Chapter 17 AP Euro

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What did Hungary do when Austrian Habsburgs were distracted by the war of the Spanish succession?

Hungary took advantage of their preoccupation with the war and revolted in 1703 led by Rakocz. Hungarian forces were defeated and Habsburgs stayed in power

__________ had a large class of nobles (5-7% of population) who revolted against absolute rule

Hungary. They did not really have success but they were never really crushed. Nobles wanted as much independence as possible

Baroque culture was inspired by __________

Louis XIV. It symbolized the age of absolutist power

__________ family will rule Russia


What was that the period Mongols ruled the eastern Slavs for 200 years known as?

The Mongol yoke

Where were top officials in the bureaucracy from? (Ottomans)

The sultan's slave corps

Ivan IV assumed he own Russian _________ and _________ just like he owned the land

Trade and industry. Urban class had no security in their work or property. Even the wealthy merchants were dependent on the tsar.

In 1529, Ottomans almost captured _________. Why was this city significant?

Vienna. It is the capital of Austria

In 1683, the Turks surround what city for two months?

Vienna. With the help of forces from the Habsburgs, Saxons, Bavarian, polish forced the ottomans to retreat

Ottomans Warriors from: Settled in present day: Religion:

Warriors from Central Asia Settled in present day turkey Religion Islam (Muslims)

What part in Europe did the kings have more power? What part did they have less power?

West- more powerful kings East- less powerful kings

Frederick William was known as the _________ _____________

"Great Elector" he gained power and moved towards absolutism

What were the people who left the church called in Russia? How were these people treated?

"Old Believers" many of them were hunted down and persecuted (they were known to be illegal communities) Ex of them being treated bad: 20,000 were burned alive singing "hallelujah" three times instead of two like the reformer Nikon demanded them do

Ferdinand II

(1619-1637) Habsburg king who took Protestant land and gave it to a few Catholic nobles in Bohemia

King Frederick I (formerly elector Fredrick III)

(1688-1713) weak, tried to act and live like Louis XIV (built palace) and exalted arts. Being crowned king was his biggest political accomplishment.

4 facts about Fredrick William (the Great Elector)

- he was Calvinist - but he was still tolerant of Catholics and Jews - created an army - put very high taxes on people to support army

Fredrick William took power in 1640 at age of 20 and united what 3 provinces?

1 Brandenburg 2 Prussia (inherited by Brandenburg in 1618) 3 scattered holdings along the Rhine in western Germany (inherited in 1614)

3 aging (and declining) empires

1 Holy Roman Empire 2 Ottoman Empire 3 Polish kingdom

3 new empires

1 Russia 2 Austria 3 Prussia

3 territories of Habsburg Empire?

1. Austria 2. Bohemia 3. Hungary All three tied together by Habsburg monarch

Ferdinand III (Habsburgs) 2 things he did

1. Centralized the government in the German speaking provinces (notably Austria, Styria, and Tyrol)- core area of Habsburgs holdings 2. Created a permanent army

2 groups in Russia

1. Freeman- clergy, army officers, boyars (Russian nobles), town people, & peasants 2. Slaves- prisoner of war and debtors

4 ways Peter the great increases the state power so he can have more military victories?

1. He requires the nobles to serve in army or civil administration for life 2. Everyone had to start at the bottom and work their way up in the bureaucracy 3. He established schools and required young nobleman to serve 5 years away from home in school 4. Peasants must serve a 25 year period in the army or navy (life expectancy wasn't that long)

3 ways monarchs gain power

1. Impose and collect permanent taxes without consent from the people 2. Maintain permanent armies 3. Conduct relations with other countries as they please

3 ways landlords used political and police power

1. Lords made the kings and princes pass laws restricting the time of the peasants (peasants had to have permission from lord if they wanted to leave) (runaway serfs had to be hunted down and returned their lords) (Russian serfs had a two-week period after harvest when they could move) 2. Lords took the peasants land (now they were more forced laborers) 3. Peasants were required to work for the lord (usually 6 days a week)

3 romes (center of church)

1. Rome 2. Constantinople 3. Moscow (NOTE: Russians believed "holy Russia" was the third Rome

5 things that make an absolute ruler?

1. Standing army 2. Taxes without consent 3. Decrease power of nobles 4. Increase power of middle class (with bureaucracies) 5. state religion

3 things cossacks wanted during the Time of Troubles in Russia

1. True tsar 2. Restore freedom of movement 3. Reduced taxes When Cossacks were crushed, it brought the nobles to their senses to elect the next ruler

Reasons for Fredrick William (the great elector) 's success (2 reasons)

1. War created an atmosphere of fear- people desired an army for protection (when people feel a need for something, they don't mind paying for it) 2. Nobility had dominated the government through the estates, but they were interested in their own privileges- elector confirmed their privileges 1653- reducing their power (reached a compromise w- nobles- bulk of new taxes fell on towns and royal authority stopped at landlords gate)

When did Eastern Europe start to decline and fall behind Western Europe?


Where did the power in the German empire belong?

300 separate political areas (a noble or princes governed a specific area). They had a holy roman emperor but the power didn't reside with him

Fredrick William I (the solider king) increased his army to 83,000 and it became the ____ largest army in Europe. (Prussia)

4th. Even though they were weren't the largest, they were precise, skilled, and disciplined. Unfortunately for Fredrick, he was almost always at peace for his whole rule. His army was so dominant that no one dared to challenge him

Who chose the Holy Roman Emperor?

7 electors. The Elector of Brandenburg was one of the seven (electors had no military strength)

What developed after the death of Suleiman the Magnificent?

A government where the power was shared between weak sultans and an oligarchy (an oligarchy means ruled by a few)

Rebirth of state was accompanied by what?

A growth in estate agriculture. Lords seized more and more peasant land for their own estates and then demanded unpaid serf labor for those estates. (This happened particularly in Poland and eastern Germany)

Why were eastern peasants tied to the land?

Agricultural depression and population decline led to a shortage of labor so they had to be tied to the land

Prices for ________ _________ rose as gold and silver flowed into Europe from the new world

Agricultural products

In Austria, an atmosphere of war (and endless) struggle helped build what?

An absolute monarch. People feel insecure in times of war and tend to look to the king more. Periods of war also reduced the power of nobles

What caused Ivan IV to start executing boyars and their families (or in other words "strike down anyone who stands in his way")?

Anastasia dies and he blames boyars for their death for possibly poisoning her. Ivan made secret police force. He claimed he is tsar and has divine right and can do what he wants. (He was feared because no one ever knew who he would kill next)

Who did Ivan IV marry and what family was she from?

Anastasia from the Romanov family

How did Ivan IV's son die?

Around the time Anastasia (his wife) died, he was already distressed. He saw his pregnant daughter-in-law dressed "immodestly". He gets angry and knocks her down and she miscarries. His son hears about this and is very upset and gets into a fight with his father (Ivan IV). In rage, Ivan IV kills his son. After this, Ivan starts to unrelentlessly kill people

Peter the Great entered an alliance with ________ and _______ against the Ottomans

Austria and Poland (Russian armies were lagging behind most European armies in the 17th century & peter's military moves were all cautious because militaries are expensive)

What 3 countires eventually formed absolute monarchs?

Austria, Prussia, and Russia

Why did a large number of bohemian nobles owe everything to the Habsburgs?

Because Ferdinand II (Habsburg king) took the Protestant land and gave it to some catholic nobles in Bohemia

Ivan III marries his daughter to the last _________ emperor

Byzantine. (Byzantine empire is seen as the last great empire). This act further enhanced the aura of an imperial inheritance of Moscow

What does tsar/czar mean?


The strong monarchs in Spain, France, and England were developing into _________ governments- the kings in the east lacked these kinds of governments; therefore, they were losing power

Central governments (they were effective)

Who was the king of Sweden while Peter the great was the king of Russia?

Charles XII. Despite only being 18, he was a military genius.

What kind of government did Poland have?

Constitutional republic with an elected king that held little power

What were the peasant armies in Russia called?

Cossacks. The peasants fled from Russia and out of the tsar's reach and formed these armies

Elector Fredrick III took over after Frederick William died. What name did he take when he was crowned king?

Crowned king Fredrick I (NOTE: difference between him and Fredrick William is king Fredrick is only Fredrick. He does not have William in his name)

Look at the sheet with the people on it!


Eastern Europe offered _________ and __________ incentives to immigrates (these were extended the local Slavic people)

Economic and legal. Essentially, incoming settlers obtained land on good terms and gained much personal freedom. Serfdom almost disappeared

1050-1300 is a period of what?

Economic expansions, growth of trade, towns, and population. At this time, Western and Eastern Europe are moving at the same pace

After 1300's, the population began to decline which led to?

Economic problems in eastern europe

After the defeat by the swedes at Narva, Peter regrouped and then gains what two countries from the swedes?

Estonia and present day Latvia (Russia is now the great state, 80-85% of Russian revenue went to pay for the war)

Why were cities remodeled in Europe?

Everyone wanted to model their city after Paris. The cities felt crowded and just kind of thrown together. They destroyed their cities and remodeled them

In the thirty years war, Austria had failed to do what 2 things when it came to the German lands?

Failed to end Protestantism in Germany Or Turn the Holy Roman Empire into a real state

Hohenzollern family

Family of Prussia (when you think of Prussia, think of this family-where all the Fredricks are from) family who ruled through the electors of Brandenburg and the Dukes of Prussia, but they had little power

Who was the king from Prussia that stated everything belonged to him except your soul?

Fredrick I

Why did the power of the estates decline in 1660?

Fredrick William (the great elector) forces the estates to accept permanent tax without consent so he could pay for a standing army (Then the state's income tripled, army increased 10 folded-during Fredricks reign)

Austria was ruled by _________ family


In the Ottoman Empire, how did the sultan tax the people?

He took money from the people, but he would also require a tax of 1 to 3000 male Christian children in his empire. He did this to raise these children as Muslims and loyal servants to the king

Who ruled Russia after Peter the great?

His daughter Elizabeth (1741-1762) she continued to make St. Petersburg a great city

Prussia was ruled by ______________ family


Prussia went back and forth being controlled by two countries. What were those two countries?

Holy Roman Empire and Poland

What country never came close to being fully integrated into a centralized, absolutist state like Austria or Bohemia?


Habsburgs pursued and conquered most of ___________ and __________ by 1699

Hungary and Transylvania (Romania) This success helped to bring unity to the Habsburgs (but their efforts to create a full centralized and absolutist state were only partly successful)

In Russia in 1649, the tsar lifted the nine year time limit to recover runaways. What was the nine year time limit? And what did the new law state?

If a serf ran away and was not captured for 9 years, he was declared free and could even visit the estate he was formerly working on and visit his family. The new law stated that there was no limit on the lords authority over his peasants

Why did peter the great want to westernize Russia?

In 1696, he sent 250 Russian officials and nobles to tour Western European capitals for 18 months. (Spent a good time in the Netherlands) He often was undercover as a regular Russian so he would not receive special treatment. He returned to Russia with a desire to westernize (he was fascinated by western weapons and foreign technology)

How did the winter palace (Russia) compare to Versailles?

It is not near as large even though it is still beautiful

What are two words to describe baroque art and what was the origin of it?

It was emotional and grand. It grew out of the catholic reformation in an attempt to draw people back to the Catholic Church

Who was the "great prince" of Moscow and replaced the khan as supreme ruler? How did he replace the khan?

Ivan III. He met with Mongols to fight and they agreed to go back home without fighting

What ruler brought the printing press into Russia and printed books in Russian?

Ivan IV

When _______ died, Russia entered into a state of confusion

Ivan IV

Who did the nobles elect after the Time of Troubles?

Ivan IV's 16 year old grandnephew Michael Romanov as the hereditary tsar

What ruler declared war on the remaining Mongols and ended the distinction between hereditary boyar private property and land granted to the service nobility?

Ivan IV. Now ALL nobles had to serve the tsar in order to hold any land

Service nobility under Ivan III

Ivan takes land belonging to nobles and decreases their power. The service nobility held the tsar's land and served in the tsar's army

What was Ivan IV known as?

Ivan the Terrible

What was the landing and nobility class known as in Brandenburg and Prussia?

Junkers. They dominated Brandenburg and Prussia (Although, nobles still have to pay taxes in Prussia)

Ivan III felt strong enough to acknowledge he was more powerful than the ______


__________ was the main center of Russia

Kiev. Kiev and Constantinople went head to head for being the "main city"

Why was there a rise of serfdom in the east and decline of serfdom in the west?

Lords in the east held more political power than those in the west

How did Peter the great westernize Russia?

Lots of cosmetic changes: everyone should have manners and be clean shaven. Noble women benefited- no more veils or seclusion and they could marry at their own will. His main interest was the new technology needed to modernize his army

Who were eastern european monarchs impressed by?

Louis XIV of France (they looked the the best for an example of an absolutist state)

What kinds of feelings of defiance did the Hungarians have towards Austria?

Many Hungarian nobles were Protestant and they did not want the Habsburgs to force them to be catholic They also thought of themselves as Hungarian not Austrian

Peter the Great Main interest: Years of peace during his 36 year rule:

Military power (more than just westernizing Russia. He wanted to westernize to increase military strength) One year of peace during his whole rule

What were the names for each community in the Ottoman Empire?

Millet was the name for each community

How did the Mongols have an influence on Russia?

Mongols influenced Russian women by Islam and they began to wear veils. Things such as this started to create a cultural difference between western and Eastern Europe. The east started to move backwards

What group took control of Russia for a while and what was their army known as?

Mongols. Army known as the Golden Horde- they would slaughter entire populations

Where did Sweden defeat Russia?


What was the area like in Brandenburg?

No outlet to sea for trade. Poor quality of land and land lacked natural defense frontiers.

Sultans defended ______ from greedy officials

Peasants so they could afford to pay taxes

Hereditary subjugation in Prussia in 1653--- what was it?

Peasants were bound to their lord from one generation to the next

St. Petersburg

Peter built this out of the marsh as the Russian capital (thousands of peasants died building the city) it remained the capital of Russia until 1917 due to the Russian revolution

What was the pragmatic sanction and who proclaimed it?

Pragmatic sanction stated Habsburgs possessions were never to be divided and were to be passed to a single heir (male or female- this is important because it's saying a female could rule) this is also trying to keep the rule within the family. Charles VI (1711-1740) proclaimed this in 1713 and spent most of his reign trying to get this principle accepted

____________ decided it would be best if Russia was linked to the Greek Orthodox Church which was linked to the Byzantine empire and trade

Prince Vladimir of Kiev

Ottomans rule had almost completed the absence of __________ _________ __________

Private landed property because everything belonged to the sultan

_________ became the most militaristic country of modern times


What did Prussia return to after Hohenzollern family died out?

Prussia returns to elector of Brandenburg

All three provinces Fredrick William (the great elector) took over were inhabited by Germans, but each has its own estates (legislative body) which held the power of the _________

Purse (money) taxes could not be levied w/o their consent

What was the religion of Russia? How is this different than Roman Catholicism?

Religion is orthodox Christianity. The only difference between this and Catholicism is orthodox doesn't accept authority of pope (Eastern Orthodox Church split from Roman Catholic Church. Eastern Orthodox eventually splits into Greek Orthodox and Russian orthodox)

What two things kept the Russian middle class from developing?

Royal monopolization and service obligation (NOTE: the Russian political system was different from any country in Europe except possibly ottomans....because everything went to the tsar

How did the tsar (Ivan III) see himself in relation to the church in Russia?

Saw himself as head of church and as holy ruler (believed that all other European rulers were heretics besides him) (NOTE: Ivan III brought Eastern Orthodox Church into Russia)

Fredrick William was known as the "_________ __________" why was he known as this?

Soldier king. He liked tall soldiers (people would even send him tall men for his army as a gift) and he was "slightly" obsessed with his army. He created the best army in Europe. He was also very violent and tried to be an absolute ruler

What famous cathedral is in Moscow, Russia?

St. Basil's Cathedral

Who ruled in the 1500's at the peak of the Ottomans' power?

Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent

Agricultural land in the Ottoman Empire was the property of the __________

Sultan who exploited the land as he saw fit according to ottoman political theory

Peter the great entered an alliance with Denmark against the aggressive Sweden. What was the problem between Russia and Sweden?

Sweden controlled the Baltic Sea port and Russia wanted that port

What did the sultan in the Ottoman Empire do with the children he took as a tax?

Talented slaves served in the bureaucracy. Others served in the janissary corps (part of army)

Princes in Russia collected ______ for the khan (supreme Mongol ruler). How did this work?

Taxes. Whatever prince collected the most taxes would be titled the "great prince". The prince of Moscow was named this and the title eventually became hereditary (Moscow becomes dominant city because of this)

After 1400, who became the ruling class instead of the princes in Prussia?

The German landed nobility

What was the war between Russia and Sweden known as?

The Great Northern War (between 1700-1721)

Who controlled Austria?

The Habsburgs

Who crushed the bohemian estates in their fight for Protestant rights?

The Habsburgs

What was the period between 1598-1613 known as in Russia? (Hint: it was a time of chaos)

The Time of Troubles. No strong ruler. Even family members fought and killed one another

What was the feel of Prussia during Fredrick William I's (the soldier king) reign?

The civil society is Prussia was rigid and disciplined; keep quiet and unquestioned Obedience is the highest virtue-Prussia became Sparta of the north

There was an idea of sovereignty in the west where the kings protected the interest of all his people. What was the idea in the east?

The east did not develop this idea. Everyone was looking for his or her self (Ex: local lords traded with big foreign capitalists like the Dutch. So these ships wouldn't go into the cities anymore and this was hurting the middle class)

Charles VI restored rights of nobles if they accepted.......

The hereditary habsburgs

What is the winter palace today?

The hermitage museum

Who were the local prosecutors, judges, and jailers in Eastern Europe and how did this pose a problem?

The local lords. There were no independent royal officials to provide justice so essentially the power rested with the lords and they could treat serfs however the wanted

Who did the lords sell their surplus of goods to? Who did this effect?

The lords sold their surplus goods to big foreign merchants (Netherlands) who exported it to the west It hurt local merchants in the town because they were cut out of the sales. This weakened the middle class

What similarities were there between Louis XIV and Ivan the Terrible?

The nobles in Russia treated Ivan IV bad at a young age and the nobles were the same with Louis XIV in France. That's the reason they don't trust the nobility One difference: boyars actually poisoned Ivan's mother, but nobles did not poison Louis's mother

The Habsburgs started to consider taking control of Hungary. Who did they battle for control of this land?

The ottoman Turks

What group of people had no hereditary nobility?

The ottomans

Who fed the wealthy west?

The poor east

Who did the Russian church depend on for its authority and how did this affect the Russian people?

The state (the tsar always has the power). The Russian people were alienated from the church- it didn't feel like the people's religion

Thirty Years War devastated Brandenburg. How did this lead the way for Hohenzollern absolutism?

The war weakened the power of the estates (or German representative assembly)

Why did kings in the east not hold as much power?

The weak kings in the east granted favors to the nobles in order to keep their support. They were always trying to keep them happy. (REMEMBER: kings in the west, such as Louis XIV, created absolute monarchs by decreasing power of the nobles. Increasing power of the nobles always decreases the power of the king)

What was the one common point for Austria and Hungary?

Their ruler (king)

Why does Russia not develop economically?

There are only nobles and peasants in Russia and the middle class is nonexistent- that's why they have a hard time developing economically

Why did the upper class become more oppressive in Russia?

They became more oppressive due to fear and the gap between the peasants and upper class was widening (middle class not developing)

What happened to the middle class in Eastern Europe? And what caused this?

They declined and grew weaker. Laws that had made people living in the towns free were abolished and runaways had to be returned to lords- created a labor shortage and decrease in demand in the towns

How did westerners view Eastern Europe?

They thought of them as "barbaric" , less civilized and inferior

Who did western culture actually effect in Russia? And why did most Russians turn away from western ideas?

Western culture mainly effected the upper classes (real objective was to create a strong military) Most of the time when people are forced to do something, they don't have as much of a desire to do it. Peter forced western ideas on the Russians so they weren't as intrigued by them

In 1500 what was the situation with serfs in Western Europe? Eastern Europe?

Western- peasants were free Eastern- becoming serfs again (they were tied to land and could not move from place to place--but not slaves)

Were the ottomans religiously tolerant?

Yes, even though most of Europe viewed them as cruel. They were tolerant, but if you weren't a Muslim, you would pay higher taxes and your child would be taken as a tax so most people switched to Islam

The labor shortages and economic problems of the 14th and 15th centuries convinced eastern landlords to use _________ and ________ ________ to turn the tables on the peasants

political and police power

3 differences between western (France) and Eastern Europe when it came to absolutism

•France - power of nobility was limited •East- powerful nobility •France- strong middle class •East- weak middle class •France- peasants were free from serfdom •East- peasants returned to serfdom France also had a centralized state and standing army for the state unlike most of the east

Millet system in the Ottoman Empire (3 things under this)

•each was self governed by its religious leaders (religious leaders supported sultan's rule in exchange for authority over members in their community) •created a strong bond between the ottoman ruling class and its religious leaders •each millet collected taxes for the state, regulated behavior, courts, schools, hospitals, and synagogues

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