Chapter 3 Personal Health and Regulatory Standards

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MSDS Sheets

(Material Safety Data Sheets) contains critical information related to the hazards, exposure levels, and symptoms associated with the materials or substances used int he work place.


(Permissible exposure limit also called TWA) Average exposure over 8 hours that is allowed by OSHA or state government (0.75ppm)

TWA (Time weighted Average)

0.5ppm over an 8 hour period

What factors determine the number of air exchanges per hour in the prep room?

1. Contents of room 2. Whether more than one embalming is happening at the same time. 3. The shape of the room. 4. Other factors such as cold or hot weather, preference of the embalmer. a Minimum of 15 air exchanges per hour is currently recommended per NFDA

Respirator Standard

1. Employees must be fit-tested to see if a respirator is appropriate for them. 2. A personal respirator must be fitted to each individual employee and refitted regularly.

Three categories of training required under the Formaldehyde Standard?

1. Employers introduce employees who have occupational exposure to the MSDS sheets. 2. Identify the means by which employees have access to the information contained in the MSDS sheets. 3. Employees must also receive annual updates at interval of not greater than one year.

What are the two main requirements of the hazard communication Rule?

1. Employers must communicate to employees the dangers that exist in the workplace as a result of hazardous substances or materials. 2. Employers must train employees int he safe use and handling of hazardous substances or materials.

What are the 5 work practice controls that would contribute to hygienic environment in the embalming room?

A. hand washing B. Proper handling and disposal of contaminated waste and sharps. C. Avoid splashing, spraying, or splattering when working with potentially infectious agents. D. Consistent and proper use of PPE Adequate housekeeping including a written record of housekeeping provisions.

At what concentration does formaldehyde vapor in a room constitute a potential health hazard to the embalmer?

Action level at 0.5ppm

Biological Hazard

Biological agent or condition that constitutes a hazard to humans.

Work Practice Controls

Common work practices that contribute to a hygienic environment to avoid unnecessary or excessive exposure to infectious agents such as hand washing, proper handling of contaminated waste or sharps etc.


Destruction and or inhibition of most pathogenic organisms and their products in or on the body.


Dispersal as an aerosol. Minute particles of blood and water become atomized and suspended in air when water under pressure meet the blood drainage or when flushing and uncovered flush sink.

Time weighted average at or above 0.75

Employers are required to 1. Post formaldehyde warning signs in and around the work areas 2. Begin medical surveillance 3. Provide respirators for employees who are assigned to work in the posted area

Short Term Exposure Level (STEL)

Employers are required to sample for airborne concentrations of formaldehyde over a 15 minute period. if it is at or above 2ppm, the permissible exposure limit has been reached and employer is required to 1. Use formaldehyde warning signs 2. begin medical surveillance 3. require employees to wear respirators


Freedom from infection and any form of life; sterility.

What is the purpose of gloves in the embalming room

Gloves has a squeegee effect. Always use double gloves and wear Nitrile gloves against skin. Prevents allergic reactions and Formaldehyde cannot penetrate Nitrile. Latex is porous.

What is the song recommended an embalmer sing while washing his/her hands to ensure adequate time is given.

Happy Birthday


Inhibiting the growth or multiplication of bacteria (no destruction of viability implied)


Occupational Safety and Heath Administration.

Formaldehyde Standard

Part of the federal OSHA requirements aimed at specifically addressing hazards associated with exposure to formaldehyde, formaldehyde gas, its solutions and materials that released formaldehyde, employers must monitor employees to determine how much exposure exists in the workplace. Exposure monitoring is accomplished by sampling the air in work spaces where formaldehyde is used.

Airborne Pathogen

Pathogens in the air

Engineering Controls

Systems and devices engineered into the architecture of a building; for example, ventilation and exhaust systems and sanitary plumbing.

Terminal disinfection/decontamination

The cleaning and disinfection of the body, instruments, and embalming room following embalming of the body.

Concurrent disinfection/decontamination

The cleaning of the body and instruments at the time of embalming the body.

Action Level

The specific point at which an 8 - hour exposure is unsafe (0.5ppm) The formaldehyde standard is the level at which periodic monitoring for formaldehyde becomes necessary and at which medical surveillance becomes necessary.


The use of physical, chemical or other means to remove, inactivate, or destroy harmful microrganisms or chemicals from a surface.

What is the basic premise of universal precautions?

To treat all human remains as if they were all infected with HIV, HBV, or other pathogens. he embalmer should treat all bodies with the same caution that would be applied for extremely hazardous, potentially fatal infections.

Exposure Control Plan

Under the blood borne pathogen rule, employers are required to conduct an evaluation of their work place to determine if employees have occupational exposure to infectious agents regulated by OSHA, if such an exposure exists, a written Exposure Control Plan must be developed to control, minimize, or eliminate employee exposure. It must be accessible to employees, are to be reviewed and updated once per year, so changes in personnel, procedures, and/or work assignments can be documented. Must contain the minimum documentation required includes exposure determination, methods of compliance, hepatitis B vaccinations and post exposure evaluations and follow up, hazard communication and record keeping.

Examples of Engineering controls

Vacuum breakers on main water line leading into building Vacuum breakers on hydro-aspirators. discharge basins/flush sinks having suitable water source for prep table having a proper eyewash station Having proper shower room facilities for embalmers for use after embalming is completed.

Universal Precautions

Wearing protective gear to prevent exposure to infectious agents

Blood Borne Pathogen Rule

administered by the Department of Labor through OSHA which is directly applicable to occupations and professions including funeral service, where employees are exposed to infectious agents. Employers are required to conduct an evaluation of their workplace to determine if employees have occupational exposure to infectious agent's regulated by OSHA.


an agent usually chemical, applied either to inanimate objects/surfaces for the purpose of destroying disease-causing microbial agents, but usually not bacterial spores.


an agent, usually chemical that possesses disinfecting properties when applied to a pre-cleaned object or surface.

Employee Right to know laws

an emerging area of legislation on the local and state levels is right to know legislation, this is directed at employers to post information warning employees of chemicals that may be hazardous or harmful to their health and well-being.


destructive to bacteria.

Cold Chemical Sterilant

formulations containing gluteraldehyde or alkalinized glutarldehyde or formaldehyde in methanol as their active ingredients to clean instruments.

Blood Borne Pathogen

microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Hazard Communication Rule

requires that employers communicate to employees the dangers that exist in the workplace as a result of hazardous substances or materials, and directs employers to train employees in the safe use and handling of hazardous substances or materials. Any chemical or mixtures of chemicals that expose employees to a health or physical risk are considered to be hazardous.

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