Chapter 22

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How many minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week do the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization recommend for optimal health?

75 minutes

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most freedom of movement in the transverse plane?

Elastic band woodchop

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most demands on explosive power?

Medicine ball chest press

Which of the following is a primary reason that people purchase fitness tracking devices?


What term refers to the integration of motor control processes through practice and experience, leading to a relatively permanent change in the capacity to produce skilled motor behavior?

Motor learning

How often should elastic resistance bands be checked?

Prior to every use

The goal of the Certified Personal Trainer in utilizing machines in Phase 1 of the OPT model should be to do what?

Progress their clients to more proprioceptively enriched exercises

When performing high-velocity movements with medicine balls, the ball weight should be no more than what percentage of the user's body weight, according to current recommendations?


An elastic resistance band should not be stretched longer than what percentage of its resting length?


What is the approximate percentage of those who will quit a fitness program within the first 6 months after they begin?


What term describes core exercises performed in a manner in which the exerciser resists forces that cause torso rotation?

Antirotational exercises

What is the correct foot placement when performing kettlebell swinging exercises?

Approximately shoulder-width apart

When attempting to increase muscular size and strength in the lower body, which of the following exercise is least likely to be beneficial?

BOSU squat

TRUE OR FALSE? After vigorous exercise, how quickly a person's heart rate drops in the first minute after exercise is a predictor of poor heart health.


TRUE OR FALSE? Closed-chain exercises involve movements in which the distal extremities are not in a fixed position, and the force applied by an individual is great enough to overcome the resistance.


TRUE OR FALSE? Strength training machines should never be the strength modality of choice for those who lack stability or have other functional limitations.


When discussing suspended bodyweight training, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

It increases flexibility and joint mobility

What term is used to describe training that adds a weight or load to dynamic, full-body, multiplanar movements?

Load movement training

When utilizing devices such as a stability ball, BOSU ball, or the Terra-Core, the user is forced to actively engage their core musculature due to their body weight displacing air inside the bladder of the device, causing which of the following?


Resistance band exercises are best utilized in which phases of the OPT model?

Phase 2 and 5

Which kettlebell exercise can be used effectively in Phase 1 of the OPT model to improve stability and back strength?

Renegade row

TRUE OR FALSE? Stability balls are best used with clients who demonstrate a need for increased overload of stability.


What popular piece of exercise equipment is a cylindrical tube constructed of hardened rubber, designed to be dragged, tossed, lifted, pulled, pressed, and carried?


What is unique about a kettlebell when compared to a dumbbell?

With a kettlebell, the center of mass is farther from the handle.

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