Chapter 3 Ap gov

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Which of the following is the best definition of federalism? a. A constitutional arrangement by which power is distributed between a central government and state governments. b. A constitutional arrangement by which sovereign states create a limited central government.—Consider This: This power arrangement was similar to what was created immediately following the Declaration of Independence. c. A loose association of states constitutionally created by a strong central government. d. A loose association of states with mutually recognized compacts but no central government.

A constitutional arrangement by which power is distributed between a central government and state governments.

New Federalism most favors which type of government grant? a. block grants b. unfunded mandates c. categorical grants - Consider This: Ronal Reagan's presidency pledged to advance New Federalism and a return of power to the states. d. programmatic requests

Block grants

Which of the following categories of grants did President Lyndon Johnson favor? a. unfunded b. categorical c. block - Consider This: Block grants were a hallmark of Reagan's New Federalism. d. populist


__________ grants typically allocate federal dollars for a specific purpose based on a state's population. a. Block—Consider This: President Reagan preferred to use block grants as part of New Federalism. b. Categorical c. Commerce d. Federal


The concept of nullification was quashed by which of the following? a. the colonial era b. the Revolutionary War c. the Great Depression—Consider This: Nullification refers to the right of a state to declare a federal law void. d. the Civil War


The power of both the state and federal governments to levy taxes is an example of what type of power. a. reserved—Consider This: Any powers not listed in Article I, Section 8 are assumed to be kept for the states. b. concurrent c. cooperative d. enumerated


__________ powers are shared by the federal and state governments. a. Concurrent b. Confederal c. Enumerated: Consider This: These powers are all found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. d. Unified


The Supreme Court's Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) decision narrowed the scope of the federal government's power by determining that __________. a. state laws were supreme over conflicting national laws b. states had inherent power to nullify federal laws—Consider This: The nullification question was not solved until after the Civil War. c. Congress could not regulate interstate commerce d. Congress lacked the authority to ban slavery in the territories

Congress lacked the authority to ban slavery in the territories

Which is an example of a programmatic request? a. Congress passing a law creating a technology incubator to benefit a single congressional district. b. The Environmental Protection Agency sends money to Louisiana to help with cleanup from the gulf oil spill.— Consider This: Programmatic requests are often used by members of Congress to bring economic development back to their districts. c. The Nevada legislature passes a law requiring all public school teachers to spend 20 hours per week preparing students for the state achievement test. d. The Supreme Court upholds a federal law requiring all citizens to wear a seatbelt while operating a motor vehicle.

Congress passing a law creating a technology incubator to benefit a single congressional,distant

What was the dominant model of federalism starting with the New Deal? a. cooperative b. dual c. progressive—Consider This: Progressive federalism is a relatively new iteration of the federal/state power relationship. d. unified


What was the dominant form of federalism prior to the New Deal? a. dual b. combined c. competitive d. cooperative—Consider This: This form of federalism emerged in part as a result of the cataclysm of the Great Depression.


Which type of federalism is characterized by a system of separate but equally powerful state and national governments? a. combined b. cooperative c. dual d. progressive—Consider This: Advocates of this form of federalism include Barack Obama.


The United States was the __________ nation to adopt a federal system of government. a. first b. second—Consider This: One of the main reasons for the revolution was the objection to the unitary system of government in England. c. third d. tenth


Which of the following is an example of a categorical grant? a. Funds provided by Congress to the states for education in general.—Consider This: In this case the purpose is too general. b. Funds provided by Congress to the states for substance abuse prevention. c. Funds provided by Congress to the states for transportation infrastructure. d. Funds provided by Congress to the states to enhance science instruction in a low-income area.

Funds provided by Congress to the states to enhance science instruction in a low-income area.

Which of the following best exemplifies the cooperative federalism? a. New Deal legislation b. Reconstruction -Consider This: Reconstruction say the imposition of the will of the national government on the Southern states. c. Dred Scott v. Sandford d. The North American Free Trade Agreement

New Deal legislation

Which of the following is a concurrent power? a. control over the money supply—Consider This: It is the exclusive power of the national government to coin money under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. b. to regulate commerce within a state c. international trade policy d. power to tax

Power to tax

The Seventeenth Amendment gave the people the power to elect which of the following? a. state executives b. local officials c. the president—Consider This: The Electoral College remains an undemocratic aspect of the U.S. Constitution. d. senators


Which amendment gave Congress the power to levy and collect federal taxes on incomes without apportioning them among the states? a. Seventeenth b. Sixteenth c. Fourteenth—Consider This: This Amendment prohibit states from denying citizens equal protection of the laws. d. Tenth


Which of the following did Dred Scott v. Sandford address? a. education b. health care c. slavery d. voting—Consider This: Voting rights did not become an issue for the Courts until after this case.


In McCulloch v. Maryland, which clause of the U.S. Constitution did the Supreme Court interpret as preventing Maryland from taxing the national bank? a. commerce b. supremacy c. due process d. equal protection—Consider This: The Equal Protection Clause was included with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment.


Article VI of the U.S. Constitution establishes that federal law is __________ in conflicts between federal and state law. a. irrelevant b. inferior c. secondary—Consider This: American Federalism privileges the national government with respect to the structure of government power. d. supreme


The __________ Amendment states that those powers not given to the federal government and not prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved for the states and the people. a. Eighth b. Tenth c. Eleventh d. Fourteenth—Consider This: The Fourteenth Amendment was not part of the original Bill of Rights.


Under which Court did the willingness to allow Congress to regulate in a variety of areas wane? a. The Warren Court b. The Rehnquist Court c. The Burger Court d. The Roberts Court - Consider This: The current Court under Roberts has become a willing participant in the debate of federalism, although it started off with a bit of reluctance to engage in this.

The Rehnquist Court

Under the system created by the Framers, the national and state governments share power and derive all authority from __________. a. the Bill of Rights b. the Constitution—Consider This: The Constitution is the framework of government that both creates and limits the powers of government. c. the people d. the president

The people

Dillon's Rule states that all local government must be authorized by which of the following? a. the federal government—Consider This: This would be a type of power classified as reserved. b. both the federal and state governments c. the state government d. the people

The state government

How many general types of federal grants exist? a. one b. two - Consider This: Categorical and block grants are often the most well-known types of grants, but are not the only types. c. three d. four


In a(n) __________ system, local and regional governments derive authority from the national government. a. unitary b. bicameral c. confederal—Consider This: In confederal systems all power is located in the subnational units. d. federal


Prior to the ratification of the Constitution, the United States was governed by the Articles of __________. a. Confederation b. Declaration c. Federalism—Consider This: The first constitution gave sovereign power to the states without any power sharing arrangements. d. Independence

a. Confederation

What two types of powers does Congress have under Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution? a. enumerated; implied b. enumerated; suggested—Consider This: The vague language of the Constitution provides room for the interpretation of congressional powers. c. implied; explicit d. suggested; explicit

a. enumerated; implied

Dillon's Rule states __________. a. that local governments do not have any inherent sovereignty b. that state governments only have conditional sovereignty -Consider This: State governments have sovereign powers that are constitutionally protected. c. that tribal governments are sovereign d. that the federal government has coercive sovereignty

a. that local governments do not have any inherent sovereignty

A Pell grant is an example of __________. a. a block grant b. a business grant c. a categorical grant d. an unfunded mandate—Consider This: Unfunded mandates were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

an unfunded mandate

__________ is the proclaimed right of a state to declare a federal law void. a. Legislative veto—Consider This: The veto power is solely vested in the executive branch. b. Nullification c. Referendum d. Reformation

b. Nullification

The process of incorporation has resulted in the __________ of federal power. a. contraction b. expansion c. eradication - Consider This: Incorporation has resulted in binding state governments to the provisions of the U.S. Constitution. d. decimation

b. expansion

In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court __________. a. broadly interpreted the national government's power to regulate interstate commerce b. broadly interpreted the president's power to wage war—Consider This: This case represented an early attempt of the Court to interpret the Article I, Section 8 powers of Congress. c. narrowly interpreted Congress's power to make law and collect taxes d. narrowly interpreted Congress's power to oversee the executive branch

broadly interpreted the national government's power to regulate interstate commerce.

Which of the following is an enumerated power of the national government? a. creation of a national bank b. regulating guns near schools c. marriage and divorce—Consider This: The states generally have the authority to regulate the health, safety, and welfare of citizens. d. coining money

coining money

Before the ratification of the Constitution, the United States was organized as a(n) __________. a. confederation b. monarchy—Consider This: Shays' Rebellion helped illustrate the weaknesses of this particular form of government. c. oligarchy d. conglomerate


Which of the following is an implied power of the federal government? a. admitting new states b. coining money—Consider This: The power to coin money is found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. c. creating banks d. establishing federal courts

creating banks

What was the first major Supreme Court decision to define the relationship between the federal and state governments? a. Barron v. Baltimore b. Dred Scott v. Sandford—Consider This: This case occurred shortly before the outbreak of the Civil War. c. Gibbons v. Ogden d. McCulloch v. Maryland

d. McCulloch v. Maryland

The New Deal best exemplifies which type of federalism? a. dual—Consider This: Dual Federalism advocates having two clear and separate levels of government. b. layer-cake c. competitive d. cooperative

d. cooperative

Which of the following clauses requires states to return criminals to states where they have been convicted or are to stand trial? a. extradition b. commerce c. privileges and immunities d. full faith and credit—Consider This: This constitutional language ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be enforceable in another.


The __________ clause of the Constitution means that legally sanctioned marriages performed in one state should automatically be recognized by other states. a. commerce b. supremacy c. full faith and credit d. equal protection: Consider This: Marriage recognition deals directly with interstate relations.

full faith and credit

Which clause in the Constitution ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another? a. commerce—Consider This: The Commerce Clause is related to a specific power of Congress to regulate trade between the states. b. full faith and credit c. due process d. equal protection

full faith and credit

Which of the following is an example of a reserved power of the states? a. establishing a post office b. coining money c. imposing the death penalty d. conducting foreign relations—Consider This: Relations with foreign powers are exclusively the domain of the national government.

imposing the death penalty

One benefit of the federal system is the ability of the states to operate as __________ for new ideas. a. classrooms—Consider This: One benefit of federalism is that it encourages innovations in public policy. b. laboratories c. courts d. cradles


Barron v. Baltimore held that __________ is/are bound by the Bill of Rights. a. only the states b. only the federal government c. both the states and the federal government—Consider This: This did not begin to occur until after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. d. neither the states nor the federal government

only the federal government

Which of the following is a power specifically denied the states by the Constitution? a. conducting elections—Consider This: While there are both federal and state elections, the states have the power to run them both. b. establishing local governments c. passing bills of attainder d. providing for public health, safety, and morals

passing bills of attainder

What are reserved powers? a. powers specifically delegated to the national government by the Constitution b. powers specifically delegated to state governments by the Constitution c. powers that belong to the national government because they are not specifically delegated to the state governments by the Constitution—Consider This: The powers of the national government are stated in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. d. powers that belong to the states or people because they are not specifically delegated to the national government by the Constitution

powers that belong to the states or people because they are not specifically delegated to the national government by the Constitution

Which of the following best describes progressive federalism? a. pragmatic b. rigid c. rapid d. egalitarian—Consider This: Progressive federalism hopes to draw upon the strengths of both the national and state governments when solving policy problems.


In the late 1980s, what caused the Rehnquist Court to start to restrict Congress's ability to regulate various areas of the economy? a. a constitutional amendment giving the president primary authority to craft a budget b. the Court's support for states' rights c. legislation increasing the size of the Supreme Court d. the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision—Consider This: The Dred Scott decision dealt with the issue of slavery.

the Court's support for states' rights

Proponents of the "New Federalism" argue that __________. a. the power of the military should be expanded b. the power of state governments should be expanded c. the power of the federal government should be expanded—Consider This: New Federalism was heavily supported by Republicans, especially President Reagan. d. the power of Congress should be expanded

the power of state governments should be expanded

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