Chapter 19

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Freeport Doctrine

-Lincoln-Douglas debates. On August 27, 1858, Freeport was the site of the second Lincoln-Douglas debate, during which Stephen A. Douglas formulated the " Freeport Doctrine," in which he argued that a territory had the right to exclude slavery despite contrary U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

"border ruffian

-People who crossed over from Missouri to Kansas to illegally sway the polls for pro-slavery forces and wanted to get rid of anti-slavery forces. They were able to take over the government for pro slaves


-a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.

John Fremont

Pathfinder of the west, republican nominee, no political expirence, not tarred with kansas dispute,

"Beecher's Bibles

People who crossed over from Missouri to Kansas to illegally sway the polls for pro-slavery forces and wanted to get rid of anti-slavery forces. They were able to take over the government for pro slaves


Redistribution of representation in a legislative body, especially the periodic reallotment of US congressional seats according to changes in the census figures as required by the Constitution

Constitutional Union party

The Constitutional Union Party was a political party in the United States created in 1860. It was made up of conservative former Whigs who wanted to avoid secession over the slavery issue

Lecompton Constitution-

The Lecompton Constitution, the second constitution drafted for Kansas Territory, was written by proslavery supporters. The document permitted slavery (Article VII), excluded free blacks from living in Kansas, and allowed only male citizens of the United States to vote.

Pottawatomie Massacre

The Pottawatomie massacre occurred during the night of May 24 and the morning of May 25, 1856. In reaction to the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas by pro-slavery forces, John Brown

Shawnee Mission/Topeka

Where the slavery supporters set up their puppet

Dred Scott-

a black slave who sued for his freedom backed on his long residence in free soild states, resulted in north and south being mad at eachother again.

Panic of 1857

broke out about buchanaons harrassed head caused by the imporing of califonian gold, demands of crimean war in creased th edemands for wheat, unemplyment, southerners wernet effected and increased the thoughts that the south soesnt need the north. created a clmor for higher tariffs, gave republicnas two talking points for th enext election, protection and farms

Roger Taney

cheif justice that oushed the dred scott case further, majority of court decided because scott was property he could be taken anywhere, then argued the compromise of 1820 was unconstitutinal and that congess had no right to regulate slavery

Crittenden amendments

in U.S. history, unsuccessful last-minute effort to avert the Civil War. It was proposed in Congress as a constitutional amendment in Dec., 1860, by Sen. John J. Crittenden of Kentucky with support from the National Union party

Simon Legree

is the main villain of the classic anti-slavery propaganda novel Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Stowe

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

lincoln challenged douglass to 7 debates

"lame duck

lincoln could not take office four months after he ascppeted presidnecy cause

James Buchanan

london minister during kansas dispute so he was kansas less and therefore enemyless "old buck" mediocre and confused for the job.

Abraham Lincoln-

ran against senator douglass, honest abe because he wold not defned cases that were agaisnt his morals the kansas dispute lit a fire under his ass at the age of 45.He was one of the most skillful politicians in Republican party and before entering government was a lawyer. His debates with Stephen A. Douglas made him known and ruined the Souther support Douglas had. The Lincoln-Douglas debates attracted much attention. Lincoln's attacks on slavery made him popular, he felt that slavery was morally wrong, however he was not* an abolitionist. He felt there was not an alternative to slavery and blacks were not prepared to live on equal terms as whites. He also believed slavery should not be expanded, but instead it should stay where it is


s-nativist party, nominated the lackluster millard filmore threatned to cut into the republicans strength

Charles Sumner/Preston Brooks-

senator of mass. leading aboltionist, most disliked man in senate, claimed kansas was a miscarriage of popular soverinty, speech "the crime against kansas" Brooks-took vengence on sumner, he called for a duel, but then decided sumner was beneath him and beat him with a cane.


the number of representative each state has depending on population

John Brown

tough abolitisnt that was so uoset about the killing of aboltinist in kansas he killed 5 pro slavery men. 'old brown" schemedto invade the south secretly

Hinton Helper

was an American Southern critic of slavery during the 1850s. In 1857, he published a book which he dedicated to the "nonslaveholding whites" of the South


Northern people who did not believe in slavery. They came to Kansas in order to prevent it from becoming a slave state

Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Finis Davis was an American politician who was a U.S. Representative and Senator from Mississippi, the 23rd U.S. Secretary of War, and the President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War

Harper's Ferry Raid

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was an effort by white abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

Bleeding Kansas-

Kansas popular sovernty battle between anti slave protesters and pro slavery protesters, resuled in, fraud, war, blood on the senate when charles sumner brooded over the crime against kansas.

Stephen Douglas

Stephen Arnold Douglas was an American politician from Illinois and the designer of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

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