Chapter 22 Lesson review

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Write an essay tracing the changes in the French government between the Constitution of 1791 and the Constitution of 1795. Include defining characteristics of each new form of government and how it led to the next change in leadership.

The constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy. They created the legislative assembly to make laws and took away some of the king's power. However, many radicals were not satisfied with the new system and wanted bigger changes. The constitution of 1795 reinstated the Catholic church in France and set up two councils that would share power. Certain people could vote for people who took the roles in each of these councils. In addition, it also set up the Directory which was made up of only 5 people. The Directory became known for it's corruption.

How did the structure of social classes in France lead to discontent?

The first class was clergy, the second was the nobles, and the third was the peasants and commoners. The third class were paying all the taxes and worked for the first two classes. The third class also had the least power and couldn't be accepted in the first two classes.

Explain how the coup d'état in which Napoleon took part differed from other transitions in the revolutionary French government.

He did it by power and force and was also well liked. He used the military, which was the only thing protecting the new republic to his advantage.

How did Napoleon's military background shape his perspective?

He had started off life not in the nobility class, but had risen through the ranks based on his skill and knowledge. He thought that most people should deserve a fair and equal chance at power just like himself.

Why do you think Napoleon used the ancient Roman term first consul to define his new role in the government?

He wanted to be a dictator just like the Romans, and he had seized power through military force just like Cezar. He wanted an empire as great as the Romans and to be in total control of it.

What were Napoleon's achievements to those of the French government during the Reign of Terror.

He won many wars across Europe and brigadier general for the committee of public safety. Because Napoleon won so many battles, his troops trusted him and he won support from the people of France.

What were the influences of the Declaration of the Rights of Man on the citizens. Include influences specific to France, identifying cultural, political, and economic concerns the authors wanted to address.

It abolished all the legal privileges of the first two estates and established that all men were free and equal. It made sure that everyone had to now pay taxes and could have the freedom of speech. The declaration also rose the questions of, "should women have equal rights?"

What is nationalism, and what role did it play in Napoleon's fall from power?

Nationalism is the unique identity people share with one another based upon common language, religion, or national symbols. Napoleon created a nationalism in the countries that he attacked because they all hated him and the conquered people started feeling nationalism for their own countries.

What were the long-range and immediate causes of the French Revolution to compare and contrast one long-range and one immediate cause of the French Revolution.

One long range cause was that the peasants were sick of doing all the work and paying all the taxes while they were the poorest. One immediate cause was that their was a food shortage and all the peasants were starving.

Why did the French Revolution become more radical?

People were worried that if they did not remove all of the monarchy sympathizers while the revolution was in full swing and in control of France, then the old monarchy would be reinstated.

How did instability in the French government create an opportunity for Napoleon to take power?

The French government banned Catholicism, and since most of France was Catholic, the people did not appreciate this. The government was also shifting power very often, so that one group would not have too much of it, and at the end of the revolution there were 300 of these. France's power was always shifting an never stable.

How did the economic crises in France lead to the meeting of the Estates-General?

The French helped the Americans beat the British, but less manufacturing and food shortages led to economic crisis. The queen was also known to spend lots of money on her castle and herself and this did not help the economic problems.

Why would changes in France cause concern in other European countries?

The other European countries were afraid that those same changes would happen in their own countries, and they would be overthrown. They tried to stop the French revolution from happening so it wouldn't spread.

How did the French Revolution enter a new phase after the storming of the Bastille?

The revolution was now in full swing and the bastille signified the beginning of it. It gave hope to all of France, and now people were starting riots in their own towns and cities.

How did the constant transition within the French government influence its effectiveness?

There was always a shift of power when one group became too powerful or corrupt. This made the government too worried about who was in charge, and not enough energy was put into helping France come out of this alive. In the end this led to the reign of terror and Napoleon Bonaparte to become the dictator.

Describe the actions taken by the National Convention and some of the consequences of these actions.

They decided to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic and this led to the reign of terror. They executed the king which made the foreign powers angry and wage war to reinstate the old monarchy. The National Convention also gave power to the committee of public safety. This committee led to the reign of terror and Robespierre to become executed.

How did the new French government deal with crises?

They gathered up Europe's largest army to fight away all the countries who wanted to reinstate the old monarchy. They used men, married men, and women to their advantage to help with the battles. They also tried to reduce the prices of necessary goods, but this did not work. Whenever there were people that rebelled against the French Revolution, they executed them.

Why did the Third Estate declare itself to be the National Assembly?

They wanted to change the Estates-General voting system so that they would have the majority vote. The king reacted by saying that he favored the older system, and the third estate replied by making itself the national assembly and drafting a new constitution.

What were the French peasants reacting to in their rebellions of 1789?

They were reacting to the fact that Louis XVI had turned down the new voting system, locked the doors to stop the national assembly from meeting, and started to build an army to fight the third estate. they rebelled by storming the Bastille.

Describe all the types of people who made up the French bourgeoisie. Explain how people within this class might have different points of view about the French government.

They were the middle class of France and felt like they couldn't advance in society. They wanted to be nobles, but it was very had to become nobility. They also wanted to keep the nobles in France in hope of one day joining them.

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