft. c) otic placodes. d) otic vesicle. e) rhombencephalon.

a) pharyngeal pouch.

Which structures contain endolymph? a) saccule, utricle and cochlear duct b) scala vestibule, scala tympani, and bony labyrinth c) membranous and bony labyrinth d) scala vestibule, scala tympani, and cochlear duct e) cochlear duct, vestibule and semicircular canals

a) saccule, utricle and cochlear duct

Which cells are part of the olfactory epithelium? Select all that apply. a) supporting cells b) mitral cells c) glomeruli d) basal cell e) olfactory receptor cells f) olfactory nerve g) nasal conchae

a) supporting cells d) basal cell e) olfactory receptor cells

The vestibular nuclei of the brainstem that control equilibrium receives sensory information from what structures? Select all that apply. a) utricle and saccule. b) semicircular ducts. c) eyes d) proprioceptors in the neck muscles. e) nociceptors in the distal limbs. f) spiral organ g) tympanic membrane h) auditory tube

a) utricle and saccule. b) semicircular ducts. c) eyes d) proprioceptors in the neck muscles.

Which structures are associated with equilibrium? Select all that apply. a) vestibule b) saccule c) cochlear duct d) semicircular ducts e) Cochlea f) ampullae

a) vestibule b) saccule d) semicircular ducts f) ampullae

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