Chapter 25, 26, 27 APUSH

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Marshall Plan-

A massive infusion of American capital to rebuild the European economy

What was the AIM and how did they seek to promote change in America?

AIM was an American Indian group that addressed sovereignty, police brutality, and racism

Describe the achievements of the 1972 National Black Political Convention

African Americans were increasingly integrated into American political institutions

From the U.S. perspective, the Cold War was precipitated by?

America was convinced that USSR was methodically expanding its reach

Who was the creator of containment and enumerated fears in the Long Telegram?

American diplomat George F Kennan first proposed the idea in an 8000 world cable called in the Long Telegram

Which of the former Axis nations did the United States help rebuild economically after WW2 to make it a. Bulwark against communism during the Cold War?

American officials believe that restoring Japan's economy, while limiting its military influence, would ensure prosperity and limit communism in East Asia

What phenomena served as an engine of postwar economic growth?

American youth culture, a phenomenon first noticed in the 1920s, and with its roots in the lengthening the consumer taste of young people

Describe modern Republicanism

An updated GOP approach that aimed at moderating the New Deal state instead of dismantling

In the Munich Analogy, Americans justified containment by applying the lessons learned from what relationship?

Applying the lessons of Munich American president believes appeasing Stalin would have the same result as Hitler: wider war

Describe the philosophy of participatory democracy, passed on by Ella Baker to an influential group of young SNCC activists

Baker believed in nurturing leaders from grass roots, encouraging ordinary people to stand up for their rights rather than depending on charismatic figures

Under the banner of black power, African-American activist's work for

Black Power activists turned their attention to the poverty and social injustice faced by many southern black people

Describe the emergence of Cesar Chavez as a national figure during the 1960s?

Chavez concentrated on the agriculture region around California. With Huerta, he organized the UFW, a Union for migrant workers

What was a political consequence of the national Democratic parties embrace of civil rights in the 1960s?

Departure of many southern whites to the Republican Party

Who was the lesser known cofounder of the United Farm Workers, who was a brilliant organizers?

Dolores Huerta was a brilliant organizer and the lesser known organizer of the United Farm Workers

Characterize President Eisenhower's view of segregation and civil rights in the 1950s?

Eisenhower was against civil rights and desegregation. He accepted the Brown case but thought it was a mistake


Ella baker helped organize the SNCC to facilitate student sit ins

24th Amendment

Ended poll taxes and etc

Who was Eugene bull Connor who made national news in 1963?

Eugene Bull Conner was Birminghams public safety commissioner ordered the city's police troops to meet the marchers with violent force

Black neighborhoods in the downtown area of northern cities became known as?


Yalta Conference

Guaranteed self determination and democratic elections in Poland and in neighboring countries

In the late 1940s and early 1850s, the HUAC investigated?

HUAC helped spark the red scare by holding widely publicized hearings in 1947 on alleged communist infiltration the movie industry

Why was Truman able to pull out a victory in the presidential election of 1948?

He launched a strenuous cross country speaking tour and hammered away at the Republicans for opposing progressive legislation.

Why did the United States refuse to support Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam during the late 1950s?

Ho Chi Minh was a communist, and this single fact outweighed American and British commitment to self determination

What was the distinguishing characteristic of President Eisenhower's New Look in the foreign policy in the 1950s?

Hydrogen bomb and developed long range bombing capabilities. The Society's matched the US weapon for weapon

In Brown versus Board of Education the Supreme Court ruled against segregated schools on the grounds that?

In Brown v Board of Education, Marshall argued that such negotiations was unconstitutional based on the 14th amendment

Record sales boomed in the United States during the 1950s because?

In the 1950s consumption became associated with citizenship. Buying things now meant participating fully in American society and filling a social responsibility

In his famous quotation letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged?

King composed one of the classic documents encouraging non violent action

Describe life during the Cold War

Legitimate suspicions and rural fears, along with political opportunities combined to feud the Red Scare

Describe the status of Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans in the Southwest in the 1940s

Mexican Americans had been politically active since the 1940s, aiming to surmount poverty, language barriers, and discrimination

How did the Buddhists in Vietnam express their discontent with the Diem authoritarian regime in May 1963?

Militant buddhists staged a dramatic demonstration, including self immolations recorded by reporters

What factors spurred congressional approval of the Interstate Highway Act?

More cars required more highways and the federal government obliged. The National interstate and Defense Highway Act authorized 26 billion over a 10 year period for the construction of a nationally integrated highway system

Characterize the events surrounding the Suez crisis?

Nasser's plan was to build a massive hydroelectric dam on the Nike, but it broke down in 1956 and he nationalized the Suez Canal which was a lifeline for Western Europes oil. Britain and France, in alliance with Israel attacked Egypt and seized the Canal. Eisenhower urged them to pull back

Describe the rise of the Nation of Islam in the early 1960s in the US?

Nation of Islam fused rejection of Christianity wit a strong, philosophy of self improvement.

What was a major impetus for the post World War II baby boom?

One of the reasons for the baby boom was that people were having babies at the same time

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Outlawed literacy test and other devices that prevented AA from registering to vote.

What events spurred President Kennedy to ask for additional civil rights legislation?

Outraged by the brutality in Birmingham and embarrassed for Kings imprisonment for leading a nonviolent march, Kennedy decided it was time to act.

How did the 1955 murder of Emmett till in Mississippi influence the civil rights movement?

Photos of Tills body in Jet magazine bought national attention to the heinous crime

When Eisenhower said "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought," he was referring to the-

President Eisenhower spoke out about the power of the military-industrial complex which employers 35 million Americans in the defense industry

How did the Kennedy administration respond to the freedom rides in 1961?

President Kennedy discouraged the freedom riders, beatings shown on the nightly news forced Attorney General Robert Kennedy to dispatch federal marshalls

Characterize the innovations in housing construction pioneered by William Levitt

Revolutionized suburban housing by applying mass production techniques and turning out new homes in a dizzying speed

Elvis Presley, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Charlie Parker were all associated with

Rock n roll

What is McCarthyism?

Senator Joesph McCarthy continuously accused individuals of being communists

Who were the Dixiecrats and what type of domestic policies would they have opposed?

Southern democrats called themselves Dixiecrats and were against a strong civil rights platform

Eisenhower Doctrine

Stated that American forces would assist any nation in the region that required aid "against overt armed aggression from aggression from any nation controlled International communism."

Describe the influence television had in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s?

Television revolutionized advertising and changed forever the ways product was sold to American and global consumers

What were the provisions of the Geneva Accords?

The 1954 Geneva Accords partitioned Vietnam temporarily within two years to unify the strife torn nation

Why was the 1963 March on Washington significant in the history of the civil right movement?

The 250000 blacks and whites marching silently together marked the high point of the civil rights movement and confirmed Kings position as the leading spokesperson

Post WW2 economy

The American economy benefitted from expanding internal market and heavy investment in research and development

The Beat Generation of the 1950s rejected

The Beats were a group of writers and poets centered in New York and San Francisco who disdained middle class materialism

During the 1940s and early 1950s, the United States and the USSR came closest to war over?

The Berlin crisis was the closest the two sides came to an actual war (until Cuba).

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed

The CRA of 1964 outlawed discrimination in employment in the bases of eve, religion m, national origin and sex

Which of the following describes Alan Freed, who made his mark on American culture in the 1950s?

The Cleveland DJ Alan Freed took the lead in introducing white America to the black created sounds by playing what is known as race records

The GI Bill stimulated the America economy by

The GI Bill expanded the middle class by increasing home ownership and government financing of education

In 1962, John F Kennedy secured the funding for a non military initiative to advance the Cold War agenda known as the-

The Peace Corps embodied the call to public services put forth in the inaugural services

What factor served as the basis for the United States determination of whether it would support or oppose a country and its government during the 1950s?

The Truman and Eisenhower administration tended to support governments who were strongly anti-communist

Describe the elements of the Bretton Woods system?

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund formed the cornerstones of the Bretton moods system which guided the global economy after the war

Who pioneered the sit in method of civil rights protest that began in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960?

The act was entirely the brainchild of four college students who had discussed it in their dorm rooms over several preceding nights.

The Affluent Society was one of the most influential books about the US economy in the twentieth century because it?

The affluent society analyzed the nations successful, affluent class. Economist John K Calibrath argued that the poor were only an 'afterthought' in the minds of an economist and politician

Which event was a major foreign policy blunder during the Kennedy administration?

The crisis with Fidel Castro in Cuba

Describe the famous kitchen debate of 1959?

The kitchen debate was a symbolic contest over which countries standard of living was higher

Micheal Harrington's 1962 book the Other America exposed

The left wing social critic Micheal Harrington declared a third of the nation to be poorly paid, poorly educated, and poorly housed.

Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin are both associated with

The polio vaccine

Who was blamed when Chinese Communists defeated the Nationalists in 1949?

The pro nationalist china lobby accused Truman's state department of being responsible for the loss of China

The 1968 Kerner commission report analyzed?

The report analyzed the context and causes of racial violence

The National Security Councils report known as NSC-68 proposed?

The report proposed a "bold and massive program of rebuilding the west defense potential to surpass that of the Soviet world." (Hydrogen Bomb)

What was the Southern manifesto issued 1956

The southern manifesto signed in 1956 by 101 members of the congress, denounced brown decision as a clear abuse of judicial power and encouraged local officials to defy it

Who became the first African-American justice on the Supreme Court in the late 1960s?

Thur good Marshall

In 1941, President Roosevelt issued an executive order banning racial discrimination in defense industries primarily because?

To avoid a divisive protest, FDR issued Executive Order 8802

Why did President Truman relieve General MacArthur of his Korean command?

Truman and his advisers decided to work for a negotiated peace, MacArthur disagreed and denounce the Korean stalemate

What was the purpose of the Truman doctrine?

Truman asserted an American responsibility "to support free people's who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside powers".

What was Truman's response to the invasion of South Korea in 1950?

Truman immediately asked the UN Security Council to authorize police action against the invaders

In 1947, the Truman administration reacted to the growing anti communist fervor in the country by?

Truman issued the Executive Order 9835 in March 1947 which created the Loyalty Security Program. The order permitted officials to investigate any employee of the federal government.

What actions did President Truman take in support of African-American civil rights?

Truman turned to executive action. In 1946, he appointed the Presidential Committee on Civil Rights

What was the long term consequence of the Korean War in regards to using certain weapons?

Trumans refusal to unleash atomic bombs, even when America's forces were reeling under Chinese attack, set ground rules for Cold War conflict

The term Pax Americana refers to

US corps, banks and manufacturers so dominated the global economy that the postwar period has been called the Pax Americana

What happened during the Cuban missile crisis?

US planes spotted Soviet military equipment on its way to Cuba, and Kennedy convinced the US would quarantine all offensive military equip enemy on its way to Cuba. Ships carrying Soviet missiles turned back.

What was the purpose of the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949?

Under the NATO pact, 12 nations agreed "an armed attack against one or more of them in European or North America shall be considered an attack against them all'.

McLaurin v Oklahoma

Universities could not segregate black students from others on campus

The space race began after what event?

When the Soviet Union launched the worlds first satellite Sputnik in 1957, the startled US went into high gear to catch up in the Cold War space competition

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