Chapter 18 HIV-related cancers

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Question 22 According to the Walter Reed Staging System for HIV, which of the following is true? A.) If an oppurtunistic infection is present, the patient is in stage 6. B.) If oral thrush is present, the patient is in stage 4 C.) If chronic lymphadenopathy is present, the patient is in stage 1 D.) If patient has an abnormal skin test result, the patient is in stage 3

Answer is A

Question 23 What is not true regarding good and poor risk Kaposi Sarcoma? A. ) Good risk Kaposi Sarcoma has a CD4 count less than 200mcL B) Poor risk KS may have a history of oral thrush C) Poor risk KS has presence of B symptoms D.) Good risk KS has a Karnofsky score greater than 70

Answer is A

Question 9.) Which of the following is false about the histopathology of HIV related lymphoma? A.) Small Cell lymphomas are typically found in the GI tract B.) Large Cell lymphomas are more likely to evolve in the meninges C.) The majority of HIV-related lymphomas are intermediate or high- grade B-Cell type D.) Lesions are painful and may be mistaken for Kaposi Sarcoma

Answer is A

Question 12.) JD is a 62 year old gay man diagnosed with HIV and Hodgkin Lymphoma. He is currently taking chemotherapy and has experienced low blood counts, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. He has been in a monogamous relationship for the pat 5 years and is concerned about transmitting HIV to his partner, who has tested negative. Which of the following strategies can be taught to JD and his partner to decrease the possibility of HIV transmission? A.) When cleaning up JD's bodily fluids, gloves do not need to worn. B.) Avoid sharing personal care items such as razors and toothbrushes C.) Recommend that it is important to use a condom of any kind during every episode of vaginal, rectal, or oral intercourse. D.) Suggest abstaining from intercourse until chemotherapy because of the risk of infection.

Answer is B

Question 14. What is a nursing intervention that can be used to maximize safety in patients undergoing treatment for HIV-related malignancies? A.) Ask patients if they are experiencing any jaw pain or numbness or tingling in their fingers and toes; peripheral neuropathies are common in patients taking chemotherapy and antiretroviral agents B) Instruct patients to stop any routine exercise program to preserve strength. C.) Encourage patients to use aspirin for the management of malignancy related pain. D.) Counsel patients to increase caloric intake by eating three large meals daily.

Answer is B

Question 17. JT is a 49 year old man who visits his primary care physician with complaints of fever, chills, night sweats, and malaise. On history and physical examination, he has multiple enlarged lymph nodes and unexplained weight loss of approximately 15lbs over the past month. He has also had a cough for the past few weeks that has not gone away. He is gay, has multiple partners, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, and drinks socially. He denies the current use of drugs but has had experience with cocaine in the past. His PCP explains that he would like him to test him for HIV, order chest radiography, and send him for biopsy of one of the enlarged lymph nodes. Which of the following tests WOULD NOT be helpful to confirm HIV positivity? A.) ELISA(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) for antibody to HIV; if the result is positive, it should be repeated. A second positive test is followed by a Western blot. B.) Epstein Barr virus test C.) CD4 count D.) Viral load test

Answer is B

Question 4 Which of the following is the most frequently diagnosed AIDS defining malignancy? A.) Kaposi sarcoma B.) B Cell lymphoma C.) Cervical cancer D.) Head and neck cancer

Answer is B

Question 24 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding anti-retroviral and chemotherapy agents that interact to cause toxicity? A.) Zidovudine and gemcitabine can cause severe myelosuppression B.) Atazanavir and bevacizumab can cause hypotension C.) Tenofovir and Platinol can cause renal dysfunction D.) Stavudine and Vinblastine can cause peripheral neuropathy.

Answer is B Atazanavir and bevacizumab administered in combination can cause hypertension and idiosyncratic bleeding. The other statements are accurate.

Question 18 JT has laboratory confirmation of HIV infection and a CD4 T- lymphocyte count of 180 cells/mm. Using CDC guidelines, what is his HIV staging? A.) Stage I B.) Stage II C.) Stage III D.) Stage IV

Answer is C

Question 5. Which statement is not true about malignancies associated with viral infection? A.) Patients are more likely to present with distant metastasis B.) These cancers are more common in white patients C.) These patient are more likely to be female D.) These cancers have a more accelerated conversion to malignancy to HIV infected patients

Answer is C

Question 25 Which of the following is an anti-retroviral inducer when administered with cyclophosphamide? A.)Atazanavir B.) Nelfinavir C.) Nevirapine D.) Zidovudine

Answer is C The only drug that is an inducer and speed up the metabolism of other drug is Nevirapine.

Question 10.) Which treatments may be used to manage a patient diagnosed with primary central nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL) presenting with multiple lesions. A.) Systemic Bleomycin B.) High-dose Methotrexate and Cytarabine C.) High-dose Adriamycin D.) Systemic chemotherapy with Cytoxan

Answer is D

Question 15 Which of the following is true about other malignancies associated with HIV? A.) Hepatitis B and HIV is more commonly associated with primary liver cancer than Hepatitis C and HIV B.) Anal cancer has the highest incidence of death among HIV related cancers C.) cART does not improve survival in patients with HIV infection and lung cancer D.) HIV infection increases the chance or cervical cancer recurrence after treatment.

Answer is D

Question 20. JT has a limited support system. His parents are elderly and do not approve of his lifestyle. He does not have a consistent significant other but has many work colleagues. He does not want anyone to know bout his diagnosis at this time. He has quite a few friends who have tested positive for HIV: Some of his friends have died. At this time which of the following nursing interventions is not appropriate to incorporate into the care plan to address his psychosocial needs? A.) Determine JT's past experience will illness. B.) Explore his concerns about his diagnosis and treatment and his feelings about serious illness. C.) Observe for signs of maladaptive coping strategies, especially because he has a history of substance use in the past; assist JT with learning alternative behaviors to manage stress and cope with his diagnosis. D.) Include persons identified by the patient as significant others in teaching and care decisions.

Answer is D

Question 7 What factors are associated with shorter survival in patients with HIV related lymphoma? A.) Stage II disease only B.) CD4 count less than 400 cells/mm C.) Age younger than 35 years D.) Elevated lactic dehydrogenase

Answer is D

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