Chapter 25 Anatomy

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Fertilization __________. a. occurs when chromosomes from male and female gametes come together b. occurs at cortical reaction c. occurs at acrosomal reaction d. does none of the above


In which part of the uterine tube does fertilization usually occur? a. ampulla b. isthmus c. infundibulum d. it doesn't occur in the uterine tubes


Progesterone is released during which stages of the ovarian and uterine cycles respectively? a. luteal and secretory phases b. luteal and proliferative phases c. follicular and secretory phases d. ovulatory and menstrual phases


The typical (diploid) cells of the body have 46 chromosomes; how many chromosomes does each gamate cell have? a. 23 b. 46 c. 46 pairs d. 184


The usual site of embryo implantation is the: a. uterus b. peritoneal cavity c. vagina d. uterine tube


Which structure runs within the prostate, where it empties into the prostatic urethra? a. ejaculatory duct b. ureter c. ductus deferens d. epididymis


By undergoing meiosis, each primary spermatocyte ultimately gives rise to how many sperm cells? a. two b. four c. six d. eight


Sperm become mobile in the: a. ductus deferens b. epididymis c. seminiferous tubules d. vagina


Sperm travels through the duct system to the outside in what order? a. ductus deferens, urethra, epididymis, ejaculatory duct b. epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra c. ductus deferens, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, urethra d. epididymis, ductus deferens, urethra, ejaculatory duct


The epithelium lining the vagina is: a. simple columnar b. stratified squamous c. pseudostratified columnar d. simple squamous


The factor that is responsible for movement of the oocyte through the uterine tube is: a. pressure exerted by ovarian fluid b. smooth muscle contraction (peristalsis) c. secretions of the nonciliated cells d. amoeboid motion of the oocyte


The female equivalent of the male scrotum is the: a. ovary b. labia majora c. clitorus d. bulb of the vestibule


The female uterine cycle begins: a. at ovulation b. on the first day of menstration c. at the end of menstration d. every six weeks


The function of the pampiniform plexus of veins in the scrotum is to: a. help prevent hernias b. help cool the blood c. form the outer wall of the spermatic cord d. form hydoceles


The size and shape of a chestnut, the _______ encircles the first part of the urethra just inferior to the bladder. a. pubis b. prostate c. bulbourethral gland d. seminal vesicle


What are modified sweat glands that function only in lactating females? a. ovaries b. mammary glands c. uterus d. none of the above


What is the thin-walled tube inferior to the uterus, anterior to the rectum, and posterior to the urethra and bladder? a. uterine tube b. vagina c. hymen d. fallopian tubes


Which layer of the uterine wall is involved in the menstrual cycle? a. perimetrium b. endometrium c. myometrium d. none of the above


Which of the following is the primary sex organ in the male: a. the prostate b. the testes c. seminal vesicles d. the epididymis


Which structure stores and transports sperm during ejaculation? a. ejaculatory duct b. ductus (vas) deferens c. seminal vesicle d. ureter


At the extreme posterior point of the vestibule, the right and left labia minora come together to form a ridge called the ______. a. perineum b. bulb of the vestibule c. fourchette d. mons pubis


During the proliferation phase of the uterine cycle, these vessels grow and proliferate: a. arcuate arteries b. radial arteries c. spiral arteries d. straight arteries


Histologically, the ______ is dominated by a tall, pseudostratified columnar epithelium with a luminal surface bearing tufts of long microvilli called stereocilia. a. spermatic cord b. tunica vaginalis of testis c. epididymis d. tunica albuginea of testis


In development, the ducts in the male reproductive system arise from what? a. Mullerian ducts b. gonadal ridges c. Wolffian ducts d. none of the above


Parturition is __________. a. the conception of the sperm and oocyte b. the development of the placenta c. the act of giving birth d. none of the above


The _______ expands to accommodate the growing embryo, which is called a fetus after Month 2. a. chorionic villi b. decidua basalis c. decidua capsularis d. syncytiotrophoblast


The milk-producing cells in the breast are: a. adipose cells b. columnar epithelium in lobules c. simple cuboidal epithelial cells in alveoli d. endocrine cells


The syncytiotrophoblast __________. a. produces estrogen b. aids in the growth of the oocyte c. secretes an enzyme that turns off T lymphocytes to prevent rejection of the baby d. produces nutrients in the placenta to feed the baby


What divides the scrotum into right and left halves to provide a compartment for each testis? a. spongy urethra b. epididymis c. septum d. pubis bone


When sperm reach the oocyte, they bind to receptors on the _________. a. uterus b. cortical granules c. zona pellucida d. acrosomes


Which female reproductive structure is the site for fertilization? a. uterus b. cervical canal c. uterine tubes d. none of the above


Defined as a tube of fascia, this structure also contains the testicular vessels and nerves. a. deep inguinal ring b. inguinal canal c. superficial inguinal canal d. spermatic cord


Most of the structural support for the uterus is provided by the: a. mesometrium b. round ligament c. cardinal ligament d. muscles of the pelvic floor


The _______ contains extensive collagen and forms a tough, fibrous ring that projects into the vagina. a. ovaries b. uterus c. fallopian tubes d. cervix


The endometrium prepares for implantation of an embryo during which of the following? a. secretory phase b. follicular phase c. luteal phase d. a and c


The ovarian cycle includes which of the following phases? a. follicular phase b. ovulation c. luteal phase d. all of the above


The wall of the ductus deferens contains __________. a. pseudostratified epithelium b. thick muscularis c. outer adventitia d. all of the above


What describes the blood-testis barrier? a. tight junctions between sustentocytes b. spermatogenic cells must be able to cross it c. prevents escape of membrane antigens of differentiating sperm d. all of the above


What is true of seminal vesicles? a. They lie on the posterior surface of the bladder. b. Their true length is about 15 cm. c. Their secretions contain about 60% semen volume. d. all of the above


Which of the following begins laterally near an ovary and ends medially, where it empties into the superior part of the uterus? a. fallopian tube b. uterine tube c. oviducts d. all of the above


Which of the following does not add a secretion to the semen? a. prostate b. seminal vesicles c. bulbourethral glands d. corpus cavernosum


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