Chapter 3 FUNGI

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1) A small cell grows from the body of a large, well fed cell 2) The fungi that are reproduced by asexual reproduction are GENETICALLY IDENTICAL TO THE PARENT

What foods are made with Fungi?

1) Bread - yeast cells feed on the sugar in dough produce carbon dioxide which makes the bread rise 2)Wine - yeast cells feed on the sugar in the grapes helping produce carbon dioxide and alcohol

What are Fungi?

1) Eukaryotes with cells walls 2) Heterotrophs that absorb their food 3) Use spores to reproduce 4) Need moist, warm places to grown

What are the 3 ways that Fungi Reproduce?


What is the cell structure of Fungi?

1) Some are Unicellular (yeasts) 2) Some are Multicellular (mushrooms) 3) All fungi have cell walls 4) Most fungi are arranged in structures called HYPHAE

WHAT happens during Fungi SEXUAL REPRODUCTION?

1) The HYPHAE of two fungi grow together and exchange genetic material. 2) A new reproduction structure develops from the joined Hyphae and it produces SPORES. 3) The SPORES develop and are GENETICALLY DIFFERENT FROM EITHER PARENT FUNGI.

What are the 3 Classifications/Groups of Fungi?

1)SAC FUNGI- largest group examples: yeast, morels, truffles and the fungi that make up lichens 2)CLUB FUNGUS - most poisonous examples: mushrooms, bracket fungi, rust and puffballs 3)ZYGOTE FUNGUS - many fruit and bread molds example: Rhizomes

What is a LICHEN?

A Fungus living in a MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP with either Algae or autotrophic bacteria. The Lichen breaks down the rock into soil in which other organisms can grow.

How are Fungi Classified?


What plant disease does SAC FUNGUS cause?

Dutch Elm disease

What are the structures called that fungi reproduce spores in?


How does Fungi reproduce by Asexual Reproduction?

Fungi called UNICELLULAR YEASTS use a form of asexual reproduction called BUDDING.

What is the role of Fungi in Nature?

Fungi play important role as DECOMPOSERS AND RECYCLERS. Some Fungi are food. Some cause disease and some help fight disease.


HYPHAE are the branching, thread-like tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi.

What determines what a fungus looks like?

How the HYPHAE are arranged determines what a fungus looks like.

How are Fungi DECOMPOSERS?

Like bacteria, Fungi breaks down the chemicals in dead organisms. This returns nutrients to the soil. Without fungi, earth with be piled up with dead plants and animals.

What Fungi do people eat?

Mushrooms and Blue Cheese

What is the name of the first antibiotic which was made from Fungi?

PENICILLIN. In 1928, a biologist named Fleming noticed that no bacteria were growing near a bluish green spot of mold in a petri dish.

What human diseases are caused by Fungi?

Ringworm and Athlete's Foot. The fungi that causes these diseases produces spores. This makes the disease contagious. The diseases are treated with anti-fungal medications.

True or False: Fungi can cause diseases in cotton, soybeans and other crops.


True or False: Lichens are called PIONEER organisms because they are often the first to develop on rocks after a volcanic eruption or fire.


True or False: Lichens are very sensitive to pollution so they are useful indicators of air pollution.


True or False: Many fungi are are parasites that cause disease in plants.


True or False: Since the discovery of Penicillin, many other antibiotics have been made using bacteria and fungi?


How does fungi reproduce by making spores?

The lightweight spores are surrounded by a protective covering and can be carried by the wind or water to new sites.

As Heterotrophs, how do fungi obtain food?

They do not eat the way that animals do. The fungi grows its HYPHAE into the food. The digestive chemicals break down the food so that it can be ABSORBED BY THE HYPHAE.

True or False: Club Fungi cause CORN SMUT AND WHEAT RUST.


WHEN does SEXUAL REPRODUCTION occur with Fungi?

When conditions become harsh/unfavorable.

Do Fungi live in symbiosis with other organisms?


Do some Fungi and Plant Roots live is SYMBIOTIC MUTUALISTIC relationships?

YES. The HYPHAE of the fungi grown among the roots of the plants helping the plants absorb more water and nutrients from the soil. The plant grows larger. The fungus feeds on the extra food the plant stores. This is a mutually beneficial relationship between the Fungi and the Plant Roots.

Are fungi decomposers in the environment?

Yes, some fungi feed on dead remains.

Are some fungi parasites?


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