Chapter 2

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Which of the following events triggered the rise of the Arab Spring?

A local protest in Tunisia against the long-standing dictatorship of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali

The phrase "Invisible Hand of the Market" was coined by which theorist?

Adam Smith

The Congress of Berlin divided up _____________ between the major powers.


The Congress of Berlin in 1885 divided __________ between the major powers.


Why was deterrence an important factor during the Cold War?

Both sides had large enough nuclear arsenals to prevent either from launching a direct attack on the other

What class does Marxism refer to as those who control the means of production?


How did Russia and China's interpretation of Marxist ideology differ?

China defined the proletariat differently than the Russians

What was the long period of confrontation between Western democracies on the one hand and communist countries on the other, which stretched from the end of World War II until the end of the 1980s?

Cold War

As England added territory to its empire, it sent settlers to live in places such as the future United States, Canada, Australia, and India. What is the process of relocating one's own population to live in a country's territories?


The strategic idea held during the Cold War that aimed to protect the status quo from further Soviet expansion is known as


In the nineteenth century, under balance of power, states formed alliances on what basis?

Counter powerful factions

Which of the following were NOT ways that imperialism helped keep war from breaking out on the European continent during the 1800s?

Countries spent so much on keeping up an empire that they had little left over for large-scale war.

Which of the following is NOT a secular trend that undermined feudalism and Christianity after 1000 A.D.?

Diplomatic practices deteriorated

John Locke attacked absolute power and the notion of

Divine rights of kings

The idea that communist influence would spread from one state to another if not contained was called which of the following?

Domino theory

The twenty-first century economic crises in such countries as Greece, Portugal, and Spain hurt the -. The organization faced a further setback when - voted to leave in 2016.

European Union; the United Kingdom

Which of the following factors discouraged a major European war in the 1800s?

European political elites united over fears of the masses, Several major confrontations happened within states rather than between them, Rivalries between European nations played out in their colonies instead

Imperialism describes the process by which Asian and African countries gained their independence.


State sovereignty is understood to be absolute and unlimited.


The conflict in Syria is a straightforward civil war, with the Assad regime supported by most world superpowers, such as the United States and Russia, against rebel forces.


True or False: The alliances during WWII were based on shared political ideology.


Click the two European countries that arose out of unification in the 1800s, thereby shaping the future of European international relations?

Germany and Italy

What is the correct term for when one state becomes substantially more powerful than all of the others in its region, or in the world, and comes to dominate the international system?


__________ is the annexation of distant territory and its inhabitants to an empire.


_____________ is the annexation of distant territory and its inhabitants to an empire.


If Atlantis annexes territory located 1,000 miles from its borders, we would consider this -. If Atlantis then sends some of its own people to settle in this new territory and live there, we would call the process

Imperialism; Colonialism

In the medieval period in Europe, authority was vested _____________.

In Rome and In the local Fiefdom

At the height of colonialism, __________ was one of the only Asian countries that was not under direct European or U.S. influence.


Which of the following events took place first?

Korean War

Which of the following are explanations of why the League of Nations failed?

Member states refused to enforce the decisions that the Leagues made, It lacked political weight as several major countries failed to join, It lacked any powerful mechanisms for forcing states to go along with its decisions

The French people share a common geography, history, and language and thus are often considered a ________.


Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev implemented two domestic reforms: glasnost and perestroika. Glasnost refers to

Political Openness

The nationalist reaction to economic and political globalization that became prominent in the mid-2010s is known as


During the Enlightenment, philosophical thinkers viewed individuals as _____________.


At the beginning of the Cold War, the United States faced a strategic choice. On the one hand it could pursue -, attempting to return the Soviet Union to its pre-World War II borders. On the other hand, the United States could pursue -, where it accepted the current Soviet border but aggressively pursued any opportunity to make sure communism did not spread further.

Rollback; Containment

Napoleon's army was defeated after invading which country?


What best summarizes Adam Smith's contribution to economic theory in the 1700s?

Smith was one of the first proponents of free markets and capitalism

The foundation of the modern state system is built on a concept understood as the perpetual power vested in or given to the state and its government, free to rule its people without outside interference. What is this concept?


Which of the following is a core concept in the field of international relations?


Nationalism led to resistance against the invading French armies under Napoleon in which of the following countries?


Secular authority coincides with the principle of _____________.

Territorial authority of states

The League of Nations was designed to prevent all future wars. Why was this intergovernmental organization unable to prevent World War II?

The League of Nations lacked political weight, legal instruments, and legitimacy.

The balance of power weakened as alliances solidified and as a result, two alliance camps emerged in the late 1880s. One was the Dual Alliance with France and Russia and the other was formed by Germany, Austria, and Italy and known as the

The Triple Alliance

What does the period immediately following the Peace of Westphalia represents to the study of international relations?

The end of religious authority, The emergence of secular authority

Traditionally, international relations scholars trace the origin of the modern state system to which event?

Treaties of Westphalia

Place these major events in chronological order

Treaties of Westphalia, Rise of Napoleon, Concert of Europe, WW1

Misperceptions and misjudgments on both sides helped start the Cold War in the 1940s.


Most governments derive their legitimacy from the people.


Which country refused to join the League of Nations?


Who were the Axis powers and the Allies at the start of World War II? Match each country to the correct alliance.

USA, Britain, France/ Germany, Italy, Japan

Who were the two largest superpowers during the Cold War, featuring the two largest militaries and nuclear arsenals in the world during that era?


As NATO struggled to redefine its mission in the wake of the end of the Cold War, it involved itself heavily in a civil war in which European country?


The Concert of Europe refers to a period in history when no major wars among great powers occurred. What period does this concept refer to?

between the Napoleonic War and the Crimean War

In the nineteenth century, under the balance-of-power system, states formed alliances on what basis?

counteracting powerful factions

Which of the countries did NOT participate in the Congress of Vienna?


Which countries made up the Concert of Europe in the nineteenth century?

Austria, Britain, France, Prussia, Russia

Which concepts of the balance of power are correct?

Balance of power usually involves more than two states, One example pf power balancing was Europe in the 1800s, Different states have different means to pursuing the balancing power

The twenty-first century has seen a growing power in East Asia. What country has assumed its status as a global superpower, concerning many of its Asian neighbors despite its attempts at peaceful diplomacy and economic outreach?


Which of the following were ways that the Cold War represented a confrontation between sides?

Capitalism v. Socialism; Democratic liberalism v. Communism; A series of indirect military confrontations between two hostile superpowers and their proxy states

After the Thirty Years War, a group of states emerged in both the East and West. The West relied on _____________ while the East resorted to _____________.

Capitalism; Feudalism

Which of the following was the military alliance that bound the West during the cold war?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Why did neither Britain nor Russia assume a dominant leadership position in the nineteenth century?

Despite each nations power capabilities, the status quo remained the most acceptable path

Which of the following events demonstrate the rise of populism since 2016?

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential elections, The UK voted to leave the EU

The Treaty of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Which of the following resulted from this experience?

Embraced notion of Sovereignty, Creation of national identities, Core group of states emerged

Which of the following were ways that imperialism helped keep war from breaking out on the European continent during the 1800s?

European powers were able to keep German and Italian ambitions in place by giving them imperial possessions in Africa, European rivals could engage in military skirmishes overseas, rather tha n on European mainland

Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince accurately captures the rift between the church and secular institutions. In The Prince, Machiavelli _____________.

Explains the qualities a leader needs to preserve state strength and security

The practice of _____________ was a response to the prevailing disorder that ensued after the fall of the Roman Empire.


Which of the following are reasons that Napoleon was important in European international relations?

His success was partially responsible for the creation of the Concert of Europe, He demonstrated new way of succeeding military.

What is true about industrialization and political power in Europe in the 1800s?

Industrialization favored the middle classes at the expense of aristocrats.

What was the first major international crisis after the end of the Cold War?

Iraq invading Kuwait

In which countries has the United States spent much of the twenty-first century in protracted military conflicts?

Iraq, Syria

By 1000 A.D., two civilizations, the Arabic and Byzantine Empires, emerged. The Arabic Empire was united under _____________ rule, whereas the Byzantine Empire was bound by _____________.

Islamic; Christianity

The "long peace" refers to the absence of direct conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and was coined by _____________.

John Lewis Gaddis

In the 1800s, there was a constantly shifting alliance system among European powers. The goal was to - in order to prevent any one state from becoming

Keep a balance of power; A hegemon

The idea that political power ultimately rests with the people is a core part of the modern concept of


The American Revolution, founded on the views of John Locke about the rights of the governed, demonstrated the importance of - as a political concept. Several years later, the French Revolution showed how important a factor - could be.

Legitimacy; Nationalism

John Locke argued that rational men create states in order to protect individuals' "natural rights" and self-interests. Which of the following are examples of these rights?

Liberty and Property

Which of the following were causes of World War I?

Lingering discontent from the and of the Franco-Prussian War, A solidified alliance system that turned a small conflict into a large one, The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Why was the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union called a "cold" war?

Most military confrontations that occurred took place indirectly, through proxy wars and third-party conflicts.

At an international level, socialist states are likely to support which policy?

Movements whose goals are both to undermine the capitalists and to promise a new social order

During the Cold War, the alliance between the United States and the Western European powers was known as the __________ and the alliance between the Soviet Union and east European powers was known as the __________.

NATO; Warsaw Pact

During the Cold War, the Western democratic nations formed the - for mutual protection. In response, the Soviet Union and its allies and client states created the -.

NATO; Warsaw pact

When a people come to identify with a common past, language, customs, and practices, it is termed


According to Jean Bodin, sovereignty is not without limits. Which of the following can limit a leader's practice of sovereignty?

Natural Law, Regime type

Technological innovations made _____________, which fueled European territorial expansion to other regions of the world.

Ocean exploration safer

The authority of a state to govern matters within its own borders free from external interference is known as


In which countries did the Islamic State control large swaths of territory at the height of its power in 2016?

Syria and Iraq

The biggest change in the post-Cold War era, in terms of international relations at least, has been the emergence of which transnational issue, including such incidents as the 9/11 attacks in the United States and the London bombings?


What statement best accounts for the European emphasis on theory and practice in the study of international relations?

The emphasis developed simply because contemporary international relations is rooted in the European experience.

The Treaties of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War (1618-48). Which of the following resulted from this experience?

The notion of sovereignty

What is correct about colonies during the Cold War?

The vast majority of colonial lands gained independence during the Cold War.

Which of the following are reasons that the Treaties of Westphalia and the Thirty Years' War are important in the history of international relations?

They ushered in the era of sovereignty, The led to the creation of permanent militaries, They created a durable group of powerful states in Europe

In 2014, the Russian Federation invaded


The cyclical theory of war argues that every 100 to 150 years, war occurs on a global scale because of __________.

Uneven economic development

Place these major twentieth-century events in chronological order.

WW1, Great Depression, WW2, ColdWar

The idea behind the balance of power is that

states are less likely to go to war when their power is relatively symmetrical to that of their adversaries.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990,

the Soviet Union/Russia supported a military UN mission to remove Iraq from Kuwait.

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