Chapter 3-Structure of a neuron

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Proteins on the cell surface where Nuero transmitters attach,vary in shape, with different shapes "matching" differ at neurotransmitters


Bumps on the brain

Semipermeable membrane

Allows smaller molecules and molecules without an electrical charge to pass through it, while stopping larger or highly charged molecules

Semipermeable membrane

Neurons out surface of made up of this __________ membrane

Psychotropic medications

Are drugs that treat psychiatric symptoms by restoring neurotransmitter balance

Resting potential

Between signals the neuron membranes potential is held in a state of readiness

Myelin sheath

Coats the axon and acts as an insulator, increasing the speed at which the signal travels

Autonomic nervous system

Controls the function of our organs and glands and can be divided into sympathetic & parasympathetic divisions


Grooves on the brain

Broca's area

In the frontal lobe --- essential for language production

Prefrontal cortex

In the frontal lobe- responsible for higher- level cognitive functioning

Frontal lobe

Involved in reasoning,motor control , emotion and language

Somatic nervous system

Involved in the relay of sensory and motor info to and from the CNS Consists of motor neurons and sensory neurons


Involves moving a neurotransmitter from the synapse back into the axon terminal from which it was released


Is a very small a very small space between two neurons and is an important site where communication between neurons occur.

Myelin sheath

Is crucial for the normal operation of the neurons within the nervous system


Is made up of thick bundles of axons(nerves) carrying messages back and forth between the CNS and the muscles organs and senses in the periphery of the body.

Nervous system

Neurons are the central building blocks of the ____________

Glial cells

Provide scaffolding on which the nervous system is built, help neurons line up closely with each other to allow neuronal communication, provide insulation to neurons, transport nutrients and waste products, and mediate immune responses.


Range in length from a fraction of an inch to several feet


Serve as interconnected information processors that are essential for all of the tasks of the nervous system

Cerebral cortex


Somatic & Autonomic

The PNS has 2 major subdivisions _____& _____

Longitudinal fissure

The deep groove that separates the brain into 2 halves

Charged molecules (ions)

The electrical charge of the fluids is caused by_________ dissolved in the fluid

Action potential

The electrical signal that typically moves from the cell body down the axon to the axon terminals

Central & peripheral

The nervous system can be dived into two parts

Glial cells & neurons

The nervous system is composed of two basic cell types _____ & ______

Extra cellular & inracellular

The neuron exists in a fluid environment it is surrounded by _______ fluid & filled with _______ fluid

Membrane potential

The neuronal keeps the extra cellular and intracellular fluid separate-- a critical role because the electrical signal that passes through the neuron depends on these two fluids being electrically different

Lock & key

The neurotransmitter and the receptors have what is know as a _____ & ______


The nucleas of thr neuron is located in the _________?

Cerebral cortex

The outer surface of the brain


The soma has branching extensions known as the _________?

Synaptic vesicles

The terminal buttons contain __________ that house Neurotransmitters(the chemical messengers of the nervous system

Corpus callosum

The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by this, allows the 2 hemispheres to communicate with each other

Terminal buttons

These signals are transmitted electrically across the soma and down a major extension from the soma known as the axon which ends at multiple ___________

Motor cortex

This is in the frontal lobe, involves planning and coordinating movement


_______ serves as input sites where signals are received from other neurons.

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