Chapter 19 & 20 ?'s

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Carbon dating requires that the object being tested contains... A) organic material, B) inorganic material, C) charcoal, D) sugar molecules, E) none of these


Carbon-14 is produced in the atmosphere principally by... A) plants and animals, B)cosmic ray bombardment, C) nitrogen bombardment, D) photosynthesis, E) none of these


Different isotopes of an element have different number of... A) protons, B) neutrinos, C) photons, D) neutrons, E) none of these


Electric forces within an atomic nucleus tend to... A) hold it together, B) push it apart, C) neither of these


Fusing two helium nuclei yields a net A) absorption of energy, B) released energy, C) neither absorption or released


If gold were a nuclear fuel, it would be best A) fused, B) fissioned, C) either fused or Fissioned


In a breeder reactor A) plutonium is converted into uranium, B) uranium is converted into plutonium, C) both of these, D) neither of these


Most of the radioactivity we personally encounter comes from... A) fallout from past and present testing of nuclear weapons, B) nuclear power plants, C) medical X rays, D) the natural enviroment


The atomic mass number of an element is the same as the number of its A) protons, B) neutrons, C) nucleons, D) none of these


The fate of the worlds uranium suppy is to eventually become... A) alpha and beta particle, B) iron, C) lead


The half life of carbon is 5730 years. If a 1g sample of old carbon is 1/8 radioactive as 1g I'd a current sample, then the age of the old sample is about A) 716 years, B) 11,500 yrs, C) 22,900 yrs, D) 22,900, E) 46,000 yrs


The half life on an isotope is one day. At the end of three days, how much of the isotopes remain? A) none, B) 1/2, C) 1/4, D) 1/8, E) none of these


Uranium-235, Uranium-258, and Uranium-239 are different A) elements, B) ions, C) isotopes, D) none of theses


What a nucleus emits a beta particle, it's atomic number A) increases by 1, B) decreases by 2 C) increases by 2, D) decreases by 2 E) none of these


When a lump of uranium is broken into smaller pieces, the total surface area of the lump, A) decreases, B) remains the same, C) Increases


When a nucleus emits a beta particle , it's atomic number... A) remains constant, but it mass number changes, B) remains constant l, and so does it's mass number, C) changes, but it's mass number remains constant, D) changes and so does it's mass number


When an undergoes nuclear transmutation, the result is a completely different... A) isotope of the same element, B) ion of the same element, C) element


When radium (A=88) emits an alpha particle, the resulting nucleus has atomic number A) 86, B) 88, C) 90, D) 92, E) none of these


Which radiation has no electric charge associated with it? A) alpha ray, B) beta rays, C) gamma rays, D) all of these, E) none of these

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