Chapter 24: The First World War

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John Maynard Keynes.

Although Germany was subjected to many crippling provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, the most dangerous were the punitive reparations, according to the eminent British economist:

It became more difficult for any country to accept a fair, non-punitive peace settlement.

Although all countries involved in the war used propaganda to bolster the morale of their civilian population, what was one unintended consequence?

of German submarine success in sinking Allied shipping.

Although every country fighting in World War I suffered food shortages at various times during the war, Great Britain was the last to institute control by rationing bread in 1917 primarily because:


Although the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary had many ethnic problems within many of its provinces, the most volatile of all was the province of:

Vittorio Orlando.

At the Paris Peace Conference beginning in 1919, each of the so-called Big Four was represented by their political leaders, with Italy being represented by:

the Allies' material advantage finally coming to bear on the Germans.

During August 1918, the war changed momentum on the Western Front due to several factors, the most important of which was:

the support of various Arab peoples seeking independence from the Turks.

Great Britain fought against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East where the most crucial advantage in its victory over the Turks was:

It gave British approval to a national home for European Jews in Palestine.

How did the Balfour Declaration affect the postwar policies of the Middle East?

the von Schlieffen Plan.

In the 1890s Germany had developed a plan to fight a two-front war called:


In the five months of the First Battle of the Somme, the total casualties totaled approximately:

the Triple Entente.

In the years preceding World War I, Europe was divided into two groups of nation-states united by treaty. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were opposed by Russia, France, and Great Britain, who were known collectively as:

a laboratory atop a graveyard."

Many in Europe recognized that the end of the war had brought about "a new and unfamiliar world," but no one knew the form this new world was going to take. As Tomas Masaryk stated, "Postwar Europe was:

with mixed reviews; many celebrated it while many grumbled about the change.

Many social changes occurred in Europe as a result of World War I. Among them was the emergence of the "New Woman," an occurrence that was greeted:

size and speed.

Military planners preparing for war in 1914 believed that the war would be short, limited, and decisive, basing their success on the twin ideas of:

Archduke Fanz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo.

On June 28, 1914:

Marie Stopes.

One of the changes in British society after the war was the availability of birth control with the first birth-control clinic was opened in London in 1921 by:

Russia and western Europe.

One of the long-lasting results of World War I was the increasingly sour and suspicious relationship that developed between:

the Mensheviks.

Opposed to Lenin and his plan for a takeover of the Russian government was another part of the Social Democratic Party:

a combination of political ineptitude and military defeat.

Russia had been stunned by early setbacks in 1914, due primarily to problems of equipment, supply, and training. By the end of 1916, it had been brought to the verge of total collapse by:

was a political transformation that set the agenda for future revolutions and created the political gestalt for the rest of the century.

The American journalist John Reed, in covering the Russian Revolution, wrote of the events of October 1917 that they were "ten days that shook the world." Although many attitudes and things were immediately shaken, it did have a more lasting effect because it:

"Peace, Land, and Bread, Now!"

The Bolsheviks under Lenin attempted to gain widespread support during the summer of 1917 under the slogan:

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

The Bolsheviks were able to ultimately triumph in October 1917 under the leadership of the young, dedicated revolutionary:

a sweeping attack through Belgium to defeat the French outside Paris.

The German "von Schlieffen Plan" envisioned

the Masurian Lakes.

The German army, in the early days of the war, won a stunning victory over the Russians at the battle of:

all of these.

The Russian people revolted against their tsar in 1917 because of:

a loosely organized march of women demanding food, fuel, and political reform that quickly spiraled into a mass strike which the army joined.

The abdication of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in February 1917 was caused by:

the First Battle of the Marne.

The action that brought the German plan of attack in the West to an end in September 1914 was

heir to the throne of Austro-Hungary.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand precipitated the "July Crisis" and led to World War I because he was:


The bloodiest battles of World War I occurred during 1916-1917, with the first of these being fought at:

the interception of the "Zimmerman telegram" sent by Germany's foreign minister to Mexico.

The entry of the United States into World War I on the side of the Allies was due to several factors; among them were the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans and:

"a tragedy of miscalculation."

The nations of Europe, following the assassination at Sarajevo, embarked on five weeks of what has since been characterized as:

the Bolsheviks.

The second Russian revolution in 1917 was led by:

Vera Brittain.

The social changes that were forged during the war were recorded in one of the most famous autobiographies of the period, Testament of Youth, by:

the intense commitment of a nation's whole human and material resources to fighting.

To what does the term total war refer?

the February Revolution.

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicated his throne and thus made way for the formation of a transitional government for Russia in what is now known as:

the execution of the leaders of the Easter Rebellion in 1916.

What event galvanized the cause of Irish nationalism during World War I?

local councils of workers and soldiers throughout Russia.

What or who were the soviets?

the German invasion of neutral belgium.

What was the public motive for Britain's declaration of war in 1914?

the sheer number of U. S. conscripts sent into battle alongside the Allies.

What was the single greatest U.S. contribution to the defeat of German forces on the battlefield in 1918?

Territories in the Middle East and former German colonies were to be administered by France and Great Britain.

What were the mandates of the Treaty of Versailles?


Which Bolshevik leader made the most notable contribution to Lenin's efforts during the fall of 1917?

a botched amphibious landing in Turkey that failed to "force" the sea route to Russia.

Which of the following BEST describes the British action at Gallipoli?

the sudden death of Kaiser Wilhelm's heir.

Which of the following was NOT a major element in the German collapse of November 1918?

placing individual industrialists in charge of pricing and profits in Germany's war economy, resulting in disastrous conflicts of interest and inflation.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Hindenburg Plan?

Ho Chi Minh

Which public figure appeared at the Versailles Conference as an advocate for the rights of colonial peoples?


Which weapon was considered the best bet to break the stalemate on the Western Front?

"Neither side had won, nor could win, the War. The War had won, and would go on winning."

With an Allied victory in the major battles of 1916-1917, one Allied veteran stated:


With so much of the male population of European countries in uniform during the war, women increasingly filled industrial positions from which they had heretofore been excluded. In Britain, these women were collectively dubbed:

physical and psychological effects.

World War I saw the first use of many new weapons. One of these, poison gas, was particularly devastating due to its:

the Treaty of Versailles.

World War I was finally ended by:

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