Chapter 2: Freud Psychoanalysis

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Oral phase

(psychoanalysis) the first sexual and social stage of an infant's development.

Latency stage

6 or 7 year old during which little or no sexual growth takes place.

penis envy

According to Freud, the female desire to have a penis - a condition that usually results in their attraction to males.

Two sources of contents of the preconscious

Conscious perception and unconscious.

True or false: A criticism of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory is that it only uses operationally defined terms. True false question.


Phylogenetic endowment

Freud believed that a portion of our unconscious originates from the experiences of our early ancestors that have been passed on to us through hundreds of generations of repetition.

Genital stage

Freud's last stage of personality development, from the onset of puberty through adulthood, during which the sexual conflicts of childhood resurface (at puberty) and are often resolved during adolescence).


Freud's theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts; the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions


Manifestations of repressed thoughts in everyday life such as slips of the tongue, "accidents," forgetfulness, and errors in writing and speaking or "Freudian slips"

Primary process

The irrational and impulsive type of thinking that characterizes the id.


The state of being fully grown or developed


a defense mechanism whereby people incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego.


a disorder typically characterized by paralysis or the improper functioning of certain parts of the body


a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger.

Sadism and masochism possess generous components of the _____ drive.



anxiety stimulates repression, forcing of unwanted, anxiety-ridden experiences into the unconscious as a defense against the pain of that anxiety.

Neurotic anxiety

apprehension about an unknown danger.

Phallic phase

at approximately 3 or 4 years of age, children begin a third stage of development, this is a time when the genital area becomes the leading erogenous zone.

Pleasure principle

because it's sole purpose is to seek pleasure, we say the id serves the pleasure principle.

Josef Breuer taught Sigmund Freud about _____, the process of removing hysterical symptoms through talking them out.



common need, but becomes a perversion when eros becomes subservient to the destructive drive. They experience sexual pleasure from suffering pain and humiliation inflicted either by themselves or others.

Moral anxiety

conflict between superego and ego.

What are the two subsystems for superego?

conscience and ego-ideal.


contains all those drives, urges, or instincts that are beyond our awareness but that motivates most of our words, feelings, and actions.


contains all those elements that are not conscious but can become conscious either quite readily or with some difficulty.

he state of not being aware or awake is known as _____ consciousness, whereas the state of being aware is known as _____ consciousness.

core, extended.

The brain stem, and the ascending activating system in particular, is the part of the brain most directly associated with _____ consciousness or unconsciousness in the sense of not being awake.



creates feelings of anxiety


develops from experiences with rewards for proper behavior and tells us what we should do.


disorders in which hallucinations or delusions indicate some loss of contact with reality, treatment is not as effective

Negative transference

displacement of one's negative feelings towards one's parents onto the therapist. If in the form of hostility must be recognized by the therapist and explained to patient so they can overcome any resistance.

Identify a defense mechanism in which people redirect their unacceptable urges onto a variety of people or objects so that the original impulse is disguised or concealed.



dream image is replaced by some other idea remotely related to it.

According to Sigmund Freud, only the _____ can produce or feel anxiety.


As the sole region of the mind in contact with the external world, the _____ becomes the decision-making or executive branch of personality.


The _____ grows out of the id during infancy and becomes a person's sole source of communication with the external world.


The _____, or I, is the only region of the mind in contact with reality.


Being aware and able to reflect on one's knowledge and self is more a function of activity in the prefrontal cortex and is associated with _____ consciousness.



extreme type of projection and mental disorder characterized by powerful delusions of jealousy and persecution.

True or false: The ultimate aim of the sexual drive is changeable and the path by which the aim is achieved remains constant.


Castration anxiety

fear of losing penis.

phylogenetic endowment

filling the gaps of our individual experiences with inherited experiences of our ancestors.

Infantile stage

first 4 or 5 years of life and most crucial for personality formation.


freud's word for sex drive.


has no contact with reality, yet it strives constantly to reduce tension by satisfying basic desires.

Castration complex

in Freudian theory, the unconscious fear that the father will castrate his son as a punishment for the son's sexual longings for his mother


manifest dream content is not as extensive as the latent level, indicating unconscious material has been abbreviated or condensed.

After children establish a superego—usually by the age of 5 or 6—they may experience _____ anxiety as an outgrowth of the conflict between realistic needs and the dictates of their superego.


The superego is guided by _____ and _____ principles.

moralistic and idealistic.


nerve condition characterized by anxiety and phobias

_____ anxiety is defined as apprehension about an unknown danger.



once the libido has passed a developmental stage, it may, during times of stress and anxiety, revert back to that earlier stage.

Ego (I)

only region of the mind in contact with reality. It grows out of the Id during infancy and becomes a person's sole source of communication with the external world.

Anal triad

orderliness, stinginess, and obstinacy that typifies the adult anal character.

Erogenous zones

parts of the body that are especially sensitive to sexual or pleasurable stimulation

Free association

patients are required to verbalize every thought that comes to their mind, no matter how irrelevant or repugnant it may appear.

repitition compulsion

patients dreams that are suffering from a traumatic experience.


people can redirect their unacceptable urges onto a variety of people or objects so that the original impulse is disguised or concealed.

Anal character

people who continue to receive erotic satisfaction by keeping and possessing objects and by arranging them in an excessively neat and orderly fashion.

According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ phase is a time when the genital area becomes the leading erogenous zone.


In the context of the drives as recognized by Sigmund Freud, the aim of the sex drive is _____.


One of the ways in which in a repressed impulse may become conscious is through adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form. This defense mechanism is called a _____.

reaction formation.

The ego is governed by the _____ principle, which it tries to substitute for the pleasure principle of the id.


_____ anxiety is closely related to fear.


postraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

repeatedly dream of frightening or traumatic experiences.


represents moral and ideal aspects of personality.

Reaction formation

repressed impulse may become conscious by adopting a disguise that is directly opposite of its original form.


repression of the genital aim of Eros by substituting a cultural or social aim such as art, music, etc.

In the context of the defense mechanisms as identified by Sigmund Freud, the most basic is _____ because it is involved in each of the others.



results from experiences with punishments for improper behavior and tells us what we should not do.

Reality principle

seeks to delay gratification of the id's urges until appropriate outlets and situations can be found.

According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ drive can take either an active or a passive form, or it can be temporarily or permanently inhibited.



strong sexual or aggressive feelings, positive or negative, that patients develop towards their analyst during the course of treatment.

Moralistic/Idealistic Principle

superego is guided by this principle. It has no contact with the outside world and therefore is unrealistic in its demands for perfection.

The _____, or above-I, represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality.


Manifest content

surface meaning or conscious description given by dreamer.


the amount of force the drive exerts.

Primary narcissism

the condition where infants are primarily self centered, with their libido invested almost exclusively on their own ego.


the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person.


the process of removing hysterical symptoms through "talking them out."

Secondary process

the rational and self-preservative type of thinking that characterizes the ego.


the region of the body in a state of excitation or tension.


the seeking of pleasure by removing excitation or reducing tension.


the thing that serves as the means with which tension is reduced.

Anal phase

this period is characterized by satisfaction gained through aggressive behavior and through the excretory function.

Defense mechanisms

to avoid dealing directly with sexual and aggressive implosives and to defend itself against the anxiety that accompanies them.

Dream analysis

transform the manifest content of dreams to the more important latent content.

True or false: The aim of the destructive drive, according to Sigmund Freud, is to return an organism to an inorganic state.


Perceptual conscious system

turned towards the outer world and acts as a medium for the perception of external stimuli.

Latent content

unconscious material in a dream.

The _____ contains all those drives, urges, or instincts that are beyond people's awareness but that nevertheless motivate most of their words, feelings, and actions.


To Sigmund Freud, the _____ is the explanation for the meaning behind dreams, slips of the tongue, and certain kinds of forgetting, called repression.


Realistic anxiety

unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger. It is closely related to fear.


variety of unconscious responses used by patients to block their own progress in therapy.

conscious perception

what a person perceives is conscious for only a transitory period; it quickly passes into the preconscious when the focus of attention shifts to another idea.

Male oedipus complex

when a boy has a rivalry against his father and incestuous feelings towards the mother.

Secondary narcissism

when adolescents redirect their libido back to the ego and become preoccupied with personal appearance and self interests.


when an internal impulse provokes too much anxiety, the ego may reduce that anxiety by attributing the unwanted impulse to an external object, usually another person.


when the prospect of taking the next step becomes too anxiety provoking, the ego may resort to the strategy of remaining at the present, more comfortable psychological stage.


whenever the ego is threatened by undesirable id impulses, it protects itself by repressing those impulses; it forces threatening feelings into the unconscious.

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