Chapter 3: Construction Projects and Players

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Give three reasons why building a library is considered a project but running the company hat did the construction is not.

1. Projects have a defined goal or objective; outcome is the built library. 2. Projects represent a specific task; building the library is a specific task, running an entire company is not. 3. Projects have a specified duration; the library will be built within a schedule, the company does not have a definitive ending. (page 32).

What is the difference between a prime contractor and a subcontractor?

A prime contractor will have a direct contract with the owner. They will hire specialty contractors, also known as subcontractors. Subcontractors are experts in specific areas of construction: electrical, plumbing, concrete, framing, and so on. (page 40).

Who is the person on the contractor's team responsible for the business end of the project?

A project manager is responsible for the business end of a project and for ensuring that the team is in compliance with all the contract requirements. The PM assembles the team, works with the superintendent to determine work sequence and scheduling milestones, submits monthly progress payments, and is typically the person who evaluates, negotiated and awards subcontracts and purchase orders. (page 39).

Who is the person on the contractor's team responsible for production?

A superintendent is at the job site and is responsible for coordinating all the production work and the daily activities. They are responsible for coordinating and managing the work, monitoring the progress, and instituting management strategies for ensuring that work progresses as intended. (page 39).

In what major way does funding differ on public and private projects?

Public owners include all public entities such as local, state, and federal governments. These projects are paid for with public funds. Because public projects are paid for with taxpayer money, they have layers of oversight that private projects typically do not. Since private owners are responsible for most of the funding, with the assistance of short-term construction loans, there are fewer regulations governing what they can do. (page 35).

Who is ultimately responsible to the owner if a subcontractor does unacceptable work?

The general contractor is ultimately responsible for any unacceptable work completed by a subcontractor.

An electrician is required on a project. Who would hire this specialty contractor?

The general contractor would subcontract the electrician, to complete a specific task within his area of expertise. (page 37).

Supplier (vendor)

a company that manufacturers, distributes, or supplies products and services to a contractor

Second-tier subcontractor

a contractor hired by a subcontractor to perform specialty work on a project. Second-tier subcontractors may hire their own specialty contractors (third-tier subcontractors).

Prime contractor

a contractor who has a direct contact with an owner

Specialty contractor (trade contractor)

a contractor who performs specialized activities.

Subcontractor (sub)

a person who has a contract with another contractor. In construction, subcontractors are specialty trade contractors.


a practice that involves a formal review of all parts of a building's systems to ensure that the project meets (and will continue to meet) certain energy objectives.

Public owner

a public entity such as a local, state, or federal government, or a certain institution, whose project is paid for with public funds.

First-tier subcontractor

a specialty contractor hired by a general contractor to perform specialty work on a project. First-tier subcontractors may hire their own specialty contractors (second-tier subcontractors).


a timetable, typically shown in graphic form, that describes the order in which project activities will happen, details how long each activity will take, and tracks the progress of the work.


a unique activity that has a beginning and an end, uses resources, is not routinely done, and requires managing.

Authority having jurisdiciton (AHJ)

an agency with designated authority to provide compliance inspections and approval for a project. Local building departments are often the AHJ.

General contractor (GC)

an individual or firm hired by and responsible to an owner for coordinating the completion of a construction project. The GC hires subcontractors and suppliers.


an individual, organization, corporation, business, or public agency that comes up with a project concept or idea, establishes the time and budget constraints, provides the site, figures out how to pay for the project, and hires many of the people who will help to make it happen.

Private owner

an individual, organization, corporation, or business that pays for a project (typically, through short-term construction loans) without using public dollars.

What are the general responsibilities of the contractor's team?

coordinates and is responsible for the physical work as well as the performance of subcontractors and product suppliers. (page 33).

What are the general responsibilities of the owner's team?

establishes the project goals, determines the budget and finances the cost, identifies key dates, provides the site, and selects the other major players. (page 33).

Contractors (constructors or builders)

individuals or firms that agree to construct something in accordance with contract documents.


licensed professionals (architects or engineers) who provide planning, design, and construction administration services for a project. Architects are typically the designers of buildings; engineers typically design infrastructure and complex commercial and industrial projects.


one who calculates the probable cost of something.

What are the general responsibilities of the designer's team?

provides planning and design services, and administers the construction contract between the owner and the contractor. (page 33).

Constructibility review

review of materials, systems, and installation methodologies by experienced contractors to ensure that a project can be built efficiently.

Project manager

the member of the construction team who is responsible for the business end of the project, in contrast to the superintendent who is responsible for production.


the person responsible for direct supervision of a contractor's workers


the person responsible for the production of the project

Construction Management

the process of coordinating, monitoring, evaluating, and controlling a project; also a project delivery method; not to be confused with the specific delivery method known as CM.

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