Chapter 21-23

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In addition to examining everyday life, the literary realists of the mid-nineteenth century were also interested in

avoiding sentimental language by using careful observation and description.

During this period, the dominant trend in the arts was from meticulous reproduction of external reality to

depiction of the artists' subjective perceptions.

In the opinion of the British prime minister, the proclamation of a newly unified German state ruled by an emperor in 1871

entirely destroyed the previous European balance of power

The July Monarchy of the 1830s in France

evoked opposition from both the left and the right.

Women's organizations included all of the following types EXCEPT

feminarchist groups, which sought to reverse the sex roles and subordinate men.

Auguste Comte was responsible for

founding the discipline of sociology.

By 1860, there were approximately ____ slaves in the United States.

four million

Piedmont joined the allies in the Crimean War in order to

gain an international forum for discussing Italian issues.

The Habsburgs reformed their state after their defeat by the Prussians in 1866 by

giving the Hungarians autonomy and equal status.

As a consequence of her defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, France had to

a and c (pay an indemnity to Prussia of five billion Francs, give the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to Prussia, a loss leaving the French set on revenge)

According to Karl Marx, the final result of the struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat would be

a classless society

As socialist parties became important in Europe, they gradually developed

a combination of radical rhetoric and moderate policies.

As a statesman, Bismarck can best be appreciated as

a consummate politician and opportunist capitalizing on unexpected events and manipulating affairs to his favor.

Among the key political consequences of Disraeli's Reform Act of 1867 was

a large increase in the number of voters and tighter organization of Liberal and Conservative political parties.

Among Napoleon III's great domestic projects was

a reconstruction of Paris with broad boulevards, public squares, and municipal utilities.

The theoretical discoveries in science in the nineteenth century led to all of the following except

a renewal of spiritual belief.

Karl Marx embraced the German philosopher Hegel's idea of the dialectic, meaning

all change in history is the result of clashes between directly antagonistic elements.

The creation of the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary

allowed the Hungarian Magyars and Austrian German to dominate the other ethnic minorities.

Russia after the Revolution of 1905 was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

an increase in the use of the mir system.

Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man

argued for the animal origins of human beings, who had evolved by adapting to their environment over time.

In Great Britain, the Six Acts of 1819

imposed a stamp tax intended to cripple the radical press.

Christian churches were strongest

in rural areas and among women.

The Kingdom of Italy

included almost all of Italy except for Rome and Venetia.

How did Marxism view industrialization?

inevitable and beneficial


is a modern phenomenon often requiring generations of propaganda.

The fundamental political flaw in Imperial Germany was that

it had an increasingly liberal parliament, but ultimate power was held by the conservative monarchy.

An economic reason for Prussia's growing dominance of Germany was

its leadership through the Zollverein.

As chancellor of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck

largely bypassed parliament in pursuing his political goals of military modernization.

The North German Confederation

left member states free to regulate their own affairs.

Britain's Factory Act

limited the amount of hours children worked.

The Russian zemstvos were

local assemblies with limited self-governing powers.

Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian-born leader of German unification,

practiced Realpolitik in conducting domestic and foreign policy.

The Revolution of 1830 in France had all of the following effects EXCEPT

precipitating a revolution in Poland that freed it from Russia.

In establishing the Second Empire, Napoleon III

received the overwhelming electoral support of the people.

The First International

served as a type of umbrella organization for all European labor interests

Austria-Hungary's politics during this period can best be described as


Anti-Semitism increased during this period for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

that a secret Jewish congress had met to organize a conspiracy to take over control of the world.

Churches attacked liberalism on all of the following grounds EXCEPT

that it failed to uphold the rights of property.

Regarding the Chartist call for full democracy and the campaign against the Corn Laws (tariffs keeping food costly),

the Corn Laws were repealed, but the Chartists failed.

During the Franco-Prussian War

the French were decisively defeated at the Battle of Sedan.

Reforms were forced on Nicholas II of Russia by all of the following EXCEPT

the Fundamental Laws, which were a list of demands by liberal elements for concessions by the Tsar.

The Zollverein describes

the German states' customs union dominated by Prussia.

The radical organization responsible for the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881 was

the People's Will.

The socialist's strength in Germany was shown by all of the following EXCEPT

the Social Democrats were secure enough to adopt Bernstein's moderate policy.

The reforms of Tsar Alexander II centered around

the abolition of serfdom.

The Dreyfus affair was important because

the conservatives lost prestige when it was shown that they were vilifying an innocent man.

An overall result of the Crimean War was

the destruction of the Concert of Europe and the creation of opportunities for Italian and German national unification

A result of Bismarck's Austro-Prussian War was

the exclusion of Austria from the North German Confederation.

Germany's conservatives used political leagues to campaign for all of the following EXCEPT

the extension of social welfare programs.

The turmoil following Louis Napoleon's defeat was resolved by

the founding of the Third Republic.

The emergence of a true parliamentary system in Prussia was blocked by

the king's overwhelming executive power.

In seeking unification, many Italian nationalists in the 1850's looked for leadership from

the kingdom of Piedmont.

The structure of cultural life changed in the early nineteenth century in all of the following ways EXCEPT

the merging of high and popular culture.

All of the following developments in popular culture occurred in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT

the regionalization of amusements.

English reforms in the 1830s included all of the following EXCEPT

the repeal of the Corn Laws and the victory of the Chartists.

By 1910, women in major industrial countries had gained all of the following EXCEPT

the right to vote.

The Kulturkampf centered on

the state's right to control certain aspects of Church function.

Prussian leadership of German unification meant that

the triumph of authoritarian and militaristic values over liberal and constitutional values in the new German state.

All of the following were reforms instituted by Prime Minister William Gladstone except

the voting reform act of 1867.

In the development of politics in Britain, William Gladstone was instrumental in

transforming the Whigs into the Liberal Party.

In economic matters, Napoleon III

used government resources to stimulate the national economy and industrial growth.

The American Civil War of 1861-65

was a clear precursor of "total war" in the twentieth century.

Canada largely gained its independence in

1867 with the Dominion of Canada Act.

Russia's major opponents in the Crimean War included all of the following EXCEPT


The dominant foreign power in Italy prior to unification was


The immediate origins of the Franco-Prussian War concerned

Bismarck's devious editing of a telegram from King William I.

Among the key motives prompting England and France to fight Russia in the Crimean War must be counted

Britain's concern over disruption of the existing balance of power.

The prime minister of Piedmont who organized the Italian unification movement was

Camillo di Cavour.

Cavour's key strategy to free Italy from Austrian domination required the military and diplomatic support of


The leader of the Red Shirts who helped to unify Italy through his military command was

Giuseppe Garibaldi.

By 1870, by far the largest producer of pig iron was

Great Britain

The leading realist novelist of the nineteenth century was

Gustave Flaubert.

Which of the following statements best applies to Charles Darwin and his evolutionary theory?

His theory emphasized the idea of the "survival of the fit" in which advantageous natural variants and environmental adaptations in organisms determine their survival.

The germ theory of disease was primarily the work of

Louis Pasteur.

Napoleon's most disastrous foreign policy adventure occurred in


The dominant literary and artistic movement in the 1850s and 1860s was


The final act of Italian unification occurred in 1870 when

Rome became the capital city following the withdrawal of French troops.

The immediate origins of the Crimean War involved

Russia's right to protect Christian shrines in Palestine.

The intellectual attack on liberal civilization was led by all of the following EXCEPT

Thiers, who argued that liberal civilization would have to adopt the violence of its foes to defend itself.

Russia undertook all of the following reforms in response to the Crimean War EXCEPT

creating a national parliament.

In 1871, William I was proclaimed Kaiser, or emperor, of the Second Reich in


The nineteenth century composer associated with the concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk ("total art work") was


In what way were new conceptions of culture strongly gendered?

Women were especially associated with the intimate side of middle-class culture.

The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels

based all historical development on class struggle.

Elizabeth Blackwell

became the first formally educated female doctor in America.

The revolutions of 1848 exposed divisions among revolutionaries; in France, these were largely

between the middle classes and the workers.

The Second Empire

claimed a democratic mandate but held authoritarian power.

The Ausgleich or Compromise of 1867

created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary.

The basic flaw in Italian politics was that the government had difficulty pursuing popular programs because it

was elected by the wealthy and had to cut deals with special interests to keep its parliamentary majority.

Franz Joseph's new Federal Constitution of 1860

was intended to reduce resentment against high-handed government, but was an immediate failure.

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