Chapter 25 Spinal

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Brachial Plexus Neuropraxia (Burner): Signs and symptoms

-burning or stinging -pain and numbness radiating to all fingers of the hand, involving C6-C8 -"IF" there is associated weakness it is limited to the deltoid and biceps/ brachialis muscles implicating the C5 root. -ROM is normal most the time -Repeated brachial plexus injuries may result in neuritis, muscular atrophy, and permanent damage.

Intervetebral disc herniations: Etiology

-common -develops from an extruded posterolateral disk fragment or degeneration of disk -primary mechanism involves sustained, repetitive cervical loading during contact sports

Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis: Etiology

-degeneration of the vertebrae -the condition is often attributed to a congenital wekaness and the defect occurs as a stress fracture -more common in boys -easily detected on Xray

Cervical Spine stenosis: etiology

-is a syndrome characterized by a narrowing of the spinal canal in the cervical region that can impinge the spinal cord. -There are 2 methods of determining cervical spinal stenosis: Torg ratio and the space available for the cord (SAC) -A ratio of the sagittal canal diameter relative to anteroposterior width of the same vertebra at its midpoint of less than 0.8 suggests cervical stenosis

Lumbar Sprains: Signs and symptoms

-localized pain, lateral to the spinous processes -sharper pain with certain movements or postures -passive anteroposterior or rotational movement of the vertebrae will increase pain

Intervetebral disc herniations: Signs and symptoms

-neck pain and some restriction in motion of neck -pain in upper extremity with associated motor weakness or sensory changes

Cervical Sprain (Whiplash): Etiology

-occurs from sudden snap of the head -sprain of neck produces tears in the major support tissue of the anterior or posterior longitudinal ligaments , the interspinous ligament, and the supraspinous ligament

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: Etiology

-results from, twist of both feet on the ground, stumbling forward, falling backward, steps to far down and lands heavily on one leg, or bends forward with the knees locked during lifting

Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis: Signs and symptoms

-mild to moderate aching pain across low back -stiffness in low back w/ increased pain but not usually during activity. -low back is tired and fatigues quickly

Lumbar Sprains: Etiology

-most common lumbar sprain involves lumbar facet joints. Typically occurs when bending forward, twisting while lifting or moving an object. -can be acute or chronic

Brachial Plexus Neuropraxia (Burner):Etiology

-most common of all cervical neurological injuries -involves a disruption in normal function of peripheral nerve, with out any degenerative changes -occurs from stretching the brachial plexus when the neck is forced laterally to the opposite side while the shoulder is depressed (like a shoulder block in Football) -also occurs when the neck is extended, compressed, and rotated toward the affected side. -if nerve is partially ruptured it can heal itself, if it is fully ruptured in needs surgery

Cervical Spine stenosis: Signs and symptoms

-neck pain may be absent initially -Symptoms may include burning or tingling -may have some motor weakness in arms, legs, or all four extremities -complete recovery normally occurs within 10 to 15 minutes -full ROM is possible

Cervical Sprain (Whiplash): Signs and Symptoms

-symptoms persist longer than a strained neck -may have tenderness over the transverse and spinous processes that serve as sites of attachment for the ligaments -pain may not be initial but appears the day after -pain stems from the inflammation of the injured tissues and a protective muscle spasm that restricts motion.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: Signs and symptoms

-Palpable pain and tenderness directly over the joint just inferior and medial to the PSIS -Pain sometimes radiates to posterior, lateral, or anterior thigh. -pain increases w/ unilateral stance on that leg and walking, and going up and down hills. -ASIS and/or PSIS may be asymmetrical caused by anterior or posterior rotation of one side of the pelvis -legs different length -straight leg raising increases pain after 45 degrees

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