Chapter 3 Child Psychology

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*folic acid takes time to build up in the system so women are advised to have adequate levels in their diet prior to becoming pregnant


A score less than ____ on an apgar scale requires immediate medical attention.


Babies who are born before _____ weeks are considered to be preterm or premature

Gonadal ridges

Both male and female have two ridges of tissue called __________ from which male and female sex organs (gonads) will develop


By ____ weeks, fetus is capable of all the movements observable in infants: - Head Turning - Leg flexing - Stretching - Jaw opening - Hand-face contact - Yawning


By the end of ____ month: lungs are capable of breathing air; eyes open & can respond to light.


By the end of ____ month: many folds of the brain are present


By the end of _____ weeks, the head is erect; lower limbs are developed, ears migrate from neck to sides of the head.


If embryo is genetically male, process of sexual differentiation begins during the ___ week of life, when gonadal ridges begin to form testes.

Diabetes, metabolic imbalance, liver dysfunction

Impact of teratogens appears to increase if mother suffers from _______, _______, or ________.


Incidence of birth defects abnormally high in areas of heavy atmospheric _______


Labor may be ________ when baby is overdue or situation is life-threatening.

Folic acid

Lack of _________ may lead to defects in neural tube including spina bifida (disease of spinal cord & backbone)

Adrenaline, Cortisol

Mothers undergoing stressful conditions secrete ______ & _____ hormones which may affect motor activity of fetus.

immaturity of digestive, immune systems

Other obstacles to survival for a preterm infant is ______________ and _______________


Response to sounds from ______ months

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Risk of _________ syndrome: Underdeveloped brain, abnormally small head, eye abnormalities, congenital hear disease, malformations of the face.

20, 40

Risk of malformation is highest when mother is younger than ___ or older than ____.

Premature delivery, Low birth weight

Stress during pregnancy is associated with ________ & _________.

Low birth rate

Strong relationship between mother's negative attitude towards pregnancy & risk of __________


The amnion is surrounded by the _____ which later becomes the fetal component of the placenta.


The average length of a newborn is _____ inches long.

7, 7.5

The average weight of a newborn is ___-____ pounds.


The embryo is surrounded by the _____: tough, thin membrane that suctions the organisms, provides liquid support for weak muscles & soft bones, & gives it a medium to move around

Immaturity of the lungs

The leading cause of death among preterm infants is _____________

Folic acid, calcium, iron

Well-balance diet includes essential vitamins & minerals in addition to increased intake of ______, _____, and ___.

Germinal period, Embryonic period, Fetal period

What are the 3 periods of prenatal development?

Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex responsivity, color

What are the five assess vital signs?

Inducing labor

You can __________ by rupturing membrane of amniotic sac or by giving mother form of hormone called oxytocin to initiate contractions.

male, female

Zygotes with one X and one Y chromosomes are genetically _____. Two X chromosomes are known as genetically _______.


____ period of prenatal development begins 9th week after conception, with the first signs of the hardening of the bones and oscines until birth


____ period of prenatal development begins at conception & lasts until developing organism becomes attached to the wall of the uterus (8-10) days later


____ stage of labor occurs when the baby has emerged from the vagina & uterus contracts around its diminished contents. The placenta also separated from uterine wall, with other fetal membranes; expelled by contractions


____ weeks after conception, fetus responds to light.

Prescription drugs

_____ Drugs: Some known to cause abnormalities.


_____ is currently the 7th leading cause of death in children under age 4.

Embryonic Period

_____ period of prenatal development: Extends from time organism becomes attached to the uterus until end of 8th week of pregnancy, when all major organs have taken primitive shape.


_____ research states that newborns have certain physical characteristics which distinguish them from adults.


______ stage of labor begins as the baby is pushed headfirst through fully dilated cervix into the vagina.


_______ stage of labor begins when the uterine contraction begin to cause the cervix to dilate and it continues until the opening of the uterus into the vagina is fully dilated and connections between the bones of the pelvis become more flexible.


_______: A single cell formed at conception from the union of the sperm & the ovum. - about the size of a period on a page

Breech Position

_______: Feet or buttocks emery first; 3-4% of single births; places fetus & mother at risk for serious complications.


_______: Risk of fetal alcohol syndrome.


_______: Some studies have linked large doses with an increased rate of spontaneous abortion & low birth weight; intake should be limited.


________: Environmental agents that increase risk of deviations in normal development & can lead to serious abnormalities or death. - Drugs, infections, pollution, & radiation most common types -Greatest danger is during the first 2 weeks of life


________: Not known to produce birth defects but smoking is related to increase in rate of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, & neonatal death; low birth weight.


________: organ made up of tissue from the mother and embryo; linked to the embryo via umbilical cord.


________:Process by which developing organism becomes attached to the uterus.


_________ pattern: Development proceeds from the middle of the organism out to the periphery Ex: Spinal cord develops before arm buds


_________: Combination of features which seem to appeal to adults and evoke caregiving behaviors.

Folic Acid

__________ is essential to development of neural tube (later develops into brain & spinal cord)


__________ pattern: development proceeds from the head down. Ex: arm buds appear before leg buds


__________: May be transmitted from mother to baby via placenta barrier or by exposure to mother's infected blood during delivery

Apgar Scale

____________ is used to assess newborn's physical condition. -It is measures baby at 1 minute & again at 5 minutes.

Small for gestational age

____________: birth weight falls in lowest 10% for their gestational age.


less than ___ pounds and ___ ounces is considered low birth weight.

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